Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by CP1708

I don't know what that dude, or JA are talkin about.  The replay value of that film is fine.  Course you know the twists and what not, but the performances were just as good. 

It wasn't the 5 minutes and Drew was dead JA, it was what was said, and how it was said.  It was the game that was played, the voice, the questions and of course the "trick" answer that wasn't a trick at all.  And the fact that it was Drew Barrymore getting cut up like that, her parents seeing the image of her on the tree, it was amazing. 

Are you tellin me that when you saw it in 96, you didn't like it, and you felt made fun of by Craven?  Is that what you are saying?  You didn't enjoy those 2 hours?  Cuz of some names, and tongue in cheek dialogue? 
When I saw it, I wasn't 45 like you were.
. I was 8 years old. I couldn't appreciate it more than just another campy fun flick. Now that I look back on it, it's okay, it's just not what it's cracked up to be. I have a feeling that won't happen with Cabin just because that's how the film plays out, you know from the get-go what you're getting into, and it's not simply just stating facts from horror films, it plays with the conventions without telling you exactly what those conventions are and that's what makes Scream for me just a little too much. Instead of saying "Hey, here's a cliche that we've seen dozens of times, we'll do it again!" Cabin does it without being so stale about it.

I'm sorry, maybe it's just all the parodies of it, but that opening scene with all the questions and whatnot, it's a snoozefest. Great dialogue in a movie remains great despite repeated viewings. I don't get that with Scream. It's not tongue-in-cheek, but to most genre-fans, which admittedly I am more than a "film buff," it was an unnecessary play on how the horror genre is run. Like I said, the film itself with all it's drama and suspense? It's not bad, no. But the satire to it? I could have honestly done with it. I don't need a serial killer to remind me that Pamela Vorhees was the killer in Friday the 13th and not Jason, thanks movie.

Zombieland wasn't trying to make a statement about zombie films like Scream was with slasher flicks, it was more in the realm of Return of the Living Dead, which probably no one has ever seen,
. Or hell, obviously a lot of people have seen Shaun of the Dead, it's much more like that than a satire. Movies like Zombieland, and Shaun of the Dead are homages to zombie films. Scream is a satire. Tone has a lot to do with the film. Tell me how often Zombieland took itself seriously compared to Scream. It's just not the same to me, that's all. Zombieland isn't one of the greatest zombie films ever, definitely not, but it's a fun twist on the norm, yes. If I want a straight zombie film in modern day, I'll watch 28 Days Later or The Dead (the latter which made zombies scary again for me). Zombieland is considered to be one of the better zombie films just because there haven't been very many good zombie films recently. Since 1990, what's there been? By most peoples standards, a whole bunch of $%%!, a remake of Dawn, George A. Romero falling on his @*!, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, and Zombieland.

Or hell, Planet Terror was much better than Zombieland. I probably haven't liked a horror movie come to the big screen this much since Grindhouse, and before that Shaun of the Dead, and before that 28 Days Later.

Cabin can be viewed as a satire too, but you really need to see it before we compare Scream and Cabin any further, because some of the $%%! is so far from left-field that it really IS hard to compare the two.

But, if you really want to continue this, remember my favorite flick is

So you gotta take what I say with a grain of salt, like I'm sure you normally do, but Cabin is a damn fun movie that's getting wide positive reviews EVERYWHERE. I honestly have never seen a straight dark horror film get this rave of a review ever. A 90+% on RT? In these days? No way. And I agree with them, this is a wild flick.
Grindhouse was one of the best movie watching experiences of my life.  4+ hours of bliss for me.  The fake previews, the way both movies were done, all phenomenal. 

Dawn remake >>>>>>> OG Dawn.  Hands down. 

I think you're way off base on Scream JA.  You say you don't need a serial killer to remind you of Pamela Vorhees, but every single souls first millisecond answer to that question was Jason, after that breif moment, that's where you know, $$!* he's got her.  Don't act like you said Pamela immediately douche bag. 
  Point of the matter is, not all film history buffs would get that either, the majority of late night horror watchers would get that wrong as well, you hear Friday 13th, you associate Jason, not Pamela.  Spin it how you like, that's the truth.  And they played on that, and did it perfectly well. 
The commentary in the bathroom when the hot cheerleader is talkin to the other vixen and says that today's kids find homicide much more therapeutic and healthier expression, such a well done scene. 
The kids running thru the halls in Scream masks and everybody laughin about it, even tho their own friends had been murdered. 

That's not talking down to an audience, that's real life after 2000 whatever.  You have this nostalgic view of 70's horror classics where the tricks where short shorts and smoke grass and all go to the lake where like 400 people have been killed but the kids keep going, etc.  Where slow +@% zombies kill kids in their 20's that can run circles around those idiots but still get caught. 
  Scream upped the ante.  It gave you real folks, where it's a thinking mans game at hand.  Not some kid that drown 30 years ago, but still lives.  Or some dude from a nightmare.  Or a guy that walks after his victims, while everyone else runs, but he still catches them.  Scream came at that angle with 2 killers, to easily explain how ghostface could always be at the right place, at the right time.  And no one had one single clue til it was revealed.  And you try to sit there and tell me that it was satire and talked down to you and all that. 

I dunno man.  I know you're hype on Cabin right now, but I think you need to re-evaluate the way you view Scream. 
not gonna lie, I had to stop reading at "I thought 'what's your favorite scary movie' part of Scream was stupid, so I don't like the movie."

woosaa...he hates Eternal Sunshine...woosaa

Planet Terror and all of Grindhouse was amazing to see in theaters, but that movie has very little replay value to me.
Zombieland is forever though. And 'much better' =/= apples and oranges.

edit: Damn yall are old...I have a nostalgic feeling towards Scream.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Or hell, Planet Terror was much better than Zombieland.
I don't know my friend, Planet Terror was exploitation heaven. Apples and oranges maybe, but I loved Planet Terror.

From the man who brought you "Drive is a good movie" comes "Zombieland is better than Planet Terror"
Originally Posted by CP1708

Dawn remake >>>>>>> OG Dawn.  Hands down. 

I think you're way off base on Scream JA.  You say you don't need a serial killer to remind you of Pamela Vorhees, but every single souls first millisecond answer to that question was Jason, after that breif moment, that's where you know, $$!* he's got her.  Don't act like you said Pamela immediately douche bag. 
  Point of the matter is, not all film history buffs would get that either, the majority of late night horror watchers would get that wrong as well, you hear Friday 13th, you associate Jason, not Pamela.  Spin it how you like, that's the truth.  And they played on that, and did it perfectly well. 
The commentary in the bathroom when the hot cheerleader is talkin to the other vixen and says that today's kids find homicide much more therapeutic and healthier expression, such a well done scene. 
The kids running thru the halls in Scream masks and everybody laughin about it, even tho their own friends had been murdered. 

That's not talking down to an audience, that's real life after 2000 whatever.  You have this nostalgic view of 70's horror classics where the tricks where short shorts and smoke grass and all go to the lake where like 400 people have been killed but the kids keep going, etc.  Where slow +@% zombies kill kids in their 20's that can run circles around those idiots but still get caught. 
  Scream upped the ante.  It gave you real folks, where it's a thinking mans game at hand.  Not some kid that drown 30 years ago, but still lives.  Or some dude from a nightmare.  Or a guy that walks after his victims, while everyone else runs, but he still catches them.  Scream came at that angle with 2 killers, to easily explain how ghostface could always be at the right place, at the right time.  And no one had one single clue til it was revealed.  And you try to sit there and tell me that it was satire and talked down to you and all that. 

I dunno man.  I know you're hype on Cabin right now, but I think you need to re-evaluate the way you view Scream. 
What makes you enjoy Dawn remake better than OG Dawn? George A. Romero was the first director to really make statements about politics in the horror genre. Case and point, Dawn of the Dead (original) was a commentary on consumerism. It was a romp, it was fun, it was gory, and you actually gave a $$!# about the characters. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Dawn remake as well, but it isn't better than 28 Days Later or the original Dawn of the Dead. What makes it so good? Because the zombies run fast? In the original Dawn of the Dead, just as many people kill people as zombies kill people. Slow **! zombies = bad movie? You want fast zombies go watch Return of the Living Dead, where they did it right, 20 years earlier.

And you haven't been getting my point about Scream. Where did I ever say it was a bad movie? You're talking to me like I said it was a bad film. I didn't. I just don't buy the dialogue that makes the audience look so damn stupid all the time. It's catered to the average movie-goer who just wants to go get scared at movies again, just like The Grudge, and just like The Ring did. If you actually watched each Friday the 13th movie, Pamela Vorhees is the entire reasoning behind Jason killing. Jason kills because his mother told him to, because they killed his mother. That's his drive. I've watched the original Friday ten trillion times more than I've watched the sequels, because it was done right. Don't give me this $$!# that every single souls instinctual answer is to say Jason, because it's not. Now I know it's harder to say because of Scream, but you don't know the horror community, they go nuts on the trivia and facts just as much as Trekkies or Star Wars nerds do. Late night film watchers seeing Scream? Yeah, they probably would say Jason. But, that's not what my point has ever been. To the horror community, scenes like that, the scene where they all gather around and watch Halloween, that's the $$!# that we don't like. Cool movie, you tell us what we already know, neat. It's only the truth because that's what you want to believe. But as a fan of horror, someone asks you who the killer was in Friday the 13th, you say Pamela Vorhees, because it started the whole damn thing. Maybe it was me watching Monstervision on TNT too much as a kid, where they showed Friday the 13th all the damn time, but Pamela Vorhees came up a whole hell of a lot more than you would think.

I get it, you don't like the supernatural aspect to horror films and that's why you like Scream. Cool, it's like real life man! Crazy! Two killers! Cool. But that's not what horror fans are really about. We like our drowned kid killer, we like the guy that stalks our nightmares, we like our zombies walking slow, thank you very much douche.

not gonna lie, I had to stop reading at "I thought 'what's your favorite scary movie' part of Scream was stupid, so I don't like the movie."

Again, never said I didn't like the movie, I do, but there are definitely parts I don't like. I don't have to like every part of a movie, and I didn't with Scream. I still enjoy it, I enjoy all of them actually, but I just don't like how Scream played out as a trivia game sometimes, a trivia game where your novice movie-goer gets tricked, while your die-hards roll their eyes.

Planet Terror and all of Grindhouse was amazing to see in theaters, but that movie has very little replay value to me.
Zombieland is forever though. And 'much better' =/= apples and oranges.

Disagree, completely apples and oranges. Grindhouse was an exploitation ride for the ages. Zombieland was a fun, comedic twist on the zombie genre. It's not like comparing Goodfellas to Casino, or Nightmare on Elm St. to Friday the 13th.

Planet Terror (because I know a lot of people didn't like Death Proof) was so over the top in tone, gore, and violence in general that it was a romp. Just a completely wild ride. Zombieland is more of a character-story with laughs mixed in, and zombies mixed in as well. It's a comedy before it's a horror movie, as is Shaun of the Dead.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by MrONegative

woosaa...he hates Eternal Sunshine...woosaa
I want to go back and read through all of that again
it was hilarious
I said recently I wanted to go back and watch it, because I watched it when I was 15, prime time for me to just love everything related to horror, and that didn't really do it for me then, but I'm interested in seeing it again.
but you don't know the horror community,
Sound like a bunch of tards so far. 

And I didn't say I don't like supernatural, simply saying the difference in the movies we are discussing and what you are bashing Scream about, could apply in reverse as well, for other reasons.  The dialogue of Scream is undoubtedly >>>>>>>>>70's/80's horror flicks.  Dialogue was terrible in those movies, minus a few good moments here and there.  But here you are dissing the dialogue of Scream? 

Slow #%% zombies = zzzzzzzzzzzzz.  That movie was terrible compared to what they do today.  I get that it was the start of it all, and deserves that credit, no doubt, but to say it's just as good today as anything else, no.  No way.  I know, I don't belong to your club, so I guess my opinion sucks, but you guys can be "scared" of dead folks inchin along at half a mile and hour, meanwhile I'll be pissin my pants watchin these Carl Lewis type @*+#@++%$*#%% chasin cars down the streets on foot. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

but you don't know the horror community,
Sound like a bunch of tards so far. 

And I didn't say I don't like supernatural, simply saying the difference in the movies we are discussing and what you are bashing Scream about, could apply in reverse as well, for other reasons.  The dialogue of Scream is undoubtedly >>>>>>>>>70's/80's horror flicks.  Dialogue was terrible in those movies, minus a few good moments here and there.  But here you are dissing the dialogue of Scream? 

Slow #%% zombies = zzzzzzzzzzzzz.  That movie was terrible compared to what they do today.  I get that it was the start of it all, and deserves that credit, no doubt, but to say it's just as good today as anything else, no.  No way.  I know, I don't belong to your club, so I guess my opinion sucks, but you guys can be "scared" of dead folks inchin along at half a mile and hour, meanwhile I'll be pissin my pants watchin these Carl Lewis type @*+#@++%$*#%% chasin cars down the streets on foot. 

So what's your point about Scream then? It's obvious a play on the supernatural slashers that made Wes Craven, Sean Cunningham, and John Carpenter famous. I'm dissing the dialogue that !%%% on all the other slasher movies of the 70's and 80's. Halloween was a smash hit because of it's suspense, not because of it's dialogue. I know that 95% of all those old slasher movies were terrible in terms of script and performances, but that's not why we enjoyed them. And if you're going to sit here and talk mess about the horror community I was trying to explain about then you're a lost cause. I'm sitting here trying to tell you why a lot of genre-fans didn't like Scream.

What we don't like is that it mocks the genre. That's what we don't enjoy. As a slasher film? Take out all that #%$!+@+$? Cool, it's fine. All the !%%% you're defending it for is what we DO like about the film, but it's that it DOES mock the genre, that's what pisses us off. If you can't see that, well you are blinder than a bat. It's a smug-@$@ film when it really wants to be, and that's what we don't like.


That !%%%, that self-defecating crap, you can't tell me that's mocking the genre. There's no subtlety to that at all.

"How can you watch this !%%% over and over?" Direct disrespect to the fans that DO watch Halloween over and over.

Talking about the virgin surviving, talking about "the rules," #%$!+@+$ man.. Straight #%$!+@+$. Ain't nothing clever or unique about that dialogue either, that right there, that's what pisses us off.

28 Days Later did the running zombies (whether they are zombies or not is another story for another day) SO much better because you actually gave a !%%% about the characters. If you don't want to accept Dawn of the Dead as a classic, and acknowledge it's probably the best zombie film ever, fine. But 28 Days Later is vastly superior to Dawn in my eyes, hands fricking down.
But you say that Wes Craven is *+!#%$$@ on his own genre? 
  He's just as big with Nightmare as Carp is, why would Craven talk mess about his own peeps?  That's what I'm not buying from you, I don't think Wes was doin that at all.  Some tongue in cheek, sure, but talking down to you guys, naw. 

That clip you just posted, lemme ask you something.  Randy act like any horror dudes you know? 
  Dude all throughout the movie is a HUGE horror movie buff, he even goes on to add to it in Scream 2 and 3.  You sayin that you in the horror community don't talk about the rules, know the rules, speak the rules to others that don't know, like he just did to those guys?  Yet you feel dirty about it? 

rck2, I am PUMPED for this film.  And for all of you that don't go in the thread in general, a dude went in and said he read a preview for it, and in the preview they gave away a major spoiler, so listen to me now, DO NOT READ ANYTHING before May 4.  People throwin spoilers out for no damn reason, so everyone just do your thing without readin up on it. 
That clip you just posted, lemme ask you something. Randy act like any horror dudes you know? smiley: nerd Dude all throughout the movie is a HUGE horror movie buff, he even goes on to add to it in Scream 2 and 3. You sayin that you in the horror community don't talk about the rules, know the rules, speak the rules to others that don't know, like he just did to those guys? Yet you feel dirty about it?

Rules? No, not at all. +!#% that noise.
. That's the general movie-goer audience right there, the ones that go see The Ring, The Grudge, etc. That's pompous and arrogant. We talk about the suspense built in Halloween because of how mysterious Michael Myers was, we talk about how creepy Freddy Krueger was because of how grotesque and crazy his kills were, we talk about Friday the 13th because of how gory and how scary it was to not know who the killer was, we talk about the commentary on society in zombie films. We don't talk about the virgins surviving and the potheads getting slaughtered. Maybe in the 70s and 80s, but we're much more sophisticated than that. When I first saw those films? Maybe, but also my favorite films when I was a kid were Home Alone and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

If we cared about that #+!%#%#@, then why would movies like Halloween and the original Dawn of the Dead normally be considered the best horror films ever? Sure there's sex in Halloween, but that's the most forgettable part about Halloween. Is that context there in most slasher films? Sure, but that's not why we like the genre. If it's anything that horror fans are picky on, it's the gore. Not the #!$%, not the potheads, not the alcohol.

All of the classic genre directors go to %@**. Every single one of them. You find me a genre director that isn't %@** now, I'll be damn impressed. John Carpenter? Crap. Wes Craven? Crap. George A. Romero? Crap. They just can't make good films anymore. Sam Raimi might be the exception with Drag Me to Hell, but that's a mixed bag. Each horror genre director goes through phases. They start out on top of the world, but they try to mix things up, or don't mix things up enough, and the films they create are pretty bad.

Wes: All the Scream sequels, My Soul to Take.
John Carpenter: The Ward, Ghosts of Mars, Vampires.
George Romero: Survival of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, Bruiser, The Dark Half.
Tobe Hooper: All the %@** he's put out recently.

You're stereotyping us into a corner that we didn't paint ourselves into, Wes Craven did. He pointed out things that are cliches in the films we see, yes, but that's not what we care about. That's what your average teenager wants to see.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Is everyone else this high on Scream? CP is talking like it's one of the best horror films ever made..
It was great.
top 10 90's horror
There were more influential original films like Blair Witch but you cant tell me the mask from Scream wasn't seen at every Elementary/Middle school Halloween event.
Anyone like The Craft
Dat Cast
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Noskey

I don't know my friend, Planet Terror was exploitation heaven. Apples and oranges maybe, but I loved Planet Terror.

From the man who brought you "Drive is a good movie" comes "Zombieland is better than Planet Terror"
Drive is a good movie.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Is everyone else this high on Scream? CP is talking like it's one of the best horror films ever made..
It was great.
top 10 90's horror
There were more influential original films like Blair Witch but you cant tell me the mask from Scream wasn't seen at every Elementary/Middle school Halloween event.
Anyone like The Craft
Dat Cast
The 90s were a cesspool for terrible horror films in general. It's top 10 because there aren't 10 good movies worth mentioning.
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