Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Noskey

I don't know my friend, Planet Terror was exploitation heaven. Apples and oranges maybe, but I loved Planet Terror.

From the man who brought you "Drive is a good movie" comes "Zombieland is better than Planet Terror"
And both of my statements are correct

I liked Planet Terror. A lot. But Zombieland is the superior movie. Planet Terror had Fergie in it.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Is everyone else this high on Scream? CP is talking like it's one of the best horror films ever made..
It was great.
top 10 90's horror
There were more influential original films like Blair Witch but you cant tell me the mask from Scream wasn't seen at every Elementary/Middle school Halloween event.
Anyone like The Craft
Dat Cast
The 90s were a cesspool for terrible horror films in general. It's top 10 because there aren't 10 good movies worth mentioning.
I wouldn't go that far. There were very good films:
From Dusk Til Dawn
Jack Frost

It;s not the 80's but there were classic ones. If theres one thing I hate about rental stores closing it is scanning all the covers
BTW , you're the guy with the large horror dvd collection right?
Jack Frost? Really?

There were great films, yes, but there weren't countless classics.

70's and 80's were primetime for horror.

Don't get me wrong, there were some great ones (From Dusk Till Dawn, Dead Alive, Jacob's Ladder, Silence of the Lambs, Scream, Sleepy Hollow, Bram Stoker's Drac), but none of those, are in my opinion, come close to most of the more remembered films of the 70s and 80s (Chainsaw, Nightmare, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Hellraiser, Dawn of the Dead, The Exorcist, etc).
I just watched Saw for the first time in years... Dammit how did it start out on such a high and fall off so hard.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I just watched Saw for the first time in years... Dammit how did it start out on such a high and fall off so hard.
I thought the first Saw was excellent. It paved the way for having annual horror films again, but as is the usual, they do fall off pretty hard. I enjoyed came pretty mediocre after that, although I kept watching just to see the end of the story, and Costas was kind of cool.
I watched the first and second and gave the third about half an hour, and never saw another one.

As far as scary movies go, I always really enjoyed The Descent...
The Descent was one of the better actual "scary," horror films to come out recently. I was also surprised at how well made The Last Exorcism was. Horror has really picked up since the drought in the 1990s. A lot of that has to do with foreign horror. They really upped the ante recently.
The Descent was easily one of my top 3 non-zombie horror movie of the 00's. That *+%# was crazy the first time I saw it. The claustrophobic nature of the film sets it above other horrors for me, I think.

Foreign horror
Eden Lake
Ils (Them)

Dogtooth is its own special brand of "horror."

I know Nos loves Haute Tension (High Tension). Wasn't a huge fan.

Still never seen Martyrs, but that's a popular one.
Of those not mentioned by Kev, yes Martyrs is pretty good, Haute Tension is another popular pick, Let the Right One In is the Swedish version of the remake, Let Me In, Audition was excellent, as was Pulse (Kairo). Not quite horror, but I loved Inside, probably atop my favorite foreign films. I haven't gotten around to it, but I hear Pontypool is also very good. [REC] is also a must see if you haven't seen it, although if you've seen Quarantine you might be turned off a bit, it's the original, and Quarantine is almost a shot-for-shot remake. I don't know if you've seen The Devil's Backbone, but among the best.

If I had to suggest just one or two, Martyrs and Inside.
The Ring, Drag Me To Hell and 28 Days Later were all great imo.
The Others, I think's underrated.
And I dunno why, but I really liked Devil's Rejects.

I loved Devil's Backbone (sorta prequel to Pan's Labyrinth by GDT), but it really drags the 2nd time around.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

I know Nos loves Haute Tension (High Tension). Wasn't a huge fan.

If you can overlook the plot holes at the end, it's a good movie.

'Frontiers' is another French one. It's not as good as the others listed in here, but the ridiculous overuse of gore made it worth watching
What the hell is the Maniac Cop trilogy?
...Drive director's making the prequel...guess I gotta catch up.

And uh...Boyd from Justified/Shane from The Shield's gonna be in Django now.
Just caught a bit of Triangle again on SHO, movie is actually pretty gory second time around.
Oh, and I watched Wrath of the Titans in 3D IMAX high with some friends a week ago or so. Movie still sucked
Previews for other movies were

Watched Adventureland yesterday...

Jesse Eisenberg was Jesse Eisenberg. However, his character in this film had a sort of underlying wonderment and search for something real. The biggest thing I took from this film was just the looks they gave each other. They really carried a lot of the storyline even if there was no dialogue. For example, when Jesse Eisenberg's character told Ryan Reynolds that he was in love with Kristen Stewart, the look Ryan Reynolds gave him, and also when Ryan Reynolds would just look at Kristen Stewart as she would talk. And the dude with the long hair as well. Stuff like that really helps move the story along.

Stewart was really convincing in her role, but I wondered if that was actually just truly her.

Lisa P
... they made her out to be the girl Eisenberg shouldn't be with but I really thought her character didn't have any flaws. Like there were no sinister acts committed by her, and all in all, I thought she was pretty down to earth for her image. She was vulnerable and shared her issues with her dad to Jesse, sent the jerk who asked her out away and told Jesse it would be nice to go out with a "good guy" for a change. Am I the only one who thinks that if he ended up with her in that movie it wouldn't have been that bad of an ending at all?
I get that he connected emotionally with Stewart, but there was NOTHING bad about Lisa P.
Do you like Kristen Stewart? I haven't seen any Twilights, Panic Room was whatever and only kinda remember her in Adventureland. Like, can she act or is she just drywall with a name?

I mean I see those ads for Snow White and I'm like, damn...they actually made something out of this..oh wait, Kristen Stewart...
I am not convinced she can act... like I said I think her character in Adventureland might have just been her. I'm interested in seeing how she performs in Snow White & The Huntsmen.
I love Into the Wild and I love Adventureland, so she's good by association in my book. And I would have chose Em over Lisa. P, too. There was nothing interesting about Lisa P.

The pilot for Girls was pretty sweet. I could see myself liking it.
28 Days Later especially I think is one of the most underrated films I've ever seen in my life. I absolutely love that movie. The opening scene with Jim was goddamn amazing. The isolation and the paranoia the characters live with is unbearable at times. I think that was the movie I saw most in theater, at least four times. The sequel isn't bad, and all the characters are likeable enough, it just wasn't on par with the first. I'd like to see a third movie though.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

28 Days Later especially I think is one of the most underrated films I've ever seen in my life. I absolutely love that movie. The opening scene with Jim was goddamn amazing. The isolation and the paranoia the characters live with is unbearable at times.

Agreed. 28 Days Later, while I only saw it in full for the first time in like 06, pretty much started my love of zombie films. I'd seen others, but they never really hit me like '28' did. First time I saw that opening scene through London, it instantly became one of my favorite scenes from any film, and genre; up there with the Godfather baptism, the War Room ending in Strangelove, Sam Jackson's speech in Brad's apartment. It's a perfect scene, imo.

I'd like to see a third movie though.
Me too. I think I'd pass out on hearing news of a 3rd going into production. But for now...
I forgot about Adventureland. Definitely need to watch the copy I dl a ways back.

I don't get the fascInation with all these crappy cgi disasters like Wrath of the Titans and the five other movies just like it (cough John Carter).

Alfonso Cuaron, the director of Children of Men and one of the better Harry Potters, is on the shortlist to direct Hunger Games 2.

And Arrested Development...all 10 episodes are gonna drop at the same time.
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