Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Empire Strikes Back wins the Grantland Sequeltology on ESPN.com. :pimp:

I'm still pissed Dirk caught his mistake quick enough in the 80's draft to snatch Empire before I could. He had taken Jedi and I came FLYING in to try and steal Empire when I saw that he quickly edited his pick from Jedi. :rofl: :frown: I thought I had it man.

Any of you feel that Beverly Hills Cop 2 was better than the OG? :nerd: I've always loved the second so much more. In terms of rewatchability it's hands down better, I've seen 2 probably 100 times compared to a bunch of times seeing 1. 2 just plays smoother imo. Am I alone in that?
I have ZERO hope for the series, and frankly am depressed this is the era we've come too. First they remake a 90210 show, now this. When they start tryin to turn Harry Potter into a TV series, it's time to pull the plug on life. :lol:
The Governor will be tricky to pull off. Not sure if it can be done as it is in the comics, but I really hope it can be. I'm pretty sure T-Dog is gonna take Tyresse's place on the show; it's almost too late to introduce him and get the character built into the show before the Gov story arc ends.
And I like some of the characters on the show. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, a couple more maybe. But yeah, the disdain I have for some of these people :lol: Lets just say, I cant wait for the end of the prison/season finale if they follow through with the comics events :nerd:

Yeah the entire arc is going to be tough, especially to portray him as is done in the comics. I haven't read them, but know enough to know that it will be a challenge.

And I feel like I'm the only one in history of ever that likes Dale... :lol:
Any of you feel that Beverly Hills Cop 2 was better than the OG? :nerd: I've always loved the second so much more. In terms of rewatchability it's hands down better, I've seen 2 probably 100 times compared to a bunch of times seeing 1. 2 just plays smoother imo. Am I alone in that?

Can't speak for everyone else, but I like BHC 1 better than 2. I can see that its arguable though. I just happen to like 1 better. I still watch 1 probably once a year or so and still quote lines from it, often. I can't say that for 2. 1 is just more memorable and iconic to me, but 2 is definitely a good movie. And I choose to just forget that BHC 3 ever happened at all.
Just seen the commercial for Branded and it really does seem like they made a movie out of that one SImpsons Halloween episode where the ads came to live (not sure if they stole that from somewhere).
Okay just saw this trailer for the new season of Dexter:

As much as this show has disappointed me the last few seasons, this trailer has me hyped. 

Hopefully this season delivers.
Finally saw The Hunger Games.

I always try to respect the book-to-movie adaptation process because it has to be next to impossible to execute well.

That said... :stoneface:

On its own, book notwithstanding, I would top out at a six. As an adaptation, a firm three.
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I happen to watching it again but I've always loved Reign Over Me with Adam Sandler. I know it's suppose to be a serious and somber film but Adam Sandler's character is HILARIOUS and not in the typical Adam Sandler comedy role cuz this movie isn't that.

His character lost his family in 9/11 and he basically has pstd and became a recluse and basically acts like an oblivious antisocial teenager to everybody he meets, especially his dead wife's family who he can't really cope when around them. The things he does because of his quirks just have me dying. The supporting character that he runs in to and tries to get him back on his feet and be normal again is played by Don Cheadle. The two former college friends end up helping each other a bit and it's just crazy funny but manages to keep that sad tone that can pull at your heart strings when they get in to the meat of the problem.

For instance, Don Cheadle's character's father dies and Sandler is like want to get some breakfast? :lol: He says no and then he's like alright how about Chinese? :lol: "Don't be a wimp."

I'm probably not describing it good enough to do it justice but I love this movie, it just has that balance.

Oh yeah, Jada Pinkett Smith and Saffron Burrows are in it :evil: Mike (John Banks) from BB is in it too in a minimal role.
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Finally saw The Hunger Games.
I always try to respect the book-to-movie adaptation process because it has to be next to impossible to execute well.
That said... :stoneface:
On its own, book notwithstanding, I would top out at a six. As an adaptation, a firm three.

Glad I'm not the only one. Thought the game was tremendously boring.

I hope Ender's Game makes this looks like Battlefield Earth.

I can't be bothered with reading The Hunger Games novels, I'm just too old for that now I think. Ender's Game was always what I wanted. Harrison Ford, Abigail Breslin, Kingsley, Asa Butterfield, Viola. Yes, please.
You nailed a lot of it there.

I would add the origin of the Mockingjay pin and Katniss and Peeta's relationship to the list of blunders.

The pin isn't really a big deal, and introducing it the proper way means adding a few characters that were entirely left out, but those minor characters represented so much more about the district and Katniss. The dad was the mayor or whatever, and a good dude, which was rare within the hierarchy of this world. The daughter was one of the few people that Katniss felt like she genuinely liked, or could like, because she was kind of a misanthrope/dickhead. But they don't touch on any of that in any way, so it's easy to leave those things out, too.

Katniss and Peeta... You touched on the weak flashback that explained their one interaction with each other, prior to the reaping. Besides that, the movie portrays her getting mad at him after he revealed his crush on her (a little bit - in the book, she damn near kills the dude because she pushes him into some display or something and he cuts himself), and then everything is more or less fine between them. Most of the damn book was her conflicting emotions about him, whether or not they were playing up the relationship angle or if it might be real, first hating him because it seemed like he was helping the tributes, etc. But none of that appears in the movie. She just knows everything all of a sudden. Which is fine, if that's what you want to do. But even not considering it as an adaptation, the overwhelming theme of the movie's story was... "What? Why is this happening? I don't know why this is happening and I have no reason to because there was no evidence of it."

And then what is most funny to me is I feel like so much of this goes forward into the next two (three?) movies, so it will present even more difficulty in the future. Not to worry, though, they'll back themselves out of that corner with more glorious writing.
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Recently finished the first season of metalacalypse. Very unique show. Funny and plenty gore. Perfect for our ADD culture
Guaranteed paycheck weekly >>>>> struggling to get good roles that won't pay like TV  

Something tells me people weren't knocking down Gary Sinise's door with large money offers and/or good roles. A quick search says he's making about 250k for each episode of CSI. 
Eh I just kinda feel the right roles would be offered so he could do some quality portrayals or he could just ***** himself out to any role he was offered.

I mean I wouldn't mind him on some weekly never ending formulaic cop drama if it was good and worth watching but w/e.

He definitely is a good actor though. Guess he just made this decision since ppl weren't clamoring for him
I caught my pops watching 2001: A Space Odyssey recently and immediately thought of how versatile Kubrick was, but it brought a question to mind.

Songs that close out films.

What are the first ones that come to mind?

Or hell, if that's too complex for you, scores in general?

Just thinking of Full Metal Jacket ending with the Stones man... :pimp:

Star Wars
Social Network
Indiana Jones

As for a song to close a film, Dawn of the Dead remake Down With the Sickness was intense close to the film.
When did thread stop being about sports movies, books, tv shows?

I came here to post BlueChips, Remember the Titans, Angels in the Outfield and Rookie of the Year when I was kid, Above the Rim
You nailed a lot of it there.

I would add the origin of the Mockingjay pin and Katniss and Peeta's relationship to the list of blunders.

The pin isn't really a big deal, and introducing it the proper way means adding a few characters that were entirely left out, but those minor characters represented so much more about the district and Katniss. The dad was the mayor or whatever, and a good dude, which was rare within the hierarchy of this world. The daughter was one of the few people that Katniss felt like she genuinely liked, or could like, because she was kind of a misanthrope/dickhead. But they don't touch on any of that in any way, so it's easy to leave those things out, too.

I remember hearing early on in the drafts of Fight Club, there wasn't any narration. Then Fincher got attached and said, this movie is just sad and pathetic, without the voice of the narrator to set the tone. That's kinda the problem Hunger Games has. There's so little nuance and perspective like you said, and either they needed very crafty plotting and visual storytelling or they needed a voiceover.

Katniss and Peeta... You touched on the weak flashback that explained their one interaction with each other, prior to the reaping. Besides that, the movie portrays her getting mad at him after he revealed his crush on her (a little bit - in the book, she damn near kills the dude because she pushes him into some display or something and he cuts himself), and then everything is more or less fine between them. Most of the damn book was her conflicting emotions about him, whether or not they were playing up the relationship angle or if it might be real, first hating him because it seemed like he was helping the tributes, etc. But none of that appears in the movie. She just knows everything all of a sudden. Which is fine, if that's what you want to do. But even not considering it as an adaptation, the overwhelming theme of the movie's story was... "What? Why is this happening? I don't know why this is happening and I have no reason to because there was no evidence of it."

And then what is most funny to me is I feel like so much of this goes forward into the next two (three?) movies, so it will present even more difficulty in the future. Not to worry, though, they'll back themselves out of that corner with more glorious writing.

The books themselves are so shallow, that I was really excited for the films. There's such a lack of sincere detail in the books with the cheap time-jumps, obsession with food/clothes, and just an unreliable, moody, ADD-ridden narrator. I just assumed going in that in a movie, they literally can't ignore the forest for the trees, and have to fill in the real details of what things look like and how they work. They'd have to respect that the world keeps existing and that people's conversations don't just end when Katniss decides to get ADD and obsess over how her she wishes she could braid her hair better. So I just assumed, simply casting real, decent actors and trying, that the movie would instantly be better than the book.

At least that's what I assumed.

And that makes me an ***.

When did thread stop being about sports movies, books, tv shows?

Lemme drop you into the Hunger Games and you tell me that's not a sport.
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As empty as the books got at times, the attention to detail compared to the movie was still like 4000:1. :lol:

I know that's easier to capture in a book, but Jesus, man.

The worst part is, I know once it hits movie channels, I'll watch it all the time. And I'm still going to look forward to the next ones.

The execution didn't do it for me, but I still like the concept, and really anything dystopian.
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