Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Prometheus was dope. I write off all these questions as to be answered in the next film (I'm assuming there's a next one with how it ended). Wonder how they'll handle another film though if Noomi and Fassbender are the only humans in the film.
I'm a bit tired of Bradley Cooper. Trailer was cool though.

I kind of agree. Seems like he has a new movie releasing every week. I know actors have to take advantage of when they're hot, but he's going a little overboard I think.
My whole thing is I don't get what he's trying to do. Ideally right now he should be selectively picking great roles/movies w/e the genre to show his worth and cement his mark in the industry (sorta like a young Samuel L.) but right now it seems he's taking any offer and not even trying to act his very best in every role he's in even if the movie is just average (sorta like the type-casted Samuel L. now).

I get the whole strike while the iron is hot but to me he'd not gonna catch on be respected like say a Jeremy Piven is. I don't think Cooper could pull off an iconic character on tv/cable for a couple years and become a fan fav. Most times when I see him now I think of the A-Team and how flat Limitless was to me (despite the very interesting premise).

This movie trailer looks like it has potential to be really good but it could be forgettable as well.
I'm a bit tired of Bradley Cooper. Trailer was cool though.

I liked him in Wedding Crashers and Limitless.

Everything else has kinda just mushed into one big meh-a-thon for me.

Watched Beginners for like the 5th(?) time last night; still so great. Picked up on a few things in the dialogue I'd missed the first few times around.

Somehow, I still haven't seen it.
About to just delete away the disappoint in myself. :lol:

Prometheus was dope. I write off all these questions as to be answered in the next film (I'm assuming there's a next one with how it ended).

Wait, what??

MrO, BigJ, your work in the Prometheus thread is much appreciated. This is the Sopranos all over again for me. :lol: I had the same questions as everybody else, but didn't get the answers right. And I'm pissed that I forgot to mention the variant Tom Hardy and I see that O mentioned it himself a few months back. :rofl: That's Trey from the OC. Dude could be a Bane stunt double for sure.

That thread was better than the movie. :lol:
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All these questions CP was asking, I'm assuming they'll be answered in the sequel. Or we can remember IMDB exists and go over there for some fan explanations (which would be more satisfying than anything Lindelof gives us, honestly) :smile:
You see the preview for Dexter? :nerd: :pimp:

You gon be proved wrong man, you gonna be proved wrong.....

I sound like Mike not sayin proven. :lol: :smh:
I'll probably see "Trouble with the curve" because of Amy Adams.. She's an automatic watch for me.
I watched two of her movies this weekend in fact.

Co-sign. I am legitimately in love with Amy Adams.

Seeing her as Lois Lane might be sensory overload.



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Been on a sci-fi bend the past couple days. Watched Another Earth earlier today, and half of The Skin I Live In tonight before heading out with friends.

Another Earth was really intense, for just being a character driven drama. Brit Marling, the whole time I'd sworn I'd seen her in something else, but I think I was confusing her with Emma Roberts since Marling hasnt been in many films and dont remember her in Community. Really solid movie, I'm happy the script didnt rely on Earth 2 to move through the story and keep things interesting. Only thing I didnt like was that I felt the movie rushed into Marling and Ethan from Lost's love story. Could have used a few more scenes of them interacting and growing comfortable around each other. The break down in their relationship was well done though, really tough to watch. The ending was cool, though. Seeing Rhoda 2 pop up out of nowhere and just sort of catch Rhoda 1 off guard and speechless was a nice way to end it. Also cool to see the synchronicity being broken theory confirmed more or less through Rhoda 2 looking really... put together, and not like she went through the event at the beginning of the film than R1 did. Solid movie, not as depressing or visually impressive as the other planetary film from last year (Melancholia), but still a great way to kill an afternoon.

The Skin I Live In... I gotta finish this. **** was wild through the first half, definitely felt longer than an hour but never felt stale. Weeeeird weird movie.
Picked up Snow White/Hunstman on Blu last night, still haven't seen it, but figured I would give it a whirl. Lets me look at Charlize more, never a bad thing. Maybe I'll just re-watch Reindeer Games instead. :D
Loved Doubt. Amy Adams was awesome in it... obviously Meryl Streep was the best, and PSH was impressive as well.

No bad performances in that movie.
Nope. You?

Felt like Streep forced a square peg in a round hole.
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With all the Prometheus talk on the last couple pages, its cooincidental that Aliens came on Cinemax tonight. So good. The reveal scene with the mama alien is just awesome - so well done. A true classic.
Idk he may have been innocent at that moment but I think he had intentions of eventually molesting the kid, and quite possibly had done it to someone else before the film takes place.
Watched Platoon yesterday for the first time... on Blu.

Visually, nice. Felt like they could have done more with the story, just felt like I was watching one long scene the entire time and you didn't really give a single damn about any of the characters individually.

Reallllllly happy to see they included SOME type of drug scene in there, would have given it a 0 if they hadn't.

I'd give it probably like a 5/10. Obviously, didn't like it as much as most. The whole Charlie Sheen diary narration :smh:
Watched Platoon yesterday for the first time... on Blu.
Visually, nice. Felt like they could have done more with the story, just felt like I was watching one long scene the entire time and you didn't really give a single damn about any of the characters individually.
Reallllllly happy to see they included SOME type of drug scene in there, would have given it a 0 if they hadn't.
I'd give it probably like a 5/10. Obviously, didn't like it as much as most. The whole Charlie Sheen diary narration :smh:

you praise prometheus and then bash platoon :x
Was hoping a Best Picture would be in my top list of Vietnam films, wasn't even in my Top 3
I am currently watching Aaron Paul play Jesse Pinkman in an awful horror movie called Wreckage.

I think he just wandered onto the set and got it confused with Breaking Bad. Same kind of clothes, dialogue, mannerisms... He even trespassed at a junkyard... :lol:

It came out in 2010, so they probably just wanted to get this garbage some recognition.
Has anyone else seen The Skin I Live In yet? That movie's still bugging me out. Like, not the things that unfolded in the movie, just the way it left me feeling. The moral ambiguity and questions of justice I was left with... like, some things in that movie I feel like characters didn't deserve, but at the same time, the acts they committed were horrible and they do deserve them. Banderas was great as the whacked out surgeon. Elena Anaya was looking goooood, too.
Finally got around to seeing The Raid this weekend. :wow: :smokin I honestly have no idea how they filmed that. If those dudes weren't really trying to kill each other, then I have no idea how they all don't win oscars. That **** was CRAZY. I have no clue, nor do I care about a plot, it was like watching porn but with fighting, I just wanted the next scene to start kicking more ***. :lol:

I know there was a sort of plot, the reveal between the Manny Paqioua (sp) lookin dude and the rookie cop was pretty cool, and I could understand it, but really I didn't care. I just wanted to see the scene when they went into that room near the end. :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

Really amazing stuff, and someday I do wanna know how they pull all that **** off without dudes breakin every bone in their bodies.

Also watched the Snow White movie, meh. I was ok with it, but it's nothing special at all. Merely just another flick to say yeah I watched that. Got to see Thor and Twilight chick in movies other than what I know them for, got to look at Charlize who was pretty wicked, tho not wicked enough I don't think. Just typical average really, exactly what a 6 would look and feel like.

Raid was an 8 overall, but the fight scenes were all 12's.
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