Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I think QT is one of the few directors that could pull of & make another KB (& make it a quality movie). Technically, it would be a second movie but I don't think it's going to get done. He was supposed to do a Vega brothers movie years ago but that never materialized. Whatever his next movie is (if there is one) might be QT's last...
We don't need a KB3. Everything doesn't need to be a trilogy.

Oh I agree.

Like Iron Man and Twilight

But you wouldn't want a KB3?
Well Iron Man isn't going to just be a trilogy, there's not going to be any reboot, probably start going with subtitles in the sequels so expect 3 or 4 movies in the same universe.

I'm completely satisfied with KB so I can't say it's a desire of mine to see a 3rd. I wouldn't mind another martial arts action packed movie by QT under a different name that could connect to KB though in that bigger universe he's created.
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I'm completely satisfied with KB so I can't say it's a desire of mine to see a 3rd. I wouldn't mind another martial arts action packed movie by QT under a different name that could connect to KB though in that bigger universe he's created.


For me, KB2 > 1. I appreciate 1 for sure, but I enjoyed 2 more.
Will we ever get a Kill Bill 3?

And I went to rent Silver linings Playbook from red box and it was damaged

Straight savages

Better late than never, saw Rain Man for the first time last night. No wonder it got such praise/award recognition. Dustin Hoffman has to be one of, if not the, most underrated actors IMO. What a performance. Cruise too, but any Hoffman film I've seen lately and he's putting on a clinic.

Question for those who have seen it already.

When he loses the 3K by betting '20' and it lands on '10', why did he lose there? Was there anything significant to that scene that I missed, or am I looking too into it?

Oh, and a heads up for anyone interested:
Place Beyond the Pines is out there 8o .


The only actor more underrated than Dustin Hoffman is gary oldman

Watch the graduate if you never have. Classic movie.

And people forget, but Tom cruise can act his *** off where wants. Born on the 4th of July was fantastic.
I would wan't kill bill 3 to be Vernita's daughter avenging her mother and facing off against Bebe (the bride's daughter)

remember she told her "If you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting".  I also thought i'd be cool if Elle somehow didn't die in the trailer (we're just left to assume she did) Elle could be a no-eyed trainer to Vernita's daughter, the way Pei Mei trained her and the bride.

or it could just be a movie showing us some the origins of the Deadly Vipers and some of their missions, that'd be dope too IMO
There is plenty of material and many directions to go in. I think it could be amazing and wouldn't be a trilogy just for the sake of it
My post from the Iron Man 3 thread .........

Just got home from seeing it.

Spoilers to follow, do not read if you haven't seen the movie, I repeat, do not read.



Too. Much. Humor.

Knock that **** off. Stay serious, let Robert Downey Jr's natural charisma handle the tongue in cheek humor. STOP writing the "humor" in. It's pointless and takes away from the film. Avengers had some humor, but it was small, casual, didn't alter the story any. If this movie stays serious the entire time, it's Dark Knight level.

The actual story was solid for the most part. The serious portions. The extremis, the man behind it all, the legit danger to Tony, Pepper, the president. The casual way they showed you that the vice was dirty. (nice touch) The double cross by the chick from the Town.

Too much out of body work. The movie is IRON MAN, not Tony Stark. Stop havin him climb walls with christmas ornament bombs and ****. Stop screwin around. He's Iron Man, he has 30 suits, and he's going to storm a terrorist org with some homemade devices and no protection? One bullet and the genius Tony Stark is dead in an instant. Come on. :{

The dude gave his home address on live TV. :|

LOVED Guy Pearce. He did work. He really really did what you could want out of a villian, I just don't get the "twist". I almost got this feeling like they used Mandarian in the previews to keep us off the scent the whole way. Not one rumor I saw had Pearce being the main bad guy, this must have been the play. I kept waiting, hoping and praying that Kingsley would suddenly turn evil as **** and get us back on track. Dude came out the room with bathroom jokes like he was Ace Ventura.
I suppose, they could bring him back in IM4, or Avengers and show this as some elaborate plan to get Stark to let his guard down, that's a big stretch, and a waste of screen time, but I guess it could be in play, Marvel is always a phase ahead, so maybe. But would still be stupid after what they gave us. An actor. :|

Extremis stuff was DOPE. LOVED that angle. Really awesome stuff, was glad they went heavier with that since they let me down with Mandarin. If they keep that Extremis stuff with a SERIOUS Mandarin and this movie goes way next level. They could have blown the doors off the theaters. Black was treating this like another Lethal Weapon, that was a mistake.

Liked a lot of the themes they gave Tony, protecting Pepper with the suit, the nightmares, the suit acting on its own and scaring Pepper, all the suits showing up at the end, the way he took care of the kid at the end (liked that touch, alot) even the way he helped that lady by telling her her son did not kill himself or anyone else, he was used. That's real. That's Tony Stark at his best, they've shown him drunk, out of control, self absorbed, everything, it was also good to see him genuinely help people (outside of saving the world as a whole)

The CGI/Action scenes were pifff. Really well done. Next level **** with the brain scans, the holo files he's able to walk around in and recreate scenes. So much good stuff in the film, they just screwed the tone up with the whole Mandarin angle. If they make him just a bit weaker but still a "serious" attempt at being a baddie, it still stays serious and RDJ and Pearce would have been enough to carry the film to a solid conclusion. ******g up Mandarin just made me feel like I wasn't in on some big punchline. That pisses me off. The movie was solid, there was so much greatness in it, hell, if they REMOVED Mandarin, the movie plays so well still. A REAL bad guy, a true evil dude, smart as Tony, a true threat, still have some humor even if it was a bit much, but it would have been better even erasing Mandarin's part. That's just dumb. Why they did that makes no sense.

I almost feel like the Prometheus writer wrote the Mandarin part, just to **** with me. :{

I say 7/10, if I skip the Mandarin part I bump it to 8, if they nailed his part the right way it woulda been a 9.5/10. We were robbed.
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Just use the spoiler function. Click it, copy, paste, done... and avoids reading anything when skipping past
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He's going to say "You were warned, what's so hard about scrolling past" :lol And of course, it's not a big deal, but neither is using the spoiler

Anyway, I watched Silver Linings Playbook again tonight and I still loved it. Lawrence was still the best part of the movie and having rewatched Zero Dark Thirty recently, as much as I loved Chastain, Jennifer was still better. She owned every scene she was in, Cooper gave his best performance full of nuance and intensity, DeNiro was classic Bobby D, Chris Tucker was funny, and the rest of the cast was perfect. David O Russell had a great touch through the entire movie too AND the soundtrack? Man I love this movie.
^folks in the Iron Man thread who were posting spoilers a week before the movie was released used that as their excuse.....
Watching Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Can't say I recommend it, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
So, now I've seen The Crow - the movie starring Bruce Lee's son, where he died during filming. And what I can say about it is, now I've seen the Crow. That'a pretty much it.
about to pop in this is 40.

i went to rent silver linings playbook and it was sold out in 3 red box kiosks
He's going to say "You were warned, what's so hard about scrolling past"
And of course, it's not a big deal, but neither is using the spoiler

Anyway, I watched Silver Linings Playbook again tonight and I still loved it. Lawrence was still the best part of the movie and having rewatched Zero Dark Thirty recently, as much as I loved Chastain, Jennifer was still better. She owned every scene she was in, Cooper gave his best performance full of nuance and intensity, DeNiro was classic Bobby D, Chris Tucker was funny, and the rest of the cast was perfect. David O Russell had a great touch through the entire movie too AND the soundtrack? Man I love this movie.
saw this movie yesterday. jennifer did a great job but i think cooper killed his part. i have not seen lincoln. after i see it i can decide if cooper or ddl should of won the oscar.
Silver Linings Playbook: 11 out of 10


Funny. Sad, but true.

So many quotables.

"I wish you didn't wear a football jersey to dinner, because I hate football, but you can f*** me if you turn the lights off, okay?"
(ummm... OKAY!!! :evil)

"Yes, I'm Tommy's crazy w***e widow... minus the w***e thing... for the most part."

And my favorite, basically the point of Tiffany's entire role in the story:
"There will always be a part of me that is dirty and sloppy, but I like that, just like all the other parts of myself. I can forgive. Can you say the same for yourself, f***er? Can you forgive? Are you capable of that?"
:smokin :( :\ :D
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i think this was the right thread to ask this question :lol but really how early do movie theatres open a particular theatre room before a movie starts? im trying to get in that theatre so i can get a good spot for the 3d showing. :lol
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