Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The best TOM CRUISE movie?


The best movie Tom Cruise stars in?

I just felt like using big italics. Collateral is one of my favorite Cruise roles

And in terrible news.. Happy Endings is cancelled.
Before the season, you never, ever coulda told me, Community would come back and Happy Endings would get the axe. :{

**** :{ TNT cancelled Southland. :{ ... Best cop show since The Wire ended. |I


Forgot about Collateral. Throw in Minority Report + whatever I'm forgetting and that's probably my Cruise top 5.
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Anyone see Mud? Been hearing its got a 80's coming of age style to it.

Not sure how this thread treats Rotten Tomatoes/IMDB reviews, but it has a 98% and 7.9, respectively.

Really trying to get to a theater and see it. Always felt McConaughey had potential for a great role instead of cheesy chick-flicks.
I liked McConaughey in A TIme to Kill from awhile back thought he has the talent to do some more serious stuff. Then he did some rom coms and took his shirt off as Matt Damon would say.
I liked McConaughey in A TIme to Kill from awhile back thought he has the talent to do some more serious stuff. Then he did some rom coms and took his shirt off as Matt Damon would say.

Yeah, dude has been mailing it in for years. Can't be mad at him though. Paychecks keep rolling in. Plus, at least recently, he's branched out occasionally.
Matt Mc is great. He has just as many good roles as he does bad IMO.

Dazed and Confused
Killer Joe
A Time To Kill
Lincoln Laywer
Tiptoes :lol
See, I don't get that. I think he did a lot of the same kinda role. And yeah, he flexed em a lot, but he never really went full corny like Gerard Butler.

Just a bunch of movies, that didn't amount to much, like Sahara and Two For the Money.

Dude was great in Frailty and Reign of Fire, though. And...I kinda recommend Killer Joe.


Mud is a no-brainer. I was sold on it before the ending credits of Taking Shelter.
^^^Wooderson in Dazed and Confused is one of the best movie characters ever. Pretty much every line he has is quotable.
Rebel Without A Cause just came on my TV. Might have to watch it
what channel, I was trying to watch it on some Russian site today?
Sorry bro, I'm in Australia

Pretty sure you could find it with a few Google searches
yeah, that's how I wound up in Russia
Watched The Sentinel. The 2006 one starring Michael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland, and Eva Longoria.

It's getting to the point where whenever Michael Douglas is starring in a movie I already know I'm going to thoroughly hate it. Even The Game or whatever it was called, the one everyone loved, I just didn't, at all.

Aside from a pretty face, why was Eva Longoria in this movie?
Why did Douglas' character trust his aim when the women he claimed he loved is being thrust around by the antagonist?
Why did the president hardly care when the mole revealed he was the mole?
Why did Jack Bauer let Douglas go after shooting him? Why not just kneecap him and not kill him? You just let him go..?
How come Jack Bauer was so harsh on Eva at the beginning and demanded she had to prove herself, and when she didn't do anything significant throughout the entire movie... he was proud of her?
Why is a guy porking the president's wife and rumored to have bent over his best friend's wife.. the protagonist? The one we cheer for?

Really bad all around. I certainly wouldn't recommend it. Halfway in I knew it wasn't going to be a film I would ever watch again yet I still had to see the ending.


At best.

Eva Longoria can get it.. anywhere anytime. :evil
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