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What are some other Dustin Hoffman films worth checking out? Only one I can think of that I've seen was The Graduate
What are some other Dustin Hoffman films worth checking out? Only one I can think of that I've seen was The Graduate

Do you want a more pop culture list or I love films list?

Nevermind, Big J 33 put together a solid list but I'll add Marathon Man with Laurence Olivier. I don't like dentists because of this flick.... Papillon too. I'm a huge Steve McQueen fan so I love this movie...
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What are some other Dustin Hoffman films worth checking out? Only one I can think of that I've seen was The Graduate

The og Straw Dogs is really good.
Haven't seen it in forever, but I remember loving Papillon.
All the President's Men was one of those AFI top whatever movies, that doesn't disappoint or feel tired.
Mmm...was he in Sphere or Cube? The one where he and Sam Jackson and Sharon Stone are underwater used to be a cable classic.

Kinda going blank after those. I barely remember Rain Man.
Yeah, The Graduate was great. Fell asleep watching it the first time (I can't watch movies while laying in bed without falling asleep).
But thanks, going to add all of them on my list. Will probably check out Kramer vs Kramer first for obvious reasons mentioned earlier :lol
Wes, I think the next Hoffman flick you should see is Rain Man. Hoffman's performance is stellar in that flick. Like Kirk Lazarus said in Tropic of Thunder. He went ****** but not full ******... :lol Sorry to use that word...
Last thing, Hoffman's Death of a Salesman was stellar. It's my favorite iteration of the Arthur Miller play...
Hol up....what? I just checked imdb....this can't be right. Dustin Hoffman was Captain Hook in Hook? Bulll****.
I think it was venom lyrix that said he was looking forward to this movie. Now You See Me... It does look good... Here's a 4 minute featurette...
Wasn't there talk on Next Generation? My co-worker showed me this...Apparently it was an on set joke for Jonathan Frakes to sit like this in scenes partly because he's tall... Apparently he never sits in a chair normally...
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I fell asleep watching all the presidents men.

Moretz needs to just release the sex tape already.

:x give it a few more years and I'll be on board, but until then :x

There has been complaints with her playing Carrie saying she's too pretty to be picked on. I find that pretty funny
Wasn't there talk on Next Generation? My co-worker showed me this...Apparently it was an on set joke for Jonathan Frakes to sit like this in scenes partly because he's tall... Apparently he never sits in a chair normally...

Started watching it yesterday and it's still a great show. I wont be able to not recognize that when he sits down now.

Did they end up changing Rikers or is that just him older in the later seasons?
She's 16...I dont feel like going to jail

:lol what I meant is that girl has some weird sensuality about it her that's strange for her age. Even in 30 rock when she's talking with Jack. been like that for a while. she has a strange vibe about her that makes me think she's gonna be doing crazy nude scenes for many movies.
Rain Man
Midnight Cowboy
All the President's Men
Kramer vs. Kramer
Wag the Dog

Outbreak for me. Insane cast, tense movie, solid performances.

Sutherland, Freeman, Hoffman, Spacey, Cuba, Russo, Patrick Dempsey, really strong. Not his best work, but a really good watch.
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