Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Homeland :pimp:

i've been missing from the thread lately, haven't had much time for movies

saw Skyfall and End of Watch recently though.. both were good.

Skyfall probably my 2nd fav of the newest Bond series... Daniel Craig pulls off the role really well, but Bardem was a great villian. I didn't understand though, when they were shooting the shot glass off the girls head... did it kill her when Bardem shot his shot? I don't remember seeing her again after that scene so I'm guessing so? I also stepped out for a second to piss.. so maybe I missed a scene. The cinematography was really good but that openign sequence with the Adele song was :smokin. Very well done.

End of Watch - I surprisingly liked this flick. The chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Pena was one of the better ones I've seen this whole year, they both made their friendship very believable and actually seemed they cared for each other's well being while protecting e/o at the same time. The camera work was sloppy and annoying at times, the plot also seemed all over the place.. but the two leads worked well off each other and the ending was powerful. Nothing extraordinary but an enjoyable cop flick nonetheless.

I downloaded Holy Motors but got a copy without subtitles.. need to find another one, seemed like a mind fuark from what I could tell, still interested in seeing it.

Still need to see Wreck It Ralph, Silver Linings Playbook, Lincoln, and a few others.

sidebar: I loved Safety Not Guaranteed as well... it was funny, all the characters were likable and it definitely solidified my crush on Aubrey. She's quirky and more cute to me than Zooey D. Duplass was good, I love him on the League so I'll pretty much watch whatever he's in.

TV: Some spoilers, beware.

Homeland is killing it right now, my 2nd favorite show behind BB at the moment. Carrie still all hard up for Brody and Brody confused as hell makes for some great television. Not really liking the storyline with the daughter but I hope it all comes together and they can build towards something more enjoyable to watch other than her just crying. The son though is worthless.. dude plays no role whatsoever on the show. I hope they still have the 'did he get turned again?' plot because Brody working with the CIA was kinda boring, I liked the surprise factor with him. Nazir being in the US was a bit of a stretch of imagination but we'll see what happens this week.

Dexter: Idk what to think of this show, one week it hits for me the other I just don't care. Though I do find Hannah McKay fun to look at. Deb still annoying... the brother/sister angle seems to be explored more this past week, they need to off that.

TWD has been decent this year. I like the Governor, son is ruthless. Michonne was awesome last week. Patiently waiting for episode 8 :nerd:

BWE coming up to it's end, love that show too. Gyp has been the best character for me this Fall season.. dude just has no loyalty to anyone except himself and the way he takes small things personal then lashes out is great stuff to see. Nucky is in a bad spot right now with Rothstein and co. just leaving 'em to fight on his own. Wonder who's gonna back 'em, last 2 episodes should be great as usual. Upset Owen got got, but not nearly as upsetting as when they did my dude Jimmy in... still haven't gotten over that. :smh:
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Skyfall probably my 2nd fav of the newest Bond series... Daniel Craig pulls off the role really well, but Bardem was a great villian. I didn't understand though, when they were shooting the shot glass off the girls head... did it kill her when Bardem shot his shot? I don't remember seeing her again after that scene so I'm guessing so? I also stepped out for a second to piss.. so maybe I missed a scene. The cinematography was really good but that openign sequence with the Adele song was smokin.gif. Very well done.

Nope, she died. Your made to assume so at least. Never see her again.

For those that enjoy the Bond films, Amazon's Deal of the Day is the Bond 50 set (first 22 Bond films, a placeholder for Skyfall) all in one package. 99.99. It's been as high as 205, and recently was 129.99.
If I ever met Carrie in real life. I would literally punch her in the face.
Skyfall was awesome J, glad you liked it.
Ugh, $200 bucks later Black Friday takes me again. 17 blu rays and the final 3 seasons of Friday Night Lights. I need literally none of them. :lol:

That's it? Skyfall was awesome? :smh:

Bond 50 is supposed to go on sale for 109.99 tonight. A great deal. About 5 dollars a film. Lowest it's been has been 129.99.

Indiana Jones is also supposed to be 29.99 sometime tonight/tomorrow. Cheapest prior was 49.99

I gave my full review a few pages back bro. It's also in the Skyfall thread in General.
Review: Silver Linings Playbook - Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence prove the best relationships are the oddest. Silver Linings is one of the best films of the year as Cooper and Lawrence deliver career best performances - http://wp.me/p2CCWq-2np
Finally got around to seeing The Girl. I have to say I'm pretty neutral about this. I've always known there are scumbags and scoundrels in Hollywood. I'm not sure whether or not Hitch was one or not, and although I'll entertain the thought that what happened with Tippi is within the realm of possibility. Regardless, my appreciation for his films isn't diminished. My eyes were just opened to the possibility.

I understand that relationships between actor and director can be complex. I'm sure things have been much worse than what was shown in The Girl, but it doesn't mean it's not a good story, because it is.

Toby Jones was excellent I thought. Hitch always seemed like a sad man, although always willing to entertain. He definitely feels that way here. It's believable. No one quite has the physique like Hitch does, but I still felt like he did an admirable job. Instead of trying to impersonate his every move/word, he instead opted to show what we might've never seen.

Her name escapes me but the actress who played Alma deserves a lot of recognition too. I always wondered what she thought about all of these "Hitchcock blondes," and it's interesting because for a while it was playing out as I had expected it, that the Hitchcocks worked together hand-in-hand, and she adores the actresses as much as he did. But it wore on her. She played it beautifully. I actually liked their dynamic more than Tippi/Hitch.

Sienna Miller though man. She's gorgeous. She played it pretty damn well. Im kind of glad the story focused on her so much. She was a doll. She really helped move the story along, and it never seemed like it was dragging.

This was a really interesting look into the making of two dynamic Hitch films. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Wow...I literally just came here to post on the exact same thing. :lol:
It was just on and yeah...I had almost the opposite reaction? :lol:

I mean, I ain't greedy...I wasn't expecting Mildred Pierce level of filmmaking for television, but this looks like a Lifetime original period piece.

I guess Toby Jones is okay, but that's just Toby Jones doing an impression with some prosthetics on. Ms. Umbrige is pretty empty as his wife. Sienna's good for what it is as Tippi Hedren. This is probably the best she's been since Factory Girl, but that's not really saying too much?

Still, when you see how he shot The Birds' attack scenes...regardless of how basic or flat the production is, it's still just a really, really good story. And when you see how long they drag out his obsession over her, you feel it. I just don't get why there isn't more to it...more depth, more nuance, more style, less heavy-handedness...anything. I mean, Fred Savage could've directed something better than this, but I don't regret watching The Girl.


That said, this made me really, really wanna see the Anthony Hopkins Hitchcock, because at the end of the day, he's such a fascinating figure. This was like watching Batman Forever, knowing that The Dark Knight is premiering soon.

edit: and it's kinda funny watching this after I just saw Pollock last week. There are so many parallels, except Ed Harris, Marcia Gay Harden and Jennifer Connolly were all amazing. And Harris directed a really smart, driven, nuanced film.
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I don't necessarily disagree with you, I'm just admittedly easily pleased.

Nothing necessarily happens, and just when you feel like its going somewhere, it really doesn't. It often seems like it goes the art house route when it's not really needed.

As for Mrs. Hitch, Ive always felt that's exactly how she would be in real life.

I think I enjoyed it because it was probably as accurate a representation of Hitchcocks life and relationships. Yet, a lot of it is up for interpretation by its audience.

A tad too pretentious at times.
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If I ever met Carrie in real life. I would literally punch her in the face.

Damn...how'd I miss that. :lol:

I just remember thinking she was :wow: in Romeo + Juliet and Les Miserables ... don't judge me.

But yeah...she kinda mashes the "I'm feeling so strongly right now!" button sometimes. :lol:
But yeah...she kinda mashes the "I'm feeling so strongly right now!" button sometimes.
That's a good way to put it. Even if by the end of the series she's completely right bout Brody and Al-Queda is taken down.... I'll still hate her and root for Brody.

Carrie has ZERO redeemable qualities. Reminds me of a variant Royce White with her lame mental illness 
 (see I brought sports into this)
Sat thru End of Watch, liked it a lot more than I thought I was going too. I didn't like all the camera stuff they pulled, but whatever. Did like Jake and Pena's work together, they seemed like they had been actual cops for years, really well done there.

Uh, Anna K always have that shape up top? Mercy. :nerd:

Brutal ending. That was really raw.

Some of the scenes, like Pena pullin up to the dude from Training Day and havin his gun pointed thru the door, damn. Crazy to think cops gotta be on point like that, just sittin in their car.

Really liked the opening speech by Jake, with his thousands of brothers and sisters, etc. Not agreeing with the laws all the time, but will uphold them, that was a nice opening.

It's a solid follow after something like Training Day, but Denzel and Ethan put that movie a notch ahead just off their aura alone.

Also got thru the Total Recall remake. Meh. I don't remember the OG at all other than a few scenes here and there, so I was fine lookin at this as something "new" and more up to date. Visually it was solid, and I'm pretty sure I could have used more fighting and clothes tearing from Kate and Jessica, but I'll take what I got. (Kate Beckinsale......is there a more gorgeous woman than her?)

Colin did a good job, he was very believable as the kick *** type, he didn't go overboard or play it lowkey either, he was right in the middle. Living up to Arnold, I was afraid he would overdo it. Sort of wondering about him remaking 80's movies for a living tho. If he does the Judd Nelson role of The Breakfast Club next I'm not watchin it.

Seem to be seeing a lot of Walter White on the big screen recently, wonder if they make take BB on the big screen someday. I didn't really buy him in this one tho, especially the fight scene with Colin. I coulda done without that.
I was flipping the channels and weebey'd hard when I saw a young Marion Cotillard as the son's girlfriend in Big Fish. :wow:

And um...One Day...with Anne Hathaway...don't do it. :x

So yeah...Man on the Moon

The People vs. Larry Flynt is always on and I like it fine, so when I found out that the same guy directed One Flew Over The ****oo's Nest (genius), Amadeus (great) and Goya's Ghosts (will make you lose respect for Portman and Bardem), I figured I had to check out anything else he did. Punch in Milos Forman on the DVR, and hit record call it a day.

I had no idea that this was an Andy Kaufman biopic. I didn't even remember why I recorded it, but wow.

It takes a while for for me to believe it, though. I mean, he's Jim ******g Carrey. It's like trying to pass Flavor Flav off as Sammy Davis Jr. It doesn't happen for me the first scene. Not when he's getting discovered. Not when he's on SNL. Not when he's rising up as a star. But all of a sudden, Kaufman's alter ego, Tony Clifton, shows up...and it's over. He disappears. It's awesome. His life was one big inside joke and you can't find the seams to get into it. That they really had *spoilers* people play themselves. It's brilliant. It's really funny. It's damn near perfect. Jim Carrey and Paul Giamatti are amazing.

I don't know how I never knew or just ignored this film, but yeah...I love it. I mean it's not a Boogie Nights level production, but it's so damn good...and well paced...and Jim Carrey, again, is amazing.

9/10....-1 because Courtney Love.

I still have no idea why it's called Man on the Moon. I should wiki the hell out of it, but I kinda don't wanna know what was real and what wasn't from this. The illusion was that good. :Smokin
But.....Up in the Air, there was nothing there. How....aw who cares. Everything looks great now, hope it stays that way. :lol:
who is that Anna girl?

Man on the moon has BEEN underrated. I watch it every 3 or so years. The Truman Show is underrated and so is Jim's acting ability in general.
who is that Anna girl?
Man on the moon has BEEN underrated. I watch it every 3 or so years. The Truman Show is underrated and so is Jim's acting ability in general.

Anna Kendrick. I first noticed her in Up in the Air. But she's been around a while and is in a bunch of stuff. Like, Scott Pilgrim, 50/50 and, apparently, the Twilight movies.

And, yes, very solid rack for an otherwise pretty petite girl. Good look.
Man on the moon has BEEN underrated. I watch it every 3 or so years. The Truman Show is underrated and so is Jim's acting ability in general.

I don't think The Truman Show's underrated. That's a cable classic.
But Man on the Moon...barely even heard of it before yesterday.

--You can't watch Lost, got it?
--You let an 8-year old watch South Park...
--That's a cartoon.
--Yea, with ***** in it!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd now I wanna see This is 40.
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She's also hilarious and awesome in Pitch Perfect.

She's petite, so if she loses or gains weight, they'll change size. She didn't wear anything revealing in Up In the Air.


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