Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

These older actors just need good roles in good movies that will actually be seen by people.

Still hoping Val Kilmer shows up again.
These older actors just need good roles in good movies that will actually be seen by people.

Still hoping Val Kilmer shows up again.

No chance for Val man. It's definitely a wrap for him :lol:
Unless he drops those donuts, hits the gym, and stops making straight to dvd films with 50 cent.

You cant expect Hollywood to take you seriously if you dont even take your self serious anymore :lol:
I need to watch MacGruber again.

Dieter Von Cunth is an ill villain name.
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Nic Cage is a made man, nobody can say a damn thing about what he's done.

Leaving Las Vegas
The Rock
Con Air
Face Off

Is one of the best 3 year stretches in history. Dude OWNED that period. And he was fantastic in all 4.

Following it up with

Gone in 60 Seconds
The Family Man
National Treasure 1 & 2
Lord of War
Ghost Rider

That's a helluva "backup" list.

I didn't even bother with lesser films like

City of Angels
Raising Arizona
It Could Happen to You
Snake Eyes
Matchstick Men
Kick ***
Trapped in Paradise
Honeymoon in Vegas

He's had elite films, a solid run of decent films, a steady supply of Chick flicks and/or unique films, and then of course the bill paying films that I have no idea what they are about. :lol:

Travolta was brought back to life
Keaton is back to life
Keanu has come back to us
Will Smith might be back
Nic Cage will too. Have Tarantino cook somethin up for him, and he'll be set
Val is still on board for Top Gun 2. Wonder if they're going to force him to go on a weight loss/training program before they start shooting. Maybe Tom Cruise will put him on that unicorn blood Scientology diet.
Nic Cage is a made man, nobody can say a damn thing about what he's done.

Leaving Las Vegas
The Rock
Con Air
Face Off

Is one of the best 3 year stretches in history. Dude OWNED that period. And he was fantastic in all 4.

Following it up with

Gone in 60 Seconds
The Family Man
National Treasure 1 & 2
Lord of War
Ghost Rider

That's a helluva "backup" list.

I didn't even bother with lesser films like

City of Angels
Raising Arizona
It Could Happen to You
Snake Eyes
Matchstick Men
Kick ***
Trapped in Paradise
Honeymoon in Vegas

He's had elite films, a solid run of decent films, a steady supply of Chick flicks and/or unique films, and then of course the bill paying films that I have no idea what they are about. :lol:

Travolta was brought back to life
Keaton is back to life
Keanu has come back to us
Will Smith might be back
Nic Cage will too. Have Tarantino cook somethin up for him, and he'll be set

I cannot believe you really put those recycle bin ghost rider movies and G rated national treasure on a "back-up" list and a great movie like Matchstick Men on the "lesser films" list.

You need a doctor check up b?

Matchstick Men belongs on the top list if anything, and half those B list films belong on the F list. :smh:
Val is still on board for Top Gun 2. Wonder if they're going to force him to go on a weight loss/training program before they start shooting. Maybe Tom Cruise will put him on that unicorn blood Scientology diet.

Kelly McGillis has aged really badly. To me she was one of the baddest 80-90s females along with Brigitte Nielsen, Erika Eleniak, and Sean Young.
^^^ Raising Arizona is a Coen Brothers classic. I know not everyone is into their stuff, but by no objective standard can it be considered a "lesser" film than something like Ghost Rider or National Treasure.
^^ Co-sign. Coen Bros' could have a freaky, 1/4 baked, cough-syrup induced nightmare and it'd be a better flick than most of the slop dude mentioned. 

Yo on that note check out this frame-by-frame analysis of Officer Marge's character from Fargo. Joel coulda just been a cinematographer but instead he said "nah I'll also be one of the best screenwriters on the planet..."

The way I read it, CP was distinguishing from clear mainstream popular movies and then the really strong acting performances and then a bunch of movies all decent to really good that aren't all that well known by the masses.

Not necessarily putting National Treasure on the same level as The Family Man.

Also Val Kilmer is dead man. No resurrection for him :lol: He doing Stephen Dorff level movies now.

Cuz he's only 52 and arguably doesn't look it after makeup and w/e costume design does.

Dude just trying to get out of debt now while still enjoying a somewhat rich lifestyle.

He got another 10 years in him easy.

Wouldn't mind him trying some tv though. Put him in the 3rd season of True Detective with Viola Davis and a new/better writer. Then the 4th season of Fargo as the protagonist and villain.

He can make straight to DVD movies until he dies but he should be putting out much better. Denzel, Crowe, Neeson, hell even Keeanu are all similarly skilled actors with KINDA the same amount of acting succes and all those mentioned dudes are putting out much more respectable work. Not sure how it all went so sideways on Cage. I need to see that E true Hollywood story like ASAP
I assume it was quantity over quality.

Multiple direct to dvd movie checks probably add up to the same amount of spaced out respectable movie checks.

Besides looking at his filmography, his recent movies did involve working with Elijah Wood and Willem Dafoe. And while he's not the lead he's in Snowden a Stone flick with JGL.

:rofl: @ a washed up Nick Cage being the lead in True Detective.
He would kill it.

Nothing washed up about CageGOD b.
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The way I read it, CP was distinguishing from clear mainstream popular movies and then the really strong acting performances and then a bunch of movies all decent to really good that aren't all that well known by the masses.

:rofl: @ a washed up Nick Cage being the lead in True Detective.
He would kill it.

Nothing washed up about CageGOD b.

Only thing he would kill is the ratings B.
Even worse than Vince Vaughns season 2 performance did.
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You'll be backtracking when CageGOD gets cast as a former assassin whose wife recently died, his dog is killed by Russian gangsters, and he has to return to the game.
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The way I read it, CP was distinguishing from clear mainstream popular movies and then the really strong acting performances and then a bunch of movies all decent to really good that aren't all that well known by the masses.

:rofl: @ a washed up Nick Cage being the lead in True Detective.
He would kill it.

Nothing washed up about CageGOD b.

Only thing he would kill is the ratings B.
Even worse than Vince Vaughns season 2 performance did.
You talking like True Detective aint washed up after S2.

Cage would revive it like the damn Phoenix.


You'll be backtracking when CageGOD gets cast as a former assassin whose wife recently died, his dog is killed by Russian gangsters, and he has to return to the game.
And his daughter is taken.
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Went and saw Don't Breathe tonight. Solid 6/8. Some good twists. More suspense than horror. I still prefer The Witch.
War Dogs

Love these stories

And since he was recently discussed, Lord of War is my favorite Cage film followed by the Family Man w/ Matchstick Men and the one where he was the Weather Man not far behind.
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CP my dude.. But if travolta was brought back to life with pulp fiction, a movie from 1994, what kind of life is dude currently living?

The reality with a lot of dudes, it is transitioning and having a bit of self awareness.. Maybe nic cage gets there.. But I'm not even sure people on that list have gotten there or are currently there

Keanu has always sorta been there

But will smith and non Tarantino travolta, I really have no clue

Keaton I wouldnt slot with that group.. Tom cruise is the epitome of this whole discussion with how he went off the wagon with his whole religious stuff and jumping on the coach and all the stuff that went down with Katie Holmes.. But dude was smart and slick about it.. He did tropic thunder and then he did smart action stuff.. Now he has figured out his lane and has upcoming movies that we're all looking forward to
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Cruise never really fell off to me but he just had a phase of bad publicity but his current turn of good will in movies reminds me of how MM made a turn in to showing how great of an actor he is.
And Sam Jackson really can't turn down a role can he?

Watching Tarzan when I hear a voice, Sam's voice?
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