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they can ASK.. you don't have to let them.

they can search if they have probable cause.. i dont think that traffic infraction warrants a search.
If you say no to leaving your vehicle and they try to take you out by force are you in the wrong or are they in the wrong.
The police officer can pull you over for the turn signals. He can search your car if you give him consent to OR if he has probable cause that something illegal is in the vehicle (ex. gun in plain sight or K-9 alerts to possible drugs). He cannot search your car with only reasonable suspicion. If he does and ends up finding something in your car, the case can be thrown out due to violation of your 4th amendment rights (unreasonable search and seizure).
Prob. varies from state to state. It all depends on whether a routine moving violation is looked upon as "probable cause" in your state.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

If you say no to leaving your vehicle and they try to take you out by force are you in the wrong or are they in the wrong.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Roll up the windows, exit the vehicle and lock the doors. Don't get beat up by a cop over something like that.
Well here in cali the only cops that can do it is the CHP or the county sheriff. Any regular city cop can't search your car with out a warrant.
I just love how the cops phrase the question, "Do you mind if I search the vehicle?"

At that point, you have to say, "No, I don't mind, go ahead" otherwise, if you object, you look like you're trying to hide something, and they'll probably end up searching it anyways.
yes a police officer can search your car.
a police officer can do whatever he wants.

just go with the flow and take the L if need be

cops = no win situation. 
Originally Posted by Yusuke420

I just love how the cops phrase the question, "Do you mind if I search the vehicle?"

At that point, you have to say, "No, I don't mind, go ahead" otherwise, if you object, you look like you're trying to hide something, and they'll probably end up searching it anyways.
"I do mind since I have to be somewhere. Perhaps, another time Officer?
Works all the time
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Yusuke420

I just love how the cops phrase the question, "Do you mind if I search the vehicle?"

At that point, you have to say, "No, I don't mind, go ahead" otherwise, if you object, you look like you're trying to hide something, and they'll probably end up searching it anyways.
"I do mind since I have to be somewhere. Perhaps, another time Officer?
Works all the time
How many times you been pulled over that it works all the time?

Watching cops right now and before searching the ladies car he asked her twice "Is it alright I search you car?"

After she consented, he started going through it and found drugs. What a dummy 
If a cop says "Do you mind if I look in your car?"

Respond by saying "I do not consent to a search"

if the cop says "why not? are you hiding something?"

say "I believe in my constitutional right to privacy and I do not consent to a search."
as important it is to know your rights that video is obviously made for people who are doing illegal things.
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

if you smokin that green and he smells it then he can search.

What if you deny of smelling it yourself?

then its your nose against his in court.
False he can smell all he wants he can't search unless he see's a roach, bong etc. The most important thing is to not admit to anything, though. The cops will try to grill you so you better be on your toes.
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