Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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Eventually I figure they were going through because I started getting the Matrix page saying "Dup"
Got the weird JavaScript slug error on red nas so I went back and tried again and payment wouldn't process.
Said screwit and Went for the shovel but it sold out.
I was bummed.
Then I got confirmation email for nas.
So I was only half bummed.
Got the weird JavaScript slug error on red nas so I went back and tried again and payment wouldn't process.
Said screwit and Went for the shovel but it sold out.
I was bummed.
Then I got confirmation email for nas.
So I was only half bummed.

Got that and thought I was good. Lol
No confirmations, but had pending charges. Called Supreme and they said order for Nas and Crash tees went through.
Pretty happy about that.
Why do people bank on restock app when u can just do all that stuff w free extensions on chrome?
I actually thought the Restocks email and free extra week was a nice gesture...but this is coming from a guy who is used to Sneakers N Stuff apology emails consisting of "Bro...like, what happened? We thought that was going to go well...but...bruh, like...having a shoe site is HARD. You don't happen to have a pair of quarters for a cup of coffee, do you?"

I realize I spelled that all correctly, so it's not entirely accurate, but you get the point.

In other news, Nas shipping confirm email.
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