Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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LOL yall savage for quoting the pic too. Too bad the phone line has been disconnected... for now.
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Most likely not even his order! I hope for his sake!  
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Wow... so no one on Restocks hit...

that's hella foul if that update last night was to eff everyone over by changing their CC info...

SMH no wonder my girl didnt cop the red pully... 

she's usually swift af too
I hit on restocks, all my card info was correct from the start.
Doubt any member here that Petty to cancel his order. But we do have a ton of lurkers lol
I never got a order confirmation screen, thought it was an L. got the email at 11:07 and a charge 
 black fleece
Copped Collegiate tee at 11:01 and and the pullover at 11:02. ..... all manual, I really was just trying to cop the tee didn't Think I had a chance on the pull over.. charge and confirm email received...
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