On a more Philosophical note....

Apr 17, 2007
Do we "Jordan Ambassadors", (to borrow from the almighty Brand Jordan's gracious title for us faithful followers), have any reason to believe inthe brand anymore. I feel like over the years, the heart of the brand has been completely diminished. I was just watching Sports Center and they showed MJ attodays UNC Senior game and he was rooting on his Alma Motter(sp)...and I thought--why can't JB use the face of their brand to make the brand more special.To an extent, I feel as though the brands attempt to put different faces to greatness with the multi-faceted Team Jordan members has been...Let's say lessthan exceptional (with the exception of CP3, IMO). The notariety of the Jumpman doesn't carry the same impact as it would if represented more by the Manhimself. Memories of yesteryear are still very dominant in the history of great sports moments, but they are clearly being given a run for their money by thelikes of Kobe and Lebron. And don't get me wrong...I know %$! great MJ was! But as we continue to get retro's that a carry more than slight variationsfrom the products we grew to love, though 09 does seem to have some hi-lights of its own to come....I feel like no matter what, If MJ would connect himself tohis own product...It would bring back some interest and desire that has been lost. Go back to your Bread and Butter JB!

.....And if it's not too much to ask....Good quality products!
Another one of these? Can we get an official about the brand and quality? There is way too many post like these. You're right sneak king but there are tonsof post like this about people stating opinions on the brands quality.
Ya i def feel you on teh quality products. I think they care more about put ALOT of cheap and ugly products(fusions, ugly retros etc) instead of a few goodquality products. They dont really need anyone to represent their product anymore becasue its internationally know and has proven to sell no matter what it isthey put out there. JB in my eyes is falling off and im slowing losing interest in new retros anyway. Just my 2 cents
MJ does not hoop anymore so he does not need to connect to his product......
Once you get money....you will lust for more money......
Jordan Brand more than likely have been gettin the most money out of AJIs which is why they are making a slew of colors....
As long as majority of consumers buy the product, the company will not care about what loyal customers came and left......
Also a way of marketing adaptation....The people majority of consumers who bought Jordans in the 1990s are adults now, therefore their taste has changed....SoJordan Brand had to adapt its marketing scheme and aim its product to a different audience which so happened to be an audience of fools if you ask me....Butits survival of the fittest.....
I feel what your saying Sneak King. The only thing is until sales take a serious drop, Jordan Brand won't do that.
Originally Posted by ogdreamin

Ya i def feel you on teh quality products. I think they care more about put ALOT of cheap and ugly products(fusions, ugly retros etc) instead of a few good quality products. They dont really need anyone to represent their product anymore becasue its internationally know and has proven to sell no matter what it is they put out there. JB in my eyes is falling off and im slowing losing interest in new retros anyway. Just my 2 cents

Yeah, and I think a lot of us are losing interest, but this post was not so much about the quality $%* it is about the brand giving a damn about its reputationand what this brand means to its followers. And I understand that its global, but what about those who helped start the phenomenon? I hear you royalflush
Fashion with gym shoes is a youthful thing......After so long a company has to make a decision to keep catering to its customers it grew up with, possiblykeeping sales at a steady pace, or take the chance in finding new customers and making more money....Hence the slew of Fusions, AJF....I hate fusions, but Iknow a hell of alot of people who buy them thinking they are the "Best of Both Worlds".....I respect what Tinker and other designers have done forthis company....But i also understand that this company is more focused on making money...So it will do whatever it can to make it.....Jordan Brand just cantsell the same damn shoes every 3 or 4 years....they have to make an impact on something to keep you wanting their product.....Ignore what they make that isGarbage in your opinion and just buy the good things they drop every so often....Id rather have retro kicks than to not have em, seeming that i am a latebloomer when it comes to buying kicks.....My only thing against Jordan Brand is Prices, as i never understood how i would have to pay $300 for a package whensome of the shoes released were only $115 like the 7s in 06 and Jason Mayden....he sucks when it comes to creativity, he lacks style....But I buy the productso shame on me....
jb lost the shoes game already. they don't think about quality.. only how to make as much profit as possible. that's why we're getting someterrible shoes.
Last Jordan of true Quality was the XX3.....Beautiful shoe from style to quality....Tinker did the damn thing on that shoe....
Can anyone shed some light on this, does Tinker still make money when they retro his designs? Or does the brand get all of it.
How do you propose Jordan 'connects' back with his product? Just be on all of the commercials again? Post videos of himself playing pick-up games inhis own shoes? As a non-player, the avenues are pretty limited.

As for the JB-endorsed players, I think it's about the best that can be done right now. Signing players outside of Jordan is always a risk as we'reseeing with Carmelo at the moment. But who else would you sign? Other companies are competing for signatures, you never know how long a player will keep a hotstreak, etc. I'm sure there are performance standards - players underperforming can be dropped - and surely they've got ideas on who else to sign.

In the case of the established players you mention - Kobe and Lebron - the former actually played against Jordan and both have spent loads of interview timefielding questions about being the next Jordan and such. I don't think they'd sign to the Jordan Brand with his shadow still looming over them. Theywant their own legacy.
Jordan brand is probably going to die out in the next 4-5 years. Hopefully I'm wrong. I just would like to see something fresh, and original. I KNOW FOR AFACT, that nike knows that JB is watered down as of late.

maybe the disgruntled dudes can go down to a NIKE OFFICE

and do a sit in. Like royalflush1230 said SKIP what u dont like,

and also go backwards and cop the kicks u may have missed out on.
Originally Posted by Sneak King

Do we "Jordan Ambassadors", (to borrow from the almighty Brand Jordan's gracious title for us faithful followers), have any reason to believe in the brand anymore. I feel like over the years, the heart of the brand has been completely diminished. I was just watching Sports Center and they showed MJ at todays UNC Senior game and he was rooting on his Alma Motter(sp)...and I thought--why can't JB use the face of their brand to make the brand more special. To an extent, I feel as though the brands attempt to put different faces to greatness with the multi-faceted Team Jordan members has been...Let's say less than exceptional (with the exception of CP3, IMO). The notariety of the Jumpman doesn't carry the same impact as it would if represented more by the Man himself. Memories of yesteryear are still very dominant in the history of great sports moments, but they are clearly being given a run for their money by the likes of Kobe and Lebron. And don't get me wrong...I know %$! great MJ was! But as we continue to get retro's that a carry more than slight variations from the products we grew to love, though 09 does seem to have some hi-lights of its own to come....I feel like no matter what, If MJ would connect himself to his own product...It would bring back some interest and desire that has been lost. Go back to your Bread and Butter JB!

.....And if it's not too much to ask....Good quality products!

I agree to an extent ..
Yes M.J. reps the brand the best, but with good players signed to Brand J.,they reflect how Jordan was constantly striving for greatness..
The new faces keep the brand fresh by appealing to youngins with players of our current era......
Obviously MJ is retired, but the new faces carry his legacy on to a degree by being endorsed by brand J ,and being some of the best athletes at there sport,whatever that may be, they help keep M.J's brand alive through there acts..
Originally Posted by WindyCity23

Can anyone shed some light on this, does Tinker still make money when they retro his designs? Or does the brand get all of it.

I don't think he gets residual income from his Nike/JB designs. He already has an insanely good paying job as VP of design for Nike. If he was workingfreelance it'd be a different story but he's been designing shoes for Nike since like '84, has been their corporate architect since '77 and wasa track product tester for them prior to that. He's been there since the beginning and I assume his salary takes care of most of his income. I'm surehe gets mad royalties from his other design work though. ...Then again, I know he's got patents on a whole slew of his Jordan and Air Max designs so maybethere is residual pay scale based on the sale of these products.
that choose 2 settle for authentic fakes, while others and myself are tired of purchasing authentic fakes.
Originally Posted by Sneak King

Do we "Jordan Ambassadors", (to borrow from the almighty Brand Jordan's gracious title for us faithful followers), have any reason to believe in the brand anymore. I feel like over the years, the heart of the brand has been completely diminished. I was just watching Sports Center and they showed MJ at todays UNC Senior game and he was rooting on his Alma Motter(sp)...and I thought--why can't JB use the face of their brand to make the brand more special. To an extent, I feel as though the brands attempt to put different faces to greatness with the multi-faceted Team Jordan members has been...Let's say less than exceptional (with the exception of CP3, IMO). The notariety of the Jumpman doesn't carry the same impact as it would if represented more by the Man himself. Memories of yesteryear are still very dominant in the history of great sports moments, but they are clearly being given a run for their money by the likes of Kobe and Lebron. And don't get me wrong...I know %$! great MJ was! But as we continue to get retro's that a carry more than slight variations from the products we grew to love, though 09 does seem to have some hi-lights of its own to come....I feel like no matter what, If MJ would connect himself to his own product...It would bring back some interest and desire that has been lost. Go back to your Bread and Butter JB!

.....And if it's not too much to ask....Good quality products!
I strongly believe that Nike/JB can severe all ties with MJ and sell their product simply due the fact that it has the 'Jumpman' & the'Jordan' logo.

Reminiscing about the past and quality will accomplish nothing so long as the masses keep purchasing the trash that the 'creative minds' at JB keepspewing out.

Sadly as William Rivera put it, the brand's simply producing 'authentic fakes'.
Agreed with the second person who posted. We should have an official one of these.

On the other hand, JB does need to come out with quality products! Back yonder, JB did it large with EVERY release! Ideas may be skimp, and if they are, holdoff JB. If not, please, think back.
i agree 100 pecent with vood99. I don't mind if they pass the torch to new JB athletes. Jordan isn't in the spotlight anymore and doesn't need tobe. But the brand needs to recognize that the "Jordan Ambassadors" who got them where they are today are the guys like you an me who primarily wanttrue retros of good quality and new retro+ colorways with resonable inspiration. Instead of slapping us in the face by catering to a new, and often, youngercrowd who have bastardized all that the brand stands for in our eyes.

There are some promising retros to come like the White/Red XIIs. And there are even a lot of inspired retro+s, like the raging bull pack, and motorsport VIscoming out, that at least appear to not be inspired by a box of crayola like most other new releases. But as long as they continue to chug out all theseuninspired, clown-like, colorways and new team models they are not catering to the "Jordan Ambassador"

And the whole don't spend your money and things will change debate is useless. Because the "new" crowd is so large that the brand surviveswithout guys like me and you. Other than a few CDPs and a couple new sig shoes, i have bought most of my shoes on ebay or here on NT. But even if all of NT didthis, new releases would still sell strong. Because we are only a fraction of JB consumers. So as much as some of you hate repeating post like these, i lovethem as long as they are stuctured in a serious form. Because they stand for what we all want: change. And we hope that maybe, just maybe, someone at JB willsee our opinions and that it will strike a chord to acually promote some sort of change.
Originally Posted by Wozman23

And the whole don't spend your money and things will change debate is useless. Because the "new" crowd is so large that the brand survives without guys like me and you. Other than a few CDPs and a couple new sig shoes, i have bought most of my shoes on ebay or here on NT. But even if all of NT did this, new releases would still sell strong. Because we are only a fraction of JB consumers. So as much as some of you hate repeating post like these, i love them as long as they are stuctured in a serious form. Because they stand for what we all want: change. And we hope that maybe, just maybe, someone at JB will see our opinions and that it will strike a chord to acually promote some sort of change.

Couldnt of said that any better.....
Originally Posted by royalflush1230

Fashion with gym shoes is a youthful thing......After so long a company has to make a decision to keep catering to its customers it grew up with, possibly keeping sales at a steady pace, or take the chance in finding new customers and making more money....Hence the slew of Fusions, AJF....I hate fusions, but I know a hell of alot of people who buy them thinking they are the "Best of Both Worlds".....I respect what Tinker and other designers have done for this company....But i also understand that this company is more focused on making money...So it will do whatever it can to make it.....Jordan Brand just cant sell the same damn shoes every 3 or 4 years....they have to make an impact on something to keep you wanting their product.....Ignore what they make that is Garbage in your opinion and just buy the good things they drop every so often....Id rather have retro kicks than to not have em, seeming that i am a late bloomer when it comes to buying kicks.....My only thing against Jordan Brand is Prices, as i never understood how i would have to pay $300 for a package when some of the shoes released were only $115 like the 7s in 06 and Jason Mayden....he sucks when it comes to creativity, he lacks style....But I buy the product so shame on me....
couldnt agree more ma dude
Originally Posted by stifmyster23

Originally Posted by WindyCity23

Another one of these?

Exactly....and on another note...you're avatar is disgusting (stifmyster23).
I'm surprised nobody commented on it before but yeah...nobody wants to see some 300 lb. dude on the toilet.
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