On average, how long do you workout at the gym?

Apr 4, 2007
Just curious to see how long yall spend in the gym (on average)...

I usually go for about 90 minutes...

30 for cardio

around 50-60 for weights/plyos/or whatever I'm doing on the specific day....
about 2 hours but only because i hit up the sauna and then shower there after. otherwise if would be 90 exactly as you described it
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

about 2 hours but only because i hit up the sauna and then shower there after. otherwise if would be 90 exactly as you described it

same here
6 minutes treadmill warmup
4 minutes stretch warmup
25 minutes weights
5 minutes stretch
45 mins on average, but 1 hr on legs day. Takes longer to set up weights and I take longer breaks.
90 minutes as well - cardio for 45 minutes then weight training for about 45 ....

If I'm training for a marathon, I split my workouts into two sessions. 45 to 60 minutes of running in the AM and another for of cardio for 45 min in the PM
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