Once yours always yours? vol. Jr Smith vs Joe Budden

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by Jonbx5

"u took me to mcdonalds for 5 #%$@%%! years" 

She is lucky she got that. I would've been feeding her kibbles & bits 
 whats wrong with you.
10 piece nugget meal with strawberry milkshake 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

 This whole thread is wild.

If you are "that dude" then your girl shouldn't be 1) cheating on you  OR 2) hopping in bed with another dude RIGHT after a break up

its pretty simple.  And if she does it shows she doesn't respect you or herself to an extent.  So why should you want her afterwards?

I think dudes are forgetting that we're talking about a video vixen type of chick...and throughout this thread dudes keep merging the attention seeking/video vixen wannabee chick with the female who is the complete opposite. There are differences in personality that you should factor in the equation.
Originally Posted by blazinRook

anyway you slice it...Joe has us talking about him, he's not dumb..he's up to something.

call him a simp, corny, whatever you want.

but Diddy is corny
and drake is a simp- both are gettin $ and women

this wasn't on his terms tho. And drake sabotages himself from finding a woman of worth because he likes strippers and working girls.

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by cap1229

ima be honest I saw the first two sentences and saw red.
Just three holes tho?
If a !#$!! gonna say that then deep down inside he thinks his mama was that way for his father.
No. He's clearly talking about women who use their body to make their money. They selling sex, and at the end of the day that's really all they're good for. A women who's fine with her *%+ out for the world to see, doesn't have the values or morals it takes to be a proper lady, simple.

Let's make some kind of differentiation here.

First off, you guys are all assuming that Tahiry posed for that pic. It looks to me like she's watching the game and he may have snuck one. I've done it!

You cats who judge based on occupation kill me. Had nude photos leak. Eve used her body to make money and moved past it. So because of her past, she's no longer wife material?

Cats talked the same %%!$ about Amber. A chick who, as far as I know, was with women for a good minute and DATED, not #$@%%$, but DATED TWO dudes in like, what, 4-5 years if not more?

Victoria's Secret models use their bodies to make money. Pancake %#@ out for the world to see. Are we writing them off too?

Y'all swear you know so much about these women based on what they do for a living. Do you realize how asinine that is? And how dangerous it is to generalize on any subject?

I know about Tahiry being with 2 dudes. Maybe y'all trolling gossip sites and know more than me. Other than that I know nothing about this chick.

Y'all have some of the most unrealistic views when it comes to women. It almost makes me wonder if you've had any genuine interaction with them. Y'all seem to be reading from a script. Saying what you think you're supposed to based on some Guy Code handbook.

It comes off as mad naive sometimes. I know there's a lot of young cats on here with a lot to learn, but then why speak about it like you know so much?

I'm not even going to get into the whole if she has sex with a dude after me, when we're no longer together, she's "filth" ridiculousness.

At some point, you will all start to come to terms with reality.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You shouldn't judge a woman by the number of men she slept with, but more by how she carries herself....Tahiri carries herself as an attention seeking JO, so that's how she should be treated...the fact that she was with Joe and then JR is irrelevant.

This thread is all over the place. I don't really care about what happened before me, it's what happens after me that would bother me. If we are in communication after a break up and we both think there may be a possibility of getting back together and she allows some other guy to have sex with her I don't want it. In my mind its tainted. Its what happens after me that would bother me. Not what she did before we got into a relationship. 
This isn't about random JO. It's about a female you were exclusive with. 
Whenever I hear something like this its either, the dude cheated and is hoping he girl forgives him and takes him back or the dude dumped the girl but changed his mind
Either way its seem childish, you arent together but she has to worry about what she does and how it affects you, might as well me datng. 

What about if you guys have a clean(grown up) break and a year later talk again, it doesnt matter who she slept with right?
If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I hope you guys really don't think Joe Budden is poor. Dude does have money.
No one said he was living under the underpass, but dude ain't on that never gonna need for anything else status.
Son actually managed his money very well. His money will surpass most of the people who you think "never gonna need for anything". Son aint living right off album sales, that's for sure. 
The Jumpoff was that hot?? Cuz, got Oprah, Jay - Z, dare I say Baby money?!?!? Thats who I think is on the never gonna need for anything status.

Where you even come from with that?
Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This thread is all over the place. I don't really care about what happened before me, it's what happens after me that would bother me. If we are in communication after a break up and we both think there may be a possibility of getting back together and she allows some other guy to have sex with her I don't want it. In my mind its tainted. Its what happens after me that would bother me. Not what she did before we got into a relationship. 
This isn't about random JO. It's about a female you were exclusive with. 
Whenever I hear something like this its either, the dude cheated and is hoping he girl forgives him and takes him back or the dude dumped the girl but changed his mind
Either way its seem childish, you arent together but she has to worry about what she does and how it affects you, might as well me datng. 

What about if you guys have a clean(grown up) break and a year later talk again, it doesnt matter who she slept with right?
If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

No one said he was living under the underpass, but dude ain't on that never gonna need for anything else status.
Son actually managed his money very well. His money will surpass most of the people who you think "never gonna need for anything". Son aint living right off album sales, that's for sure. 
The Jumpoff was that hot?? Cuz, got Oprah, Jay - Z, dare I say Baby money?!?!? Thats who I think is on the never gonna need for anything status.

Where you even come from with that?
Oh so you was comparing him with some of the richest people alive, let me fall back 
. I assumed you meant the average dudes with money, since know one here said he's filthy rich. I was speaking on you know, average millionaire cats, and all the dudes you see doing it up BMF
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Whenever I hear something like this its either, the dude cheated and is hoping he girl forgives him and takes him back or the dude dumped the girl but changed his mind
Either way its seem childish, you arent together but she has to worry about what she does and how it affects you, might as well me datng. 

What about if you guys have a clean(grown up) break and a year later talk again, it doesnt matter who she slept with right?
If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Not to every female. Are the ones who don't think it's ok wrong for not wanting you if you are? No
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Whenever I hear something like this its either, the dude cheated and is hoping he girl forgives him and takes him back or the dude dumped the girl but changed his mind
Either way its seem childish, you arent together but she has to worry about what she does and how it affects you, might as well me datng. 

What about if you guys have a clean(grown up) break and a year later talk again, it doesnt matter who she slept with right?
If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Not to every female. Are the ones who don't think it's ok wrong for not wanting you if you are? No
I agree ,I just wanted to know if i was ok for him to bang everything with legs but she had to stay home and watch friends reruns
I already know what you are about Dabottom 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Not to every female. Are the ones who don't think it's ok wrong for not wanting you if you are? No
I agree ,I just wanted to know if i was ok for him to bang everything with legs but she had to stay home and watch friends reruns
I already know what you are about Dabottom 

I'm a good guy woman!
only on NT where most ppl work retail pulling in under 20k a year, SCOFF at Joe Budden as if he is regular Ford factory worker

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.
But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Not to every female. Are the ones who don't think it's ok wrong for not wanting you if you are? No
If a chick doesn't mind a guy being promiscuous she's either promiscuous herself or has low standards. Yall dudes tend to go blind on that double standard. She either gets around as much as you do or she doesn't have a whole lot of self-worth and self-respect for herself to think she deserves better especially since you guys are saying shh like the female is filth if yall break up and she messes with another guy. Yall are do delusional with the "purity" aspect of sexual relationships yall will either end up alone or with slutbags and not even know it. It's probably less than 1% of yall that will manage to get and stay with a virgin.
Some of these cape wearing S-on-the-chest pushovers are gonna be in a rude awakening, or you already are but just haven't figured it out yet.
While you're thinking your girl is/was and angel, she was/is building her body count up and decided to finally settle down with you, and you fell for it

On the flipside, just cause you're a dude who for years have lowered your standards ten-fold to "pad your stats" doesn't mean that every female you meet
is just like you and expects the same.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Some of these cape wearing S-on-the-chest pushovers are gonna be in a rude awakening, or you already are but just haven't figured it out yet.
While you're thinking your girl is/was and angel, she was/is building her body count up and decided to finally settle down with you, and you fell for it

On the flipside, just cause you're a dude who for years have lowered your standards ten-fold to "pad your stats" doesn't mean that every female you meet
is just like you and expects the same.

log off for once
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