Once yours always yours? vol. Jr Smith vs Joe Budden

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

           This!! All you guys trying to justify why you would consider taking her back are simps. Period. But don't worry, I wont insult you without elaborating. It has nothing to do with being a "One way street", or a "Two way street", it has everything to do with not letting her have and eat her cake. If she's laid up with another dude posing for $%%-shots, it should be a wrap for any plans at reconciliation. Period. That's like letting your girl know that no matter what she does, you'll be right there to forgive her and look at the "big picture" and let bygones be bygones?  Are you nuts? She'll just walk over you forvever.  Pride and ego are not necessarily bad things. When used POSITIVELY, they stop simps from making complete fools out of themselves. LISTEN TO YOUR EGO AND PRIDE, sometimes its all we have left. It's letting you know that this girl is not worth your time bro. Get CHOSEN, not setlled for. If she does you wrong, cut her off completely and NEVER look back. Why be in a relationship where there are lingering feelings of betrayal, distrust, loyalty issues, etc. because you dont want someone else to have her? That's what we call NEGATIVE pride, or negative ego. Some may think that  "working it out" with her and taking the high road is a sign of maturity, but its actually a sign of  lack of self confidence and a lack of self respect... two things that I have excess amounts of, and so should you. Good day.

x 1000000000000000
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Whenever I hear something like this its either, the dude cheated and is hoping he girl forgives him and takes him back or the dude dumped the girl but changed his mind
Either way its seem childish, you arent together but she has to worry about what she does and how it affects you, might as well me datng. 

What about if you guys have a clean(grown up) break and a year later talk again, it doesnt matter who she slept with right?
If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Well my analogy to it is a women is suppose to be a like  fragile beautiful lotus...not some old pine tree that everyone takes a leak on every time they camp in its forest. Us guys on the other hand are just searching for a compatible mate where a sexual relationship is sometimes apart of the process
Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

If its a break up where both parties don't expect to get back with each other and then we connect again later on in life maybe I wouldn't care (hopefully she wasn't promiscuous). Where as if it were just a break knowing you would get back with the person and you found out she was giving it up crazy then I'd pass.

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Well my analogy to it is a women is suppose to be a like  fragile beautiful lotus...not some old pine tree that everyone takes a leak on every time they camp in its forest. Us guys on the other hand are just searching for a compatible mate where a sexual relationship is sometimes apart of the process

You do realize that women are the choosers right?
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by blazinRook

anyway you slice it...Joe has us talking about him, he's not dumb..he's up to something.

call him a simp, corny, whatever you want.

but Diddy is corny
and drake is a simp- both are gettin $ and women

this wasn't on his terms tho. And drake sabotages himself from finding a woman of worth because he likes strippers and working girls.
this wasn't? cuz i swear he put his girl on his youtube channel and made it about their relationship. He made tahiry hot in these streets. 
"any publicity is good publicity." 

People started talking about him again, after that he destroyed the BET cypher (the year before this one)

and then him and his squad got signed to Shady Records. (one of the most influential Hip-Hop labels today)

and then at the BET cypher this year he dropped a line 

"in my youth i'd throw shots, the fam was dodging it..

i'm grown, i ain't watching the throne, i'm sabotaging in" 

(referring back to his on going beef with Jay-Z, but this is already too deep)

-he up to something.

-release a solid album or 2 under Shady, people gonna be talking about him more than ever.

-he has the ability for mainstream appeal and he's lethal.

-People are talking about him, i honestly think he up to something. 
*predicatble NT'r* you choose until it's time to settle down & pick the first simp willing to put a ring on it /predictable NT'r

I swear you men really believe your own %+@@
it's like a girl is only suppose to bust it wide open for you cuz your G was that tight & no one else. Not even being promiscuous just when it comes to sex in general on this board.

Got forbid she like a few guys after you and you two some how come together again later on in life.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

*predicatble NT'r* you choose until it's time to settle down & pick the first simp willing to put a ring on it /predictable NT'r

I swear you men really believe your own %+@@
it's like a girl is only suppose to bust it wide open for you cuz your G was that tight & no one else. Not even being promiscuous just when it comes to sex in general on this board.

Got forbid she like a few guys after you and you two some how come together again later on in life.
I'll just say this, you're right in a way because there is a unfair double standard.

On the flip, things would be so much easier for both male and female if things were kept closer to the roots of how things were intended to be.

These dumb male and females go out and act on emotions and artificial ideals and look where everyone is now.
I was about to ask what does that mean too.

When did those two get banned?
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Dude just trying to get all his Jesusy nonsense out while Sillyputton and Anton are still banned.
They got banned?

 *throws party*

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But is it ok for you  to be promiscuous? 
Well my analogy to it is a women is suppose to be a like  fragile beautiful lotus...not some old pine tree that everyone takes a leak on every time they camp in its forest. Us guys on the other hand are just searching for a compatible mate where a sexual relationship is sometimes apart of the process

You do realize that women are the choosers right?
Not in all cases, but yes. Hence why I used the word compatible. While we are searching for someone compatible we may get turned down sometimes but never the less we are still searching for compatibility.If someone doesn't feel that they can coexist with you for whatever reason(s) whether it be looks, attitude, behavior etc  then you're not compatible. Just my analogy of it. Could be wrong.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

What does that mean RKO? If people didn't have sex until marriage? That is even more a recipe for disaster and you know it.
If it's handled responsibly and not rushed into, then how would equate disaster?

You have a much lower number of STI's, unplanned pregnancies and back to this thread, these threads/problems would be in very low number. You are lying if you tell me it doesn't cut down on all those.

You have guys and girls treating each other with respect and are genuinely are trying to find their life mate, you don't get these issues that many people face. The evidence is all around me and you if you choose to pay attention.

Of course you and your boys will be blinded by the beliefs behind me, but have it your way. 
Dude just trying to get all his Jesusy nonsense out while Sillyputton and Anton are still banned.
[/td][/tr][/table]Wasn't aware of that until now.

RKO you mean like dudes treating their women right? Thats why she left him.

That's a big piece of it. Some guys have been crap for far too long and females are returning that favor more now than ever. Not to say women are completely innocent but in response to treatment overtime, its help a lot of women say F it.

I'm not excusing anyone though because a lot of people jump willfully into bad relationships and stay in them with no improvement in site.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.
           This!! All you guys trying to justify why you would consider taking her back are simps. Period. But don't worry, I wont insult you without elaborating. It has nothing to do with being a "One way street", or a "Two way street", it has everything to do with not letting her have and eat her cake. If she's laid up with another dude posing for $%%-shots, it should be a wrap for any plans at reconciliation. Period. That's like letting your girl know that no matter what she does, you'll be right there to forgive her and look at the "big picture" and let bygones be bygones?  Are you nuts? She'll just walk over you forvever.  Pride and ego are not necessarily bad things. When used POSITIVELY, they stop simps from making complete fools out of themselves. LISTEN TO YOUR EGO AND PRIDE, sometimes its all we have left. It's letting you know that this girl is not worth your time bro. Get CHOSEN, not setlled for. If she does you wrong, cut her off completely and NEVER look back. Why be in a relationship where there are lingering feelings of betrayal, distrust, loyalty issues, etc. because you dont want someone else to have her? That's what we call NEGATIVE pride, or negative ego. Some may think that  "working it out" with her and taking the high road is a sign of maturity, but its actually a sign of  lack of self confidence and a lack of self respect... two things that I have excess amounts of, and so should you. Good day.

i'll agree to disagree and i'm far from a simp. it depends on the whole situation, if the reason the relationship ended in the first place wasn't because of cheating and she proved to be faithful during the time she was in a relationship with me, and there was a mutual reasoning behind reconciling then i would be willing to disregard what went on while we weren't together as she should disregard what i did. 

like i said though it depends on the situation though, in this case in which the thread was made about the door is closed shut on reconciliation, her pics were put out there by another man, from a pride standpoint it's no going back to that, also if she cheated while we were in a relationship then the hell with her, she's cut off completely and there's no even thinking about or considering giving her a chance because she burnt her bridge.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral


Somebody photoshop the BasedGod in this.

The funny thing about is Tahiry is not even mad about this JR gon keep smashing and Joe gon keep crying
Jr Smith said a couple weeks about that he don't med with Joe but at the same time he said he respect his music. but when he last tweeted he looks forward to being the focus on a track that Joe put out lol Jr Smith a silly dude
Budden is a lame.

Number one, he's a rapper, she's a bartender...this dude was parading this broad around, getting YouTube video views up..even to this day, this dude lives for the validation of his Twitter groupies, most of whom all seem to be male.

I dont see how anyone can idolize an emotionally unstable guy like him, much less one who put his hands on a woman, causing a miscarriage or w/e it was that happened to Eshter..

Dude wifes up all Fabs old slides and acts like he's macking...

She knew damn well she was gonna get under Joe's skin, but dude is always acting like they're together and all that....That's on him, because if he never put her out there like that she would know her position.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

On the flip, things would be so much easier for both male and female if things were kept closer to the roots of how things were intended to be.

What do you mean exactly how things were intended to be? According to who exactly? 
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Got forbid she like a few guys after you and you two some how come together again later on in life.

Youre dead to me.

But we hadn't talked in a year and I've only been with two people since. We can work this out.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Got forbid she like a few guys after you and you two some how come together again later on in life.

Youre dead to me.

But we hadn't talked in a year and I've only been with two people since. We can work this out.

Sorry Regis.  You can her back if you want tho.

whats joey secret to bagging these shorties?
he's no lil wayne or even a faboulous for that matter
so is he simpin or is he just "dat dude"
women can't hop from man to man with no emotional attachment

that's why it looks worse for women

a woman with alotta dudes will get you robbed or killed
Nah fk that.  once a chick lets another dude in.. you can never return if you were the old flame.  Its a form of liberation for them.. like a declaration of independence.  You can not go home again
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