Once yours always yours? vol. Jr Smith vs Joe Budden

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

What does that mean RKO? If people didn't have sex until marriage? That is even more a recipe for disaster and you know it.
If it's handled responsibly and not rushed into, then how would equate disaster?

You have a much lower number of STI's, unplanned pregnancies and back to this thread, these threads/problems would be in very low number. You are lying if you tell me it doesn't cut down on all those.

You have guys and girls treating each other with respect and are genuinely are trying to find their life mate, you don't get these issues that many people face. The evidence is all around me and you if you choose to pay attention.

Of course you and your boys will be blinded by the beliefs behind me, but have it your way. 



Dude just trying to get all his Jesusy nonsense out while Sillyputton and Anton are still banned.
[/td][/tr][/table]Wasn't aware of that until now.

RKO you mean like dudes treating their women right? Thats why she left him.

That's a big piece of it. Some guys have been crap for far too long and females are returning that favor more now than ever. Not to say women are completely innocent but in response to treatment overtime, its help a lot of women say F it.

I'm not excusing anyone though because a lot of people jump willfully into bad relationships and stay in them with no improvement in site.

Because sex and living with someone are the 2 biggest parts of marriage. Both can easily be dealbreakers and frankly you learn a lot about someone when you live with them in terms of personality traits. Do it your way, well !%$+ it's too late now. !%$+ you might not even know if he or she snores uncontrollably and you are a light sleeper, maybe he/she is terrible at sex (although I guess your argument would be since they're your first you have no frame of reference for comparison), smells funny, has a small/big penis/vagina, smells funny, all types of !%$+ that could pop up because you're going into it blind.
But as your j/o a resounding yes b/c you can usually just be real and straightup with them and the situation works so well.
So the tatted jawn that was brawling in china is a go? where's she at? she looks like she pees on +@+!*+.
Joe new jawn:



Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

What I find most interesting about discussions such as this is the terminology used when talking about a woman participating in sex. Terms such as, "pounding out those guts", "ripped up", "someone elses filth", "making those booty cheeks flap like a hummingbird", "spewing his man venom all over her guts", "taking her purity" etc. Its interesting because it shows that in essence men think that they own their womans chastity. Like once a female goes out and sleeps with someone other than you she is a @#+$# or she has been "conquered" by someone else therefore she is "filth". This is a disturbing result of the American sex is taboo paradigm created through the media in the American psyche. Your view of sexual relations is completely miscalculated and the majority of you have the sexual maturity and ego of a 14 year old. No +%%# but I would bet 95% of you are horrible lovers. You view sex as some pornographic sexual romp wherein you create these fantasies where your ex or any other woman is being pounded out vigorously by some Lexington Steele type dude that is shooting Peter North sized loads all over her wherein in reality that's not the case. Its no wonder the majority of you don't actually pull the females you scream and get goose pimples for in the "appreciation" threads. You dudes are sexist.

the way u started off had me like
at how serious you were, but the guaranteed lulz came at that sentence. mad me laugh out loud, didn't wake ne1 up tho. cosign all this btw.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

So men are worse then pine trees that get pissed on, ok I get it now

So you're taking my analogy and twisting it to your liking. Well in that case what man would like to be compared to a lotus.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

What I find most interesting about discussions such as this is the terminology used when talking about a woman participating in sex. Terms such as, "pounding out those guts", "ripped up", "someone elses filth", "making those booty cheeks flap like a hummingbird", "spewing his man venom all over her guts", "taking her purity" etc. Its interesting because it shows that in essence men think that they own their womans chastity. Like once a female goes out and sleeps with someone other than you she is a %!#++ or she has been "conquered" by someone else therefore she is "filth". This is a disturbing result of the American sex is taboo paradigm created through the media in the American psyche. Your view of sexual relations is completely miscalculated and the majority of you have the sexual maturity and ego of a 14 year old. No +#*+ but I would bet 95% of you are horrible lovers. You view sex as some pornographic sexual romp wherein you create these fantasies where your ex or any other woman is being pounded out vigorously by some Lexington Steele type dude that is shooting Peter North sized loads all over her wherein in reality that's not the case. Its no wonder the majority of you don't actually pull the females you scream and get goose pimples for in the "appreciation" threads. You dudes are sexist.

Originally Posted by illphillip

Let's make some kind of differentiation here.

First off, you guys are all assuming that Tahiry posed for that pic. It looks to me like she's watching the game and he may have snuck one. I've done it!

You cats who judge based on occupation kill me. Had nude photos leak. Eve used her body to make money and moved past it. So because of her past, she's no longer wife material?

Cats talked the same %%!$ about Amber. A chick who, as far as I know, was with women for a good minute and DATED, not #$@%%$, but DATED TWO dudes in like, what, 4-5 years if not more?

Victoria's Secret models use their bodies to make money. Pancake %#@ out for the world to see. Are we writing them off too?

Y'all swear you know so much about these women based on what they do for a living. Do you realize how asinine that is? And how dangerous it is to generalize on any subject?

I know about Tahiry being with 2 dudes. Maybe y'all trolling gossip sites and know more than me. Other than that I know nothing about this chick.

Y'all have some of the most unrealistic views when it comes to women. It almost makes me wonder if you've had any genuine interaction with them. Y'all seem to be reading from a script. Saying what you think you're supposed to based on some Guy Code handbook.

It comes off as mad naive sometimes. I know there's a lot of young cats on here with a lot to learn, but then why speak about it like you know so much?

I'm not even going to get into the whole if she has sex with a dude after me, when we're no longer together, she's "filth" ridiculousness.

At some point, you will all start to come to terms with reality.

100 percent truth spoken in these posts.  I have nothing more to add.

The thing I don't get is why didn't she tell him wen they had they lil twitter war....and why he even all on her twitter speakin upp on wat they talkin bout?
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.

Originally Posted by qnumber25

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Once the next man touches her.. She's filth, its all over.

.. Call it pride if you want, but i'm not sucker, i know better.

Both of you guys are gonna marry filth... How does that make you feel?
Originally Posted by JuiceEsquire

only on NT where most ppl work retail pulling in under 20k a year, SCOFF at Joe Budden as if he is regular Ford factory worker

-The Juice
people love to hate on joe, he takes a lot of Ls but dude is one of the best lyricist out right now, is constantly getting some bad females, and he got more money than all of us. 

inb4 stan comments 
"How many _'s do we know with hella ice but yet they lame?"
Dude got $$ so what? Doesn't make him any less of a clown... Those two things are not mutually exclusive

& you dudes are even lamer for bring that up like it justifies this dudes continuous male bird like actions

Originally Posted by Jonbx5

Originally Posted by JuiceEsquire

only on NT where most ppl work retail pulling in under 20k a year, SCOFF at Joe Budden as if he is regular Ford factory worker

-The Juice
people love to hate on joe, he takes a lot of Ls but dude is one of the best lyricist out right now, is constantly getting some bad females, and he got more money than all of us. 

inb4 stan comments 
Yes you are a stan... and speak for yourself...

Joe hasn't sold a record since gas was under $2/gallon
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Joe new jawn:

I'm pretty sure NinjaHood hit this; i've seen him post up her pic before.  either that or she is just another glorified *%!!@!%.  I'll go with the latter. 
It looks like cuz just wifes up whatever he finds with mass.

Truth be told, I'd smash....repeatedly.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by Jonbx5

Originally Posted by JuiceEsquire

only on NT where most ppl work retail pulling in under 20k a year, SCOFF at Joe Budden as if he is regular Ford factory worker

-The Juice
people love to hate on joe, he takes a lot of Ls but dude is one of the best lyricist out right now, is constantly getting some bad females, and he got more money than all of us. 

inb4 stan comments 
Yes you are a stan... and speak for yourself...

Joe hasn't sold a record since gas was under $2/gallon
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Joe new jawn:

I'm pretty sure NinjaHood hit this; i've seen him post up her pic before.  either that or she is just another glorified *%!!@!%.  I'll go with the latter. 

I believe that ninjahood posted this pic in the OG spandex thread
I really don't see the issue with dismissing a woman because of her past jobs (stripping) or type of people she has dealt with (entertainers). How would that make me have an unrealistic view? Why would I want the woman I am with to have +@%%+ evidence scattered around the internet? I don't know much about this woman but I saw someone mentioned Amber Rose. Was she a former stripper? If so why is a man wrong for dismissing her because of that? So what if it is her past?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I really don't see the issue with dismissing a woman because of her past jobs (stripping) or type of people she has dealt with (entertainers). How would that make me have an unrealistic view? Why would I want the woman I am with to have +@%%+ evidence scattered around the internet? I don't know much about this woman but I saw someone mentioned Amber Rose. Was she a former stripper? If so why is a man wrong for dismissing her because of that? So what if it is her past?
Are you proud of everything that you have done over the course of your life? Sometimes we as human beings have to experience things to become the person we are today. Is it fair to judge someone from something they did in the past before you knew them? The real answer is no. But, we as selfish beings don't think about it from both perspectives and don't overlook someones past, even if we have lived similar lives. If you are living by those standards, what makes you even worthy to be someone? I'm sure you have your share of dirt, we all do, but we learn from it and move on.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

DCAllAmerican wrote:

I really don't see the issue with dismissing a woman because of her past jobs (stripping) or type of people she has dealt with (entertainers). How would that make me have an unrealistic view? Why would I want the woman I am with to have +@%%+ evidence scattered around the internet? I don't know much about this woman but I saw someone mentioned Amber Rose. Was she a former stripper? If so why is a man wrong for dismissing her because of that? So what if it is her past?
Are you proud of everything that you have done over the course of your life? Sometimes we as human beings have to experience things to become the person we are today. Is it fair to judge someone from something they did in the past before you knew them? The real answer is no. But, we as selfish beings don't think about it from both perspectives and don't overlook someones past, even if we have lived similar lives. If you are living by those standards, what makes you even worthy to be someone? I'm sure you have your share of dirt, we all do, but we learn from it and move on.

Well if a dude were a stripper and had nudes all over the internets and was none for bouncing from famous celebrity to famous celebrity to keep their name poppin but then had a problem with a female with the same past, then yes that person would be a hypocrite. But given that doesn't describe most males and I assume DC either, he is well within his right to feel a certain way about that.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

DCAllAmerican wrote:

I really don't see the issue with dismissing a woman because of her past jobs (stripping) or type of people she has dealt with (entertainers). How would that make me have an unrealistic view? Why would I want the woman I am with to have +@%%+ evidence scattered around the internet? I don't know much about this woman but I saw someone mentioned Amber Rose. Was she a former stripper? If so why is a man wrong for dismissing her because of that? So what if it is her past?
Are you proud of everything that you have done over the course of your life? Sometimes we as human beings have to experience things to become the person we are today. Is it fair to judge someone from something they did in the past before you knew them? The real answer is no. But, we as selfish beings don't think about it from both perspectives and don't overlook someones past, even if we have lived similar lives. If you are living by those standards, what makes you even worthy to be someone? I'm sure you have your share of dirt, we all do, but we learn from it and move on.

Well if a dude were a stripper and had nudes all over the internets and was none for bouncing from famous celebrity to famous celebrity to keep their name poppin but then had a problem with a female with the same past, then yes that person would be a hypocrite. But given that doesn't describe most males and I assume DC either, he is well within his right to feel a certain way about that.
Come on now, not talking about stripping and I would hope you knew that. Us as males can slip up, have that woman on the side, juggling a few females at a time, using girls for the p and suck out whatever we can get and then dicth em, you know stuff like that. Unless that is you are perfect, wrong is wrong were not just talking about nudes here or stripping, were talking about ones past and making mistakes.

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