One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

This Michael Jackson talk is just a massive deflection from Biebers racism and the people defending it.

Lol exactly.

But on the MJ Thing, everyone knows he was a weirdo but I think these parents knew they had a potential Juug and Mike was naive and took the bait.
How the hell did this turn into a MJ discussion? :lol: That's how you know an argument is pointless. All I see in here is non minorities trying to tell us how to feel, react, etc to a given situation as usual. In my eyes if you haven't lived in this black skin you are in no way qualified to speak on the actions we make nor how we should feel about any damn thing. Just like I have no business telling a white man what he should or shouldn't be outraged about. Lucky is absolutely right the new agenda is to just push this type of stuff under the rug and say oh that never happened, racism doesn't exist or its not a big deal. Lots of true colors been shown in here, then again I'm quite sure others knew dudes had these attitudes already.
But, people on here are saying that Michael Jackson is innocent because he wasn't convicted should also agree that Zimmerman is innocent because he wasn't convicted.

That's the logic they're using in these types of cases.

Agreed that's why I mentioned OJ

Court system is flawed and inconsistent
Facts - Not one time in this thread.

You want me to resort to facts while a lot of you continue to make stupid *** arguments based on stupid *** assumptions sprinkled with just a splash of real life experiences?
So basically you have no facts and just wanted to draw attention away from the person at hand.  There you go. 
Consider the morals of those parents in the first place, DK. What parent would let their child sleep at MJ's house in the first place? Yes, those are the type of parents who would accept a payoff.
Not sure on that one as far as the morals of the parents go.  I do know that in life alot of people are just looking for a big pay day one way or another, and by any means necessary. 
Zimmerman is innocent. Jackson was innocent. That's kind of the way our judicial system works. We cannot convict somebody because a large group of people want him to be convicted. Evidence has to be shown and a case has to be made. That happened in neither of those cases.

I find it interesting that so many people still cling to the whole "Zimmerman is guilty, you are a stupid racist if you disagree" shtick. You were not there. We have no choice but to go on the evidence and the verdict. Move on.

On MJ: we have to understand that he had no childhood. His father was abusive and they were constantly on the road performing. He never grew up and when he was an adult it just so happened that the people he got along with most were kids. Weird? Yeah. Malicious? No.

On Bieber: Kid's a **** face.
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Zimmerman is innocent. Jackson was innocent. That's kind of the way our judicial system works. We cannot convict somebody because a large group of people want him to be convicted. Evidence has to be shown and a case has to be made. That happened in neither of those cases.

I find it interesting that so many people still cling to the whole "Zimmerman is guilty, you are a stupid racist if you disagree" shtick. You were not there. We have no choice but to go on the evidence and the verdict. Move on.

are you black?
Parents exploiting their kids is nothing new....happens in sports/entertainment. What do yall think Terio is about?
deuce king deuce king - break out the banjos my dude...

Lil Wayne and Young Money We Still Ride With Justin Bieber

Lil Wayne, Birdman and the rest of the Young Money Entertainment crew are not abandoning Justin Bieber in the wake of the latest racist video to surface ... telling TMZ that Bieber is still family.

Young Money Prez Mack Maine tells TMZ ... everyone on the label has interacted with Bieber extensively and there has not been a hint of racism on Justin's part. Mack Maine says the majority of Justin's crew is black, and "Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect."

Mack Maine says Justin has "legitimately adopted the culture of the hip hop, African American culture."

And Mack Maine says everyone in the Young Money camp believes Bieber's age at the time he recorded the song is highly relevant. Mack Maine confessed, "I remember telling a white man, Chinese man, Black man joke as a kid that was terrible and I told it to my friends because I thought they'd think it was funny."

Mack Maine says that joke was as offensive as Bieber's, and the difference is simply he didn't get caught.

For all these reasons, Mack Maine says Young Money will continue to work with Bieber.

Wayne was the same dude holla'in "**** Donald Sterling" tho...
Ya'll let trolls once again come in here and take a discussion about racism into a convo on whether MJ raped children.

Skimmed through saw the reverse racism post, the usual black people make a big deal out of blah blah, things are equal in the school system.

Oh and FTR the reason people aren't saying openly racist things about black but they sure as hell infer a bunch of points to show what they think, It's a direct paradigm of what goes on in society, "Oh no we will never openly call blacks a name that's so unfair :wow:... instead we'll keep them out of jobs, continue to destroy their communities, Make sure their schools are weaker, place horrible nutrition in their communities, give them lower wages, prosecute them at a higher rate, destroy their image in the media... But no of course we have nothing but love for blacks we got Obama in office and bump Jay-Z"

Let us complain about black people complaining about being treated unjust, it's old and tired and doesn't exist.... maybe they should just work harder. :smh:
deuce king deuce king - break out the banjos my dude...

Lil Wayne and Young Money We Still Ride With Justin Bieber

Lil Wayne, Birdman and the rest of the Young Money Entertainment crew are not abandoning Justin Bieber in the wake of the latest racist video to surface ... telling TMZ that Bieber is still family.

Young Money Prez Mack Maine tells TMZ ... everyone on the label has interacted with Bieber extensively and there has not been a hint of racism on Justin's part. Mack Maine says the majority of Justin's crew is black, and "Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect."

Mack Maine says Justin has "legitimately adopted the culture of the hip hop, African American culture."

And Mack Maine says everyone in the Young Money camp believes Bieber's age at the time he recorded the song is highly relevant. Mack Maine confessed, "I remember telling a white man, Chinese man, Black man joke as a kid that was terrible and I told it to my friends because I thought they'd think it was funny."

Mack Maine says that joke was as offensive as Bieber's, and the difference is simply he didn't get caught.

For all these reasons, Mack Maine says Young Money will continue to work with Bieber.

Wayne was the same dude holla'in "**** Donald Sterling" tho...


Expected nothing less. Hypocrites
This Michael Jackson talk is just a massive deflection from Biebers racism and the people defending it.

The last 10-13 pages dont have anything to do with the topic.. NT is good at deflection tho :lol: You got dudes who came in here with the sole purpose of riling up Lucky with the intent of moving the thread into another direction
are you black?
No. I suppose you're now going to tell me that I can't comment because I'm not. I hope not because that would be a ludicrous statement.

naw blud I don't disqualify people from things based on race, that's mean. that would be like a white person telling me I can't speak on something because I'm black.

Also "One Less *****" sounds like a Gucci song.
Young Money Prez Mack Maine tells TMZ ... everyone on the label has interacted with Bieber extensively and there has not been a hint of racism on Justin's part. Mack Maine says the majority of Justin's crew is black, and "Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect."
Just sad.  These ****** where were quick to pick up the banjos on this one.  Cash Money/Young Money new record company logo................


Mack Maine says Justin has "legitimately adopted the culture of the hip hop, African American culture."
I'm sure he has, it's called slumming.  Same thing Miley Cyrus is currently doing.  Alot of black folks are getting played and they don't even know it. 

At adopted African American culture. These guys are ******* idiots. They'd rather make a buck than stick up for themselves.

And what exactly did he adopt? He's spitting on people, wearing gold grills, and got some tattoos. You mean to tell me that African American culture? :smh: these guys are doing more damage to themselves by saying that.
@Deuce King - break out the banjos my dude...

Lil Wayne and Young Money We Still Ride With Justin Bieber

Lil Wayne, Birdman and the rest of the Young Money Entertainment crew are not abandoning Justin Bieber in the wake of the latest racist video to surface ... telling TMZ that Bieber is still family.

Young Money Prez Mack Maine tells TMZ ... everyone on the label has interacted with Bieber extensively and there has not been a hint of racism on Justin's part. Mack Maine says the majority of Justin's crew is black, and "Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect."

Mack Maine says Justin has "legitimately adopted the culture of the hip hop, African American culture."

And Mack Maine says everyone in the Young Money camp believes Bieber's age at the time he recorded the song is highly relevant. Mack Maine confessed, "I remember telling a white man, Chinese man, Black man joke as a kid that was terrible and I told it to my friends because I thought they'd think it was funny."

Mack Maine says that joke was as offensive as Bieber's, and the difference is simply he didn't get caught.

For all these reasons, Mack Maine says Young Money will continue to work with Bieber.

Wayne was the same dude holla'in "**** Donald Sterling" tho...
Talk to 'em
Deuce King - For someone that's made as many sexist as homophobic comments as you, how can you use the race card as often as you do?

Pls respond.

Patrick - I brought up MJ not to derail the thread but to point out how everyone is willing to give a pass to some people even when they **** up worse than the person that this thread is about.'s hard to take a lot of you dudes serious after seeing a lot of the outlandish **** you've all said through the years I been on this forum.

That hypocritical behavior should not be wassup in the streets.

Y'all the same dudes calling Wayne a hypocrite but when you get called out for hypocrisy you want to claim "thread detail".

I don't know how much more blatant you dudes can be with it.
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Zimmerman is innocent. Jackson was innocent. That's kind of the way our judicial system works. We cannot convict somebody because a large group of people want him to be convicted. Evidence has to be shown and a case has to be made. That happened in neither of those cases.

I find it interesting that so many people still cling to the whole "Zimmerman is guilty, you are a stupid racist if you disagree" shtick. You were not there. We have no choice but to go on the evidence and the verdict. Move on.

On MJ: we have to understand that he had no childhood. His father was abusive and they were constantly on the road performing. He never grew up and when he was an adult it just so happened that the people he got along with most were kids. Weird? Yeah. Malicious? No.

On Bieber: Kid's a **** face.

The thing is Zimmerman did in fact kill Trayvon. Michael Jackson did not as far as we no ever admit to molesting the kids.
So what's the verdict, NT rockin with HeelBieb or nah?
Deuce King - For someone that's made as many sexist as homophobic comments as you, how can you use the race card as often as you do?

Pls respond.

First off, what sexist or homophobic comments from your end are you referring to?? 
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