One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Are you serious with that comment? :lol:
That BS chart means nothing. What college these black women enrolled in? Community College? How many graduated? Hold decent jobs after college?
How many rise to positions of power and didnt have to marry a white man or who are single and consider themselves "Strong black women"?
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Your average kid without a degree doesn't end up at Exeter and Harvard, or design a program sold to microsoft by 18.

And? So you're saying smart people don't need degree? Like I said a group of people being the most "educated" means nothing when there are people with no degrees with more wealth than them
Does the fact still stand he doesn't have a degree? A degree means nothing in this day and age so why brig up the stats like that mean all black women are rich and wealthy? Dudes missing the point

a degree means nothing these days? it means more than it ever has regardless if you agree or disagree with the college system
Are you serious with that comment? :lol:
That BS chart means nothing. What college these black women enrolled in? Community College? How many graduated? Hold decent jobs after college?
How many rise to positions of power and didnt have to marry a white man or who are single and consider themselves "Strong black women"?

This isn't exclusive to black women though.
And whites getting priced out of manhattan.
They went to Williamsburg and now they getting priced out of there too.

NYC housing racist against whites?

Dog, ain't nobody saying blacks don't got the chips stacked up against them. This is a fact.
But when you decide to use this as an excuse for every single short coming and walk around with this chip on your shoulder you aren't doing yourself any favors.

I asked your for your thoughts on Michael Jackson cause I wanted to see how your anger towards this clown that sang a stupid song compared to the anger of this pedophile that happened to be an extremely talented artist.

Have your opinions, see the world how you want. But as of right now, you don't seem anymore open minded than some white bigot.

What are you talking about? You speak of blacks in Harlem and I say "aren't they being priced out" then you bring up white ppl being priced out, what does that have to do with black businesses in Harlem?
I'm making the point that the points you're bringing up are not exclusive to black people.

You can't call it a black issue when whites are going through the same struggle when it comes to getting priced out.

How you fail to make the connection is beyond me.
Does the fact still stand he doesn't have a degree? A degree means nothing in this day and age so why brig up the stats like that mean all black women are rich and wealthy? Dudes missing the point

There are too many variables to say a degree means nothing. I think to have one is better then not having one. Getting a job is just a hustle in general now a days. A degree is not as powerful because so many people are educated now. What will make you stick out from the rest are the little things. Personality, being social, knwoing the right people, being able to just work with others and so much more. That is what they don't teach you in college and so many people are not getting jobs just because they have no idea how to play that game. Of course it all depends on the type of business, but I would never want to think getting a proper education is a crutch more so than a benefit. You just have to bring more to the table then just a degree now.
a degree means nothing these days? it means more than it ever has regardless if you agree or disagree with the college system

A bachelors doesn't hold the same power now as it did in 1990, if you don't see this you're blind

With the whole agenda of pushing more people to go for a higher education, the value of a degree was bound to go down.

Simple supply and demand b.
Da Biebs was 14. He was a kid! Who the **** cares?!

Black People always overreact and are sensitive. I wish you'd react like this to REAL issues. Yeah, I took it there.

Someone actually gave this a thumbs up. This website grows stupider by the day.

Being 14 doesn't excuse someone from comments like that. If he raped/killed/robbed/assaulted someone, would you be saying he was just 14? No. At that age you know better.
Da Biebs was 14. He was a kid! Who the **** cares?!

Black People always overreact and are sensitive. I wish you'd react like this to REAL issues. Yeah, I took it there.

Someone actually gave this a thumbs up. This website grows stupider by the day.

Being 14 doesn't excuse someone from comments like that. If he raped/killed/robbed/assaulted someone, would you be saying he was just 14? No. At that age you know better.

Michael Jackson molested little kids well into his adult life yet black people still gave him a super duper pass.
Da Biebs was 14. He was a kid! Who the **** cares?!

Black People always overreact and are sensitive. I wish you'd react like this to REAL issues. Yeah, I took it there.

Someone actually gave this a thumbs up. This website grows stupider by the day.

Being 14 doesn't excuse someone from comments like that. If he raped/killed/robbed/assaulted someone, would you be saying he was just 14? No. At that age you know better.

We all done dumb **** at 14 right?? I know I have. Also, you reaching with the rape/kill garbage, that's another issue. Stop reaching papi
Korea town, little Italy, whatever else you want to think of is not segregation.
You're right it isn't segregation I am making the point that what Lucky was alluding to was something like that for blacks. You called it segregation in reality it's not. Now ask your self this where is little Africa in America?
In your opinion...what would little Africa have that you can't find in parts of Harlem?

I agree with you there is no place called little Africa but what does a place like Harlem not have that you would like to see?
Harlem is gentrified. Especially the west side. You have projects on W 125th/Amsterdam and condos across the street. You're talking about a Harlem back in the 70s/80/90s/00s. Be realistic.
Blacks as a whole hold the least wealth and are the least educated according to statistics. How can we contribute and compete? Don't let a few magical blacks who made it corporate America fool you, many of them (not all) hoard their wealth instead of building up their communities. Blacks are statically bottom of the totem poll for majority of the reports that come out only thing we are ar the top at is spending power and it's amazing we can spend a trillion a yr but hold little to no wealth.
Fun Fact : Black woman are the most educated group in the country.

That's enrollment rates, not graduation rates

Michael Jackson molested little kids well into his adult life yet black people still gave him a super duper pass.

Man don't nobody know what happened with mike and them kids if he really did it he would have been locked up, for all we know them folks just wanted a check. We do know however JB made these wild statements
Michael Jackson molested little kids well into his adult life yet black people still gave him a super duper pass.

Man don't nobody know what happened with mike and them kids if he really did it he would have been locked up, for all we know them folks just wanted a check. We do know however JB made these wild statements

For someone frontin like they so enlightened you mad quick to throw the blinders on for your boy Mike.
Da Biebs was 14. He was a kid! Who the **** cares?!

Black People always overreact and are sensitive. I wish you'd react like this to REAL issues. Yeah, I took it there.
Someone actually gave this a thumbs up. This website grows stupider by the day.

Being 14 doesn't excuse someone from comments like that. If he raped/killed/robbed/assaulted someone, would you be saying he was just 14? No. At that age you know better.
Michael Jackson molested little kids well into his adult life yet black people still gave him a super duper pass.
I don't recall there actually being hard evidence of molesting happening. This is more of your personal feelings than actual facts.
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Well if you stop equating salary to having a degree you would see not having a degree automatically disqualifies a candidate from jobs that it didn't 20 years ago

Yes and no. I know of people that got in a job and worked up that ladder but it just takes way longer then with someone with a degree of the bat. A degree is definitely crucial but there are still jobs that say it isn't totally necessary. Things like work history starts to factor in if that is the case and even a portfolio of work. Some jobs like photography and design is all about your work and not necessarily a degree.

Also the economy is also something to factor in. Every business is trying to save money now. Some jobs have more work with less pay and and some companies will just contract employees and not give them benefits. A guy I know even works at Walmarts headquarters on their website stuff and he said his group is only like 6 strong and that is to deal with practically anything that goes wrong with theirs site. You'd figure someone like Walmart would hire an army, but that is not the case.
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