One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Deuce King - For someone that's made as many sexist as homophobic comments as you, how can you use the race card as often as you do?

Pls respond.

Patrick - I brought up MJ not to derail the thread but to point out how everyone is willing to give a pass to some people even when they **** up worse than the person that this thread is about.'s hard to take a lot of you dudes serious after seeing a lot of the outlandish **** you've all said through the years I been on this forum.

That hypocritical behavior should not be wassup in the streets.

Y'all the same dudes calling Wayne a hypocrite but when you get called out for hypocrisy you want to claim "thread detail".

I don't know how much more blatant you dudes can be with it.

So instead of holding Justin Bieber accountable for what he said and having a conversation on race... you bring up MJ and say look at him, look what he did that's worse, why is nobody blaming him......... Fam that is exactly the definition of deflection.

Not only that but everything Mike did was alleged not recorded on video as is Justin Bieber, & not to mention that mike was crucified by this for years and it's only after his death that the name calling, & comments stopped.

People are in here claiming that Bieber comments shouldn't be held against him he was young & saying things such as "well white people get made fun of all the time"

How some of you can't separate some random dope on a message board saying something dumb, from a highly influential pop star with millions of fans singing about hating blacks and joining the KKK is clearly deflecting the issue. On top of it all this guy changed his entire style & sound in order to try and cater to the same "*******" he made a song about and wants so badly to be taken serious in that realm.

That's what this post is about, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?
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how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?

Why do you take a picture or make a video of something? So you can see it again. This wasn't recorded secretly or against his will. This was what he wanted
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?

We stop supporting them that is all. No one is asking for any punishment for bieber physically. Its just some people on here dont believe that what he said was wrong or racist. They believe oh hes just a kid and deflect from just saying he is wrong and what he said is disgusting. The bigger issue is the fact people brush it off and treat it like its right for anyone of whatever age to joke about genocide.
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?
Uh, he actually wanted the first video to be published when the holders try to extort him.
Dude could buy out everyone posting in this thread.

Including me, biebz if you readin' !!!
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?
We stop supporting them that is all. No one is asking for any punishment for bieber physically. Its just some people on here dont believe that what he said was wrong or racist. They believe oh hes just a kid and deflect from just saying he is wrong and what he said is disgusting. The bigger issue is the fact people brush it off and treat it like its right for anyone of whatever age to joke about genocide.
If you think these Black rappers will give up opportunities for more money and a broader fanbase by dissociating themselves from Beiber, think again. Cause they're the only ones supporting him, I've never met a Black fan of Beiber.
We stop supporting them that is all. No one is asking for any punishment for bieber physically. Its just some people on here dont believe that what he said was wrong or racist. They believe oh hes just a kid and deflect from just saying he is wrong and what he said is disgusting. The bigger issue is the fact people brush it off and treat it like its right for anyone of whatever age to joke about genocide.

Thing is it probably don't even matter, he makes his check from white girls, we need to be calling out/stop supporting the people giving him these "passes" but even then half these rappers tryna get that suburban and edm check
We stop supporting them that is all. No one is asking for any punishment for bieber physically. Its just some people on here dont believe that what he said was wrong or racist. They believe oh hes just a kid and deflect from just saying he is wrong and what he said is disgusting. The bigger issue is the fact people brush it off and treat it like its right for anyone of whatever age to joke about genocide.

I for one would love for someone to punch him in the face one good time.
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?

It doesn't matter if it's private or not because it's in public now and when your a public figure you get held accountable.

I didn't give a **** about bieber before this, won't give a **** bout him now... but i do give a **** about this being brushed aside as no big deal.

How do you hold him accountable? you continue to make this a story, you make him stand by his words and offer his apologies, You have OPEN discussion about the problem and what's incorporated into it & allow for people to learn WHY his words and actions are wrong.

Donald Sterling issues have come to light people know him & about his thoughts that's all you can really ask for in America is to expose the issues and hope everyone makes a sound decision based off that.

Now if someone wants to continue to support bieber & his ******** so be it, but i'll be damned if everyone is gonna sit here and act as if it's nothing and rush it out of the news cycle.
Zimmerman is innocent. Jackson was innocent. That's kind of the way our judicial system works. We cannot convict somebody because a large group of people want him to be convicted. Evidence has to be shown and a case has to be made. That happened in neither of those cases.

I find it interesting that so many people still cling to the whole "Zimmerman is guilty, you are a stupid racist if you disagree" shtick. You were not there. We have no choice but to go on the evidence and the verdict. Move on.

On MJ: we have to understand that he had no childhood. His father was abusive and they were constantly on the road performing. He never grew up and when he was an adult it just so happened that the people he got along with most were kids. Weird? Yeah. Malicious? No.

On Bieber: Kid's a **** face.

The verdict isn't even in on Zimmerman

Jackson got his verdict right after he took his last breathe

Zimmerman will get his too

This court systems backwards facts were the dude got out the car n the kids gone now cuz of it

Enough said god will be the final judge
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but black people? ****, we can't wait to take up for him and defend him like we do everybody else that says some **** about us.
There's always of group of ****** ready to go to bat for another race when situations like this happen. 

No other race/culture has that problem but us.

Had this been Chief Keef saying some racist **** at would not be seeing droves of other races making excuses for him and rushing to his defense.
Dude made an extremely stupid joke...on video. I never stood up for heel bieb. He been ******* up in the game well before this video came out.
I think Bieber is stupid but if you want my personal opinion I don't think he's racist.
With that said, I can be understanding of a black person taking some serious offense to that joke. In no way am I denying anyone of the right to feel any way they want.

The angle I'm taking is that I ain't never going to talk to Bieber. Dude ain't ever going to read my comments on a message board. So rather than join the Bieber bash circle jerk I choose to address the people I have more of an interaction than I'll very have with Bieber.

That's why instead of me focusing on Bieber I focus on Deuces homophobic comments. Or I address the many backwards comments Lucky has made all over this board.

Never mind Patrick Bateman's ability to pull the race card on a box of crayola where the black crayon is missing.

So you want to talk about racism we can do that. But while you all quick to beat a multimillionaire celebrity that'll never hear you, I rather focus on the many, many, many comments a lot of you dudes have made on this very forum.

You let me know when I'm out of line.
@Diego, again what direct comments are you referring to?  If you are going to claim something, at least attempt to have your facts in order and ready to present. 
Seriously Bieber, I know you're reading this.

Just PM me fam, I'll give you my paypal and we can forget the whole thing
Not surprised at this or the racist chainsaw joke.

He looks like that type of racist white person and I'm saying that based off his age. I'm guessing for white ppl it's just that age of immaturity to make jokes in poor taste about race the same way other kids of different races made offensive jokes about sexuality and nationalities.

Dude.. It's got nothing to due with race, sexuality, or anything else.. People make fun of other people that aren't just like them... It's very rarely intended to be taken seriously... I make gay and racial jokes in real life... You know why, because it's funny... I have nothing against gay people, people of different "races"... That doesn't mean jokes can't be made... I'm a fat white dude, do ahead and make fun of me, it's all fun and games... People are sensitive, and need to stop taking themselves so seriously and stop being self righteous...
Eh, this wasn't funny and I've made jokes dealing with those topics but it honestly isn't that passive to not be taken seriously. There's a line between making fun of fat white guys and talking about killing black ppl. Of course I realize that for some jokes crossing the line is what makes it funny but that type of humor usually comes along with a certain type of behavior, all symptoms of racism.
Dem boy dirty looooool

according to multiple sources with knowledge of TMZ’s editorial operations, there was another, more pressing reason to keep the video secret: to hold it over Bieber and his team’s heads in exchange for appearances on TMZ’s media properties and cooperation with stories.

“TMZ has been sitting on this video for 3+ years,” one source, who worked with TMZ at the time the video came into the publication’s hands, told us, “and have been using it as essentially ransom so that Bieber and his team would cooperate with them and give them scoops. It was very close to being released initially, but his team was able to convince them not to by giving them access and compliance.” 
how do we hold him accountable? what is the statute of limitations on offensive jokes and songs?

what methods should we take to ensure everyone who has ever said something offensive in a private setting and had it come to light years later is rightfully punished?

It doesn't matter if it's private or not because it's in public now and when your a public figure you get held accountable.

I didn't give a **** about bieber before this, won't give a **** bout him now... but i do give a **** about this being brushed aside as no big deal.

How do you hold him accountable? you continue to make this a story, you make him stand by his words and offer his apologies, You have OPEN discussion about the problem and what's incorporated into it & allow for people to learn WHY his words and actions are wrong.

Donald Sterling issues have come to light people know him & about his thoughts that's all you can really ask for in America is to expose the issues and hope everyone makes a sound decision based off that.

Now if someone wants to continue to support bieber & his ******** so be it, but i'll be damned if everyone is gonna sit here and act as if it's nothing and rush it out of the news cycle.

I don't see it being brushed aside, I'm seeing this **** everywhere. beating the story to death isn't going to do anything, for anyone. fans will be fans, supporters will be supporters, people will continue to ***** about him. he apologized, will apologize again, will probably do some good publicity grabs, and it'll be right back to normal. just like when Eminem's old stuff leaked.

dudes don't eem talk about that anymore :lol: inb4 I get handed a banjo. I'd say this about any person of any race. the fact that you called this "news" kills me. picket his shows, boycott everything he's involved in, every sponsor, every brand he wears. and do it for everyone who has said something like this, past or present.

dudes actin like we ain't know racism existed yesterday. like we ain't know young white kids say stupid reckless **** at any given moment.

dudes stay ready for the witch hunt on here. there are known racists working in high positions around the country and yall ready to put Bieb's head on a silver platter.

massa got yall lookin foolish out here.

LOL @ TMZ with the ill extortion game.
After skimming through this thread I've learned that one of the greatest ways to undermine the power of your own words in a race discussion is to call anyone who disagrees with you a racist.
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