One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Meth spitting that hot fire sheesh.[emoji]128526[/emoji]

Lol I know I don't articulate my points well at times but no denying that post from Meth.

Difference is that Meth is a righteous dude (from what we can see on this board).
So when he gets on his high horse there's nobody that could say anything cause he don't have them inconsistencies.

A lot of you dudes on the other hand have been exposed yourselves for a lot of bigotry and prejudices so you leave yourselves open for that kind of exposure for hypocrisy.

Again, you could feel however you want about biebers actions. Nobody can ever deny that from you.
Just hold yourselves to those same standards you hold these racist celebrities to.

Meth might be able to say he does.
I don't think the same can be said for a lot of dudes in this thread.

Can't fix the next person till you fix yourselves.

And if I'm giving Bieber a "pass" for telling you dudes to evaluate yourselves then so be it.
Read Meths posts...searched online to find video...found video...watched video...didn't care. It was clearly a joke. As someone who makes racists jokes on the daily, I haven't a single problem with it. It was def stupid. It's not a good career move, most people are super sensitive, but, I really don't think Justin Bieber is any more racists than any other person.

Everyone has made an offensive joke, everyone has said somethings in the company of their own that others would find offensive; I'm not getting outraged because he was caught on video, I'm more outraged the joke wasn't funny than I am that he said it, I'm upset we're even talking about it. I'd grill him as a dumbass kid. His actions and choice of friends lead me to believe me he's not anymore racists than me or most other people, which to me, a certain level of racism is expected, hell even welcomed.

I've never really cared about racists talk anyway, even though it is a lot harder to kill an idea than a person, I'm not prosecuting someone for whats inside their, racists acts matter to me. I guess you can count me in on the boycott...but it's like the Barney's boycott, I wasn't listening to him anyway lol.

long story short...nothing about this offends if he was to say "I won't hire a black man" he's within his right but that would be racists.

You drop some knowledge here and there, I'll give you that but you're on your own with this one fam :smh:
If  you have never IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, made a joke that didn't offend, an Asian, a black dude, a white dude, a Jew, a spanish dude, a gay dude, a female...anyone..., "racists" ("if the racial war goes down I'm shooting every white person in the face") or sterotypical ("black dude, spanish dude in the car, who's driving? The Cop") than I'm probably not going to think you're funny.

That I swear, if we could burn words, black people would burn that word in a fire. black people give that word all the power in the world. It's the one word you can say and 90% of black people will automatically get upset...what power. To me, the word is almost meaningless.. The idea behind the word is what matters to me.

White dude says "What up my *****"

or a white dude says "You stupid, dirty African - American"

I'm only offended by the latter, and the latter is PC. It's the intent.

But hey, different strokes I guess. Just don't expect me to be all up in arms whenever I hear something that could be racists; now if someone is not renting to black folks, thats where you'll find me and my signs.

Oh, I know exactly what racism is, the belief that you are better than someone based on their race, that they don't deserve to be in your world. Making a joke, thats clearly a joke (an unfunny joke) doesn't exactly fit in that catagory without anything else supporting it.
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The word effects people differently, I personally don't get extra offended by someone calling me that, but im not every black guy. Intent is key
Should I get pissed at Eminem? Should I get pissed at my best friend that hangs around with black people all day everyday?

That word really just doesn't offend me. Sorry, maybe I'm mental, maybe I'm probably the happiest most well rounded person on this board...hard to tell.
If  you have never IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, made a joke that didn't offend, an Asian, a black dude, a white dude, a Jew, a spanish dude, a gay dude, a female...anyone..., "racists" ("if the racial war goes down I'm shooting every white person in the face") or sterotypical ("black dude, spanish dude in the car, who's driving? The Cop") than I'm probably not going to think you're funny.

That I swear, if we could burn words, black people would burn that word in a fire. black people give that word all the power in the world. It's the one word you can say and 90% of black people will automatically get upset...what power. To me, the word is almost meaningless.. The idea behind the word is what matters to me.

White dude says "What up my *****"

or a white dude says "You stupid, dirty African - American"

I'm only offended by the latter, and the latter is PC. It's the intent.

But hey, different strokes I guess. Just don't expect me to be all up in arms whenever I hear something that could be racists; now if someone is not renting to black folks, thats where you'll find me and my signs.

Oh, I know exactly what racism is, the belief that you are better than someone based on their race, that they don't deserve to be in your world. Making a joke, thats clearly a joke (an unfunny joke) doesn't exactly fit in that catagory without anything else supporting it.

Idk what kinda communities you guys grew up in but we weren't making race jokes point blank as kids. We roasted cats for having dirty shoes, messed up hair lines and stuff like that but none of that race crap, get outta here with that.
If you're not offended by a white guy saying "wassup my *****" somethings wrong.

My Filipino friends stay saying this to others and their black friends and none of them care. I really think only white people get the hate....for obvious reasons but I do think there should be some consistency with this word. It's either it's cool or not cool to say it.
The word effects people differently, I personally don't get extra offended by someone calling me that, but im not every black guy. Intent is key

Exactly intent is key, I won't trip if a non black says the N word with an A in front of me but a non black has never done that. Could be out of fear or respect who knows, but that ER crap ain't flying at all.
I don't see it being brushed aside, I'm seeing this **** everywhere. beating the story to death isn't going to do anything, for anyone. fans will be fans, supporters will be supporters, people will continue to ***** about him. he apologized, will apologize again, will probably do some good publicity grabs, and it'll be right back to normal. just like when Eminem's old stuff leaked.

dudes don't eem talk about that anymore :lol: inb4 I get handed a banjo. I'd say this about any person of any race. the fact that you called this "news" kills me. picket his shows, boycott everything he's involved in, every sponsor, every brand he wears. and do it for everyone who has said something like this, past or present.

dudes actin like we ain't know racism existed yesterday. like we ain't know young white kids say stupid reckless **** at any given moment.

dudes stay ready for the witch hunt on here. there are known racists working in high positions around the country and yall ready to put Bieb's head on a silver platter.

massa got yall lookin foolish out here.

LOL @ TMZ with the ill extortion game.

Once again this sin't about bieber it's about racism still being prevalent and the people who tend to act like it's not there or as if it isn't much of an issue. So when someone with the name and celebrity of bieber are involved it's an open platform for people to discuss the biggest divide (Maybe religion) in humanity.

It is way too common for people to try and downplay the concept or subject of racism and that isn't healthy for any side involved.Nobody is expecting Bieber's career to be destroyed or for people to boycott his stuff (that's a personal decision).

So yes young kids say stupid lil **** like this all the time, sitting here and watching as someone they idolize says it and not discussing the wrongs about it or not showing ramifications to the situation is what allows them to go from stupid little comments to the Racist in high positions that you speak of.

If people are sitting here saying oh it's not that big of a deal, it's okay suddenly it becomes a thought that this kind of behavior is acceptable & that black people just over react to this stuff, which is a sentiment that is clearly shared by some in hear.

oh yeah you're stupid if you think racism doesn't exist :lol:

I hate the way this is being done though. like it always takes a celebrity or someone with money to do something wrong for people to start pouring their opinions on. it has to be high profile, with a high factor for embarrassment and ridicule, for the nation to want to have a voice.

people with dirty hands always ready to crucify somebody else. especially on the internet.

I'm not giving him any kind of pass though. I think the whole situation is hilarious. I say offensive stuff all the time, don't eem care.

So yes young kids say stupid lil **** like this all the time, sitting here and watching as someone they idolize says it and not discussing the wrongs about it or not showing ramifications to the situation is what allows them to go from stupid little comments to the Racist in high positions that you speak of.

I feel like this isn't gonna turn some kid who never had a racist thought in his life into a lil Hitler though.

especially after he came out and apologized AND they're watching the butthurt unfold on Twitter, comment sections, and forums. clearly it's wrong.

but racists gon racist. if you hated ****** when you went to bed last night, you hated us this morning when you woke up.
Idk what kinda communities you guys grew up in but we weren't making race jokes point blank as kids. We roasted cats for having dirty shoes, messed up hair lines and stuff like that but none of that race crap, get outta here with that.

you were making people feel like crap w/o the use of racism
how noble of you
You drop some knowledge here and there, I'll give you that but you're on your own with this one fam
But hey, different strokes I guess. Just don't expect me to be all up in arms whenever I hear something that could be racists; now if someone is not renting to black folks, thats where you'll find me and my signs.

Most of us are moreso upset with the "he was only 14" comments coming from the "negros" surrounding him (I know you don't like the term African-American). Like Meth said, "This should have been a teachable moment. This should have been an opportunity for the millions of young people who once (for reasons that I find incomprehensible) looked up to Justin Bieber in awe to now look down on him in pity and learn from his wretched mistakes."

That's what I'm all up in arms about. Every time we get the chance to standup for ourselves we turn status quo and fold up like lawn chairs because GREEN will always trump BLACK in today's society. Sad to say.
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I was bussed as a kid, so I grew up with spanish folks, white folks, black folks, arabs, Asians, Africans, you name it, I had friends from there...we all bagged on each others race, along with everything else. It was part of my youth, spanish dudes had the best black jokes. But you know what, it meant race meant so much less to us. We were just friends who happen to be black, happen to be muslim, but we were friends first and foremost. There was a bond there. You knew someone was cool if they could take joke, the kids that couldn't, we just didn't hangout with.

 I think race gets put over the person to much. I had friends that grew up in exclusively black neighborhoods when I went to Kstate. After first semester, they were mad because they couldn't relate to anyone, coulnd't get yambz, always looked at me to meet new people, get them into parties, generally to have a good time.

I really don't understand how you can truly be someones friend while having that racial barrier between you, like you can't be open and honest with that person at all times, from the things that suck about their race, to the things that suck about your race...I can't truly be friends with someone, knowing there is a topic off limits. Then again, maybe all of you dudes only hangout with black people, idk.

Personally, I'm so much more than a black man. I'm a man, and no one can take that from me with a word.
we definitely used race related and stereotypical jokes playing the dozens. :lol:

I remember those "ya mama so black" and some jokes related to the movie Powder by heart.

dudes used to stay coming at me for being light skinned :smh:
I was bussed as a kid, so I grew up with spanish folks, white folks, black folks, arabs, Asians, Africans, you name it, I had friends from there...we all bagged on each others race, along with everything else. It was part of my youth, spanish dudes had the best black jokes. But you know what, it meant race meant so much less to us. We were just friends who happen to be black, happen to be muslim, but we were friends first and foremost. There was a bond there. You knew someone was cool if they could take joke, the kids that couldn't, we just didn't hangout with.

 I think race gets put over the person to much. I had friends that grew up in exclusively black neighborhoods when I went to Kstate. After first semester, they were mad because they couldn't relate to anyone, coulnd't get yambz, always looked at me to meet new people, get them into parties, generally to have a good time.

I really don't understand how you can truly be someones friend while having that racial barrier between you, like you can't be open and honest with that person at all times, from the things that suck about their race, to the things that suck about your race...I can't truly be friends with someone, knowing there is a topic off limits. Then again, maybe all of you dudes only hangout with black people, idk.

Personally, I'm so much more than a black man. I'm a man, and no one can take that from me with a word.

I grew up in 100% black neighborhoods until I went to my mostly white college (Georgia Southern) hell I never even spoke to a white person like outside of store employees/teachers until I went to college lol.

I like that last line, "im so much more than a black man" I'm a man" :smokin

I wish race wasn't as big of a thing as it is, but thats the world we live in. If people would just realize we all the same
Difference is that Meth is a righteous dude (from what we can see on this board).
So when he gets on his high horse there's nobody that could say anything cause he don't have them inconsistencies.

A lot of you dudes on the other hand have been exposed yourselves for a lot of bigotry and prejudices so you leave yourselves open for that kind of exposure for hypocrisy.

Again, you could feel however you want about biebers actions. Nobody can ever deny that from you.
Just hold yourselves to those same standards you hold these racist celebrities to.

Meth might be able to say he does.
I don't think the same can be said for a lot of dudes in this thread.

Can't fix the next person till you fix yourselves.

And if I'm giving Bieber a "pass" for telling you dudes to evaluate yourselves then so be it.

True words right here.
we definitely used race related and stereotypical jokes playing the dozens.

I remember those "ya mama so black" and some jokes related to the movie Powder by heart.

dudes used to stay coming at me for being light skinned
"Yo mamma so black, she swallow whole milk and spit out yohoo"

Bro...this Spanish youngin said that to an Asian dude in fifth grade...I lost my ish, then and there.
I grew up in 100% black neighborhoods until I went to my mostly white college (Georgia Southern) hell I never even spoke to a white person like outside of store employees/teachers until I went to college lol.

I like that last line, "im so much more than a black man" I'm a man" :smokin

I wish race wasn't as big of a thing as it is, but thats the world we live in. If people would just realize we all the same

Nah b I'm proud to be black my cultural and roots is something I take great pride in, that being said that shouldn't be a reason not to be able to co exist with other people in peace.
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