One of the best t-shirts I've seen in a minute...

I don't even see this shirt as being an indictment on Obama moreso a statement on that false hope a lot of people had during the election and inaugurationperiod.
Originally Posted by debs 168

where was the bush shirt that they did 10 months into his administration???

oh ok.

the execution of the concept is ill. the idea behind the shirt is not. this guy inherited a hyoooge deficit, two wars and a non existent job market and ppl "expect" him to change everything overnight. no. its not expectations. the same ppl that voted against him are the same ppl MOCKING him and his idea for change. now all of a sudden they're "expecting" change and "hoping" for change? please. you're hoping for failure and mocking those of us that voted for obama.

the shirts not racist but the mockery of obama, the calling him out of his name, the fact that ppl put president in quotation marks, ppl using so called president when referring to obama, the amount of scrutiny in such a short period of time, among other things seems like its coming from ppl that have a hidden agenda that has nothing to do with politics.

anyway, thats another subject.
won't ever cop anything freshjive related, not that i have in the past.


people need to stop expecting obama to fix everything just like that. the shirt is fire i think, because the opinion it conveys was portrayed crazy creatively.thats it.

where was all the hate when bush was in power for 8 yrs? he's a big reason this country is where it is right now, yet shots get fired at obama
All these e-thug like responses I saw coming a mile away

straight ignorant, why do peeps get mad at the shirt?

It's not racist or offensive in any way (unless you support Obama blindly) How are people gonna get all emotional over this?

Reminds me of a time in my Poli Science class when we were discussing and evaluating Obamas presidency and some peeps in class got heated as soon as somethingremotely negative was said. Chicks were interrupting the professor, many in straight denial dome were about to walk out on the discussion as soon as it started
. Not saying Obama is doing bad but people have to see things the way they are,not just follow cause hes cool or good looking or whatever motive people have that allow them to follow one man blindly. Note: I believe Obama is doing a greatjob so far with the cards hes been dealt, but if things don't get drastic then were gonna have to face the facts about the president.

With that said

I really like the shirt but my hood senses are tingling with this one and I know for sure dumb people are going to act upon their emotions, thats what truehood (ignorant) people do.... act before they think.

yes I even added that joint to the basket
Originally Posted by untouchable jc


This is much as I support Obama, this t-shirt speaks the truth...people are losing their patience if nothing changes

and if next week for that press conference where supposedly he will talk about sending more troops to Afghanistan, the people will not like that idea too much
Neither are the troops I'm attached to an army SF team at a firebase and we all think it's some bull this is a damn waste
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I don't even see this shirt as being an indictment on Obama moreso a statement on that false hope a lot of people had during the election and inauguration period.
yea, some people aren't getting the big picture
Originally Posted by npa07

Originally Posted by Al Audi

shots fired...

really though id slap anyone wearing that mess around me and its not because im ignorant its border line... im not even gonna go there. enjoy
yea right you wouldnt do anything and you know it
you are the tool... rick is the only guy in the business that is a true dare i say it maverick. oh btw you guys are morons as what he says aboutthe shirt and why he made it on his damn website.
Originally Posted by new york yanks

you are the tool... rick is the only guy in the business that is a true dare i say it maverick.

Did you not see the word visionary in that sentence?

Yes hes pushes the bar in the genre but that doesn't mean that he can't have a toolish personality.
it doesn't matter what you say after the fact. how does he have a toolish personality? i have met him and my cousin worked for him a couple years back andhad nothing but nice things to say about him. its like people jumping on pop stars when they actually don't know them.

hey btw i am coming off heated towards you, but its these sheep in here that have me feeling sour. people that are waiting for a change to come to them willnever get anywhere. WAKE UP the USA wasn't built overnight and it wont change overnight either. If you really want change get out there and start trying tomake it happen. never follow blindly.
Damn this shirt is so blatantly RACIST! How they gonna put a black man on a t shirt and fade it. What are they trying to say? They want the whole black race tofade away from existence????

REAL TALK, if I see anyone rocking this shirt I will lay his !*+ out! I bench 10 reps of 400 pounds. If I see any of y'all slippin up and wearing thisshirt best believe you gonna get slapped across the face.
Just ordered, thanks for the link. I have business in Bushwick following the holiday. Will wear and post reactions.

you're gonna have to square up and engage in physical combat with a mountain of a man and monster of a fighter in myself.

This guy's talking about himself like he's Bill Brasky.

Originally Posted by ConductZero

Damn this shirt is so blatantly RACIST! How they gonna put a black man on a t shirt and fade it. What are they trying to say? They want the whole black race to fade away from existence????

REAL TALK, if I see anyone rocking this shirt I will lay his !*+ out! I bench 10 reps of 400 pounds. If I see any of y'all slippin up and wearing this shirt best believe you gonna get slapped across the face.
It IS a dope concept.

People will buy that instantly, but not me.

I voted for dude, so I can't see myself rockin that.
Originally Posted by new york yanks

so zero lol.. was that a joke or are you serious?

NIKETALK is a racist forum. Just look at the layout. Its black with red all over. There isn't even yellow on the page, only the smileys which are there forcomedic relief. I'm protesting this.
Originally Posted by ConductZero

Damn this shirt is so blatantly RACIST! How they gonna put a black man on a t shirt and fade it. What are they trying to say? They want the whole black race to fade away from existence????

REAL TALK, if I see anyone rocking this shirt I will lay his !*+ out! I bench 10 reps of 400 pounds. If I see any of y'all slippin up and wearing this shirt best believe you gonna get slapped across the face.

so you guys fell for his troll bait and derailed any form of intelligent conversation to actually take place. he is obviously joking and looking for attention.
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