One thing you can guarantee happening on Christmas

Jul 18, 2012
- People asking you about your love life

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Eating some ribs and banana pudding at my grandma's house

my mom and aunts cracking jokes about my uncles wife
The festivities beginning and ending in less than 2 hours.

My mom side dead as ****.

I spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with either parent.  This year my dad side got Thanksgiving, my mom side got Christmas.

It's so awkward cuz my mom side so splintered....I just want to skip Christmas this year.
having the NFC east title.
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Getting something I don't want but prolly needed from moms.

Pops being a sucka.

NTers really out here living that lonely life tho? Man I'm thankful I got options
Somebody turnin to that got damb Christmas story movie like it dont come on every year 24 hrs a day
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