One thing you can guarantee happening on Christmas

- Eating Chinese buffet (Christmas dinner is on Christmas eve)
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Taking batteries out the TV remote to test your new gizmo real quick.

Me being drunk and high as hell tryna put toys and **** together.

Thinking about putting my sons new bball goal up overnight so we can shot around when he wakes up before I get too intoxicated.

Fireworks... Maybe.
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After all the festivities, giving my GF her real present at night. Giving her the Bizness. :evil:
not getting anything close to a good present even though you spent a fortune on other people.

not drinking becuase you are the DD of the night while fam and friends get plastered,
is it bad that i lose respect for people who celebrate christmas?

try not to, but like come on, everything about it is so shady...the amount of bad outweighs the good to me...

Eughk, this guy. Explain.

i get the whole festive part...and the families and loved ones getting together and stuff...

but like come that stuff really designated for 2-3 days out of the year? like lets be honest with don't need designated fake holidays to tell you to give presents to your loved ones or spoil them...or get together and have big feasts...

on top of it all the whole consumerism aspect of it...and the invested interests of certain corporations to have you spending money...then there's the whole idea of santa claus... :smh:

also the amount of families that feel depressed and alienated because they can't celebrate the capitalist holiday that has been set forth by these its just too much negativity with this ****....

for the record i'm not christian nor have i ever celebrated christmas...
When you see the joy on your kid's face when you/Santa get them what they want, **** that noise about capitalism.
Capitalism gave you that computer that you're typing on now with the ability to complain about capitalism. Ironic huh?
You should know, that's a whole bunch of bitter, sad, cynical ********. Get over it and enjoy your time with your family, regardless of what brought them together. That negativity is all in your head.
You should know, that's a whole bunch of bitter, sad, cynical ********. Get over it and enjoy your time with your family, regardless of what brought them together. That negativity is all in your head.


People are genuinely happy during this time of year for the smallest of reasons to the largest. Ain't got no time for any bah humbuggin', ya dig?
You should know, that's a whole bunch of bitter, sad, cynical ********. Get over it and enjoy your time with your family, regardless of what brought them together. That negativity is all in your head.

that is why i said i get all the positive stuff...

lol and i'm not cynical, depressed, or negative to be honest...completely happy in my life....and my family is huge and we get together EVERY sunday and have big i am not alienated from my family or have a lack there of...

i'm well off with both loving parents and amazing siblings....

i just feel sorry for other people who don't have those things...and only have it 2-3 days out of the year...i wish everyone didn't need a fake holiday to tell you when to give presents to your loved ones or get together...

life is not so serious...and people should live and act like its christmas 24/7/365 or try as much as possible to do so...
and to prove my point look at the first few replies on the first page...almost all of them were negative lol

"fathers a sucka"
"ex keep bringing up here mom"
"could have a better present"

those who don't have the luxury of celebrating the type of christmas that is advertised to us start to feel more depressed about their life situation rather than enjoying the positive things about it...

and capitalism gave me this computer? lol that's the dumbest **** i've heard..

Stepdad will get VERY drunk.

I will get less drunk, but I will still manage to spill or drop something.  Mom will give me the cold shoulder for the remainder of the evening.

Family friend will start discussing politics, my mom will raise her voice and put her finger in his face. Awkwardness will ensue for the next 30 minutes.

Grandpa will say something anti-semitic.

Family will go downstairs and ask me what that smell is.  (spoiler alert: it's vaped weed)

I will fill up on appetizers, eat a small dinner, and absolutely nothing for dessert.

Friend will open my beer fridge, slam the door closed, beer will fly off the door.  At least one bottle will be broken.


Family friend will get even drunker than stepdad.  He will be forced to hand over his keys and sleep on the couch.  Last year he tried to get up and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table.

Stepdad will get VERY drunk.
I will get less drunk, but I will still manage to spill or drop something.  Mom will give me the cold shoulder for the remainder of the evening.
Family friend will start discussing politics, my mom will raise her voice and put her finger in his face. Awkwardness will ensue for the next 30 minutes.
Grandpa will say something anti-semitic.
Family will go downstairs and ask me what that smell is.  (spoiler alert: it's vaped weed)
I will fill up on appetizers, eat a small dinner, and absolutely nothing for dessert.
Friend will open my beer fridge, slam the door closed, beer will fly off the door.  At least one bottle will be broken.


Family friend will get even drunker than stepdad.  He will be forced to hand over his keys and sleep on the couch.  Last year he tried to get up and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table.

Sounds like fun times. Homie loo**** he got a gunshot wound to the dome
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