Opinions on Unauthorized or GM Sneakers ?

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This guy is tripping you dont know **** about sneakers except who wore them who played them and what online tells you to look for all the **** is the same "authorized"bc nike contracted factories in various locations to make x amount of pairs. Not authoirized bc more pairs were made using same materials doubling the price to stimulate different sweatshop economies nike and jordan brand knows this but its too much money involved.. Your type screaming fakes because nike didnt authorized it are the same type thats gonna lead to your own demise.. In which you worship a shoe collection get up and waste your life away waiting in line or recieving a raffle for some shoes that come out a store... Dont let me get onto flight club and footlocker padding stock woth unauthorized sneakers you cats are blind to the fake they all are coming frim the same place... Your creating this retail vs fake "war" in your own mind.
You sir, are full of ****.
This guy is tripping you dont know **** about sneakers except who wore them who played them and what online tells you to look for all the **** is the same "authorized"bc nike contracted factories in various locations to make x amount of pairs. Not authoirized bc more pairs were made using same materials doubling the price to stimulate different sweatshop economies nike and jordan brand knows this but its too much money involved.. Your type screaming fakes because nike didnt authorized it are the same type thats gonna lead to your own demise.. In which you worship a shoe collection get up and waste your life away waiting in line or recieving a raffle for some shoes that come out a store... Dont let me get onto flight club and footlocker padding stock woth unauthorized sneakers you cats are blind to the fake they all are coming frim the same place... Your creating this retail vs fake "war" in your own mind.
All of that typing to prove a point and you don't know the difference from your and you're

Unauthorized weren't made in a Nike factory, people need to stop with that stupid myth. If there were true then wed have perfect reps all the time. But they always have flaws with just the flatout overall design. They ate fake not unauthorzed
All of that typing to prove a point and you don't know the difference from your and you're

Unauthorized weren't made in a Nike factory, people need to stop with that stupid myth. If there were true then wed have perfect reps all the time. But they always have flaws with just the flatout overall design. They ate fake not unauthorzed
Sometimes i dont know if folks like that are just ignorant, or just plain stupid. Let these folks rationlize it to themselves however they want, one day theyll wake the **** up.
This guy is tripping you dont know **** about sneakers except who wore them who played them and what online tells you to look for all the **** is the same "authorized"bc nike contracted factories in various locations to make x amount of pairs. Not authoirized bc more pairs were made using same materials doubling the price to stimulate different sweatshop economies nike and jordan brand knows this but its too much money involved.. Your type screaming fakes because nike didnt authorized it are the same type thats gonna lead to your own demise.. In which you worship a shoe collection get up and waste your life away waiting in line or recieving a raffle for some shoes that come out a store... Dont let me get onto flight club and footlocker padding stock woth unauthorized sneakers you cats are blind to the fake they all are coming frim the same place... Your creating this retail vs fake "war" in your own mind.
I stand in line because I dont want the headache of dealing with fakes. I dont want to pay resell for fakes. Flightclub is not a retailer. If you have any proof about footlocker let it be known. Im sure they wouldnt have an account much longer. By your logic, If I were to paint a Picasso using the same canvas, paint, brushes etc. and it looks identical to the actual painting Picasso painted then my painting is a Picasso and I should sell it to a collector for Picasso money. Thats totally wrong, as soon as you take the painting in for certifcation an expert(not saying I am one) would be able to tell that it is not a Picasso. The painting would be worthless. Collectors would want it. The only way I would make money is on people that dont know the difference and people who just dont care. its not idolization, if im looking to buy Jordan I want to buy real Jordans.
This guy is tripping you dont know **** about sneakers except who wore them who played them and what online tells you to look for all the **** is the same "authorized"bc nike contracted factories in various locations to make x amount of pairs. Not authoirized bc more pairs were made using same materials doubling the price to stimulate different sweatshop economies nike and jordan brand knows this but its too much money involved.. Your type screaming fakes because nike didnt authorized it are the same type thats gonna lead to your own demise.. In which you worship a shoe collection get up and waste your life away waiting in line or recieving a raffle for some shoes that come out a store... Dont let me get onto flight club and footlocker padding stock woth unauthorized sneakers you cats are blind to the fake they all are coming frim the same place... Your creating this retail vs fake "war" in your own mind.
Sounds to me like Mr. Realistic needs a reality check... If you actually understood the way the system worked you would understand that's it's almost impossible that this could be the case..

It is totally posible few pairs are leaked outta the factory, these FEW pairs are real GM pairs by definition.. Now when you have 10000000000 extra pairs on the street this can't all be over runs.. It's just impossible..

Let's say you hire me to build your house.. Are you gonna order enough material to build 600 houses? No.. An if you did you don't think you would notice if your neighbor started stealing your materials to build his new garage? Think outside the box bro..

You guys assume shoe designs are guarded by dogs or something.. It's like anything else these days Nike takes BIDS from many factories, then chances are they pick the lowest bid.. Now you got a factory that is authorized to make the shoe and 10 that have seen the plans.. Now another factory decides to produce a bootlegs using the same plans pretty much, but uses comparable material or cut corners in the process to make a cheaper product that is very comparable.. You MUST understand it's not material that makes legit shoes expensive..It's numbers.. They are limited, making them valuable. The material on a legit pair is only worth a few bucks as well..If you actually took the time to do a little homework on your "theory" you would see it has many many flaws. Much like a GM shoe. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PRODUCT..
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This will always be a never ending discussion. It's always gonna be based on different opinions. Wanna know why? It's because over the years, resell prices have risen and will keep rising. It is also becoming near impossible to get a retail pair at the store without a 'hookup' or 'connect'. Because of that, people are now succumbing to the next best thing which is what some of you call 'GM's'. It's sad really to see what it's come to now. I can understand people not affording resell prices and would rather pay for GM's. Anyone would wanna pay a cheaper price but not everyone is okay with these fake shoes. Personal opinion is what it comes down to. But what's not an opinion or arguable is the fact that these GM's are authentic because they're not. Please do the JB brand justice by calling them fake because that's what they are. If you support it them support it and clearly state that you do. By all means buy all GM's. Leave the 100% authentic retail pairs for the OG collectors that appreciate and prefer only that in their collection. Not all real sneaker heads are on NT, I obviously just joined in Jan but doesn't mean I don't know my stuff or haven't been collecting before that. Put it all to rest people. Either 100% authentic retail or fake. Support it or don't. Simple as that..
The truth is the factories Nike contracts to produce their sneakers underpays the workers, they barely make enough money to get by. So to support their families these workers keep producing shoes way after the production date with the same materials and blueprints that were used to make the original authentic ones, and sell them on the side. There is no quality control which is why GMs have flaws. So by the aspect that GMs have the same material yes they do, but Nike has nothing to do with them. Its all how you feel about them, if you need the thumbs up from Nike for a shoe to be considered authentic then no they arent, but material wise theyre the same. 
I don't see why there even is a debate anymore. The fact that they aren't throws the whole GM argument in the trash. Back before they were examined as closely as they were today I used to believe the same thing. That GMs were made by Nike factories with legit materials blah blah blah. And before we had the knowledge that all these GMs were different in the same ways I compared a pair to my legit pairs and just blamed the differences here and there on Jordan Brand quality. But after all this time and research we've all done I can tell them apart as well.

None of the GM supporters ever point out the fact that time after time the LC forum separates the retail from the unauthorized EVERYDAY. Explain those differences If they're the "same".
Yup the argument just jumps thread to thread. And is never ending. from88til from88til Repped for the post ^.

If ppl wanna buy GMs then by all means go ahead. But there becomes a problem when you start calling them authentic because they are not. I wouldn't bother ppl if they said "hey I just bought these GM Concords." Id be like oh ok if you like them and know what you got. Then you get ppl who swear their stuff is real and bark at all the facts that prove that they are not real. Those are the ppl that cause this never ending argument
The truth is the factories Nike contracts to produce their sneakers underpays the workers, they barely make enough money to get by. So to support their families these workers keep producing shoes way after the production date with the same materials and blueprints that were used to make the original authentic ones, and sell them on the side. There is no quality control which is why GMs have flaws. So by the aspect that GMs have the same material yes they do, but Nike has nothing to do with them. Its all how you feel about them, if you need the thumbs up from Nike for a shoe to be considered authentic then no they arent, but material wise theyre the same. 
No quality control would mean they'd have tons of different flaws. Not all the same flaws. Like a wider "23" stamp on the 11s, or crooked tongue stitching on all 3s and 4s, or faded symbols on all DB3s, the list literally goes on and on. "No quality control" doesn't explain why the "same workers" who make nikes shoes would make these "extras" with all the same mistakes ALL the time. I'm an engineer and I know manufacturing the only way to explain the consistent differences between the retail pairs and the GM pairs ARE A DIFFERENT MANUFACTURING PROCESS. Meaning they are NOT the same and that's why we can tell them apart
Just buy what you like, at then end of the day what the next man is doing doesnt effect me...as long as he isnt trying to flip them for a profit.
No quality control would mean they'd have tons of different flaws. Not all the same flaws. Like a wider "23" stamp on the 11s, or crooked tongue stitching on all 3s and 4s, or faded symbols on all DB3s, the list literally goes on and on. "No quality control" doesn't explain why the "same workers" who make nikes shoes would make these "extras" with all the same mistakes ALL the time. I'm an engineer and I know manufacturing the only way to explain the consistent differences between the retail pairs and the GM pairs ARE A DIFFERENT MANUFACTURING PROCESS. Meaning they are NOT the same and that's why we can tell them apart
I've stated this so many times. 100% on point. So if Nike's quality control were there to check the flaws that would mean ALL the sneakers would fail the qc and money would be wasted on all the material. That doesn't happen in the real nike factories. Only few fail qc and not even those look like the GMs
I don't see why there even is a debate anymore. The fact that they aren't throws the whole GM argument in the trash. Back before they were examined as closely as they were today I used to believe the same thing. That GMs were made by Nike factories with legit materials blah blah blah. And before we had the knowledge that all these GMs were different in the same ways I compared a pair to my legit pairs and just blamed the differences here and there on Jordan Brand quality. But after all this time and research we've all done I can tell them apart as well.

None of the GM supporters ever point out the fact that time after time the LC forum separates the retail from the unauthorized EVERYDAY. Explain those differences If they're the "same".

Crazy because it was your posts that had me believing this whole GM thing
Crazy because it was your posts that had me believing this whole GM thing

My mind has since been changed. These shoes just aren't the same. If they were you'd be seeing people (who know what they're talking about) mistake retail pairs for GM very often. But they don't. They're just straight up different. I do agree that they're not the same as the old school fakes we grew up with but they're def not what's coming off the shelves and they're def not b grades
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I feel like if you're a shoe collector, you never wanna buy fakes cuz what's the point if it's easy to get, part if collectin is hunting **** down and it's still not a real collection if it's made up of unauthorized kicks... To me if you're just trying to stunt or look good to girls than rock the fakes but if you consider yourself a collector you have no desire for fake kicks
I feel like if you're a shoe collector, you never wanna buy fakes cuz what's the point if it's easy to get, part if collectin is hunting **** down and it's still not a real collection if it's made up of unauthorized kicks... To me if you're just trying to stunt or look good to girls than rock the fakes but if you consider yourself a collector you have no desire for fake kicks

If the girls you're into are impressed by Jordan's you've gotta raise your standards.
Not you in particular but in general.
I just see these high school age kids in particular trying to have the hottest kicks in school just so they get noticed
My mind has since been changed. These shoes just aren't the same. If they were you'd be seeing people (who know what they're talking about) mistake retail pairs for GM very often. But they don't. They're just straight up different. I do agree that they're not the same as the old school fakes we grew up with but they're def not what's coming off the shelves and they're def not b grades
Glad to see you saw the light fam.. I knew you were almost there!... Sad to see we wont be debating this topic again though, we had some good ones.
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I just see these high school age kids in particular trying to have the hottest kicks in school just so they get noticed
True. back when I was in high school we were getting 2 or 3 retro releases every 2 months or so. So it was much easier to get all the coolest releases.
Glad to see you saw the light fam.. I knew you were almost there!... Sad to see we wont be debating this topic again though, we had some good ones.
We really did haha in sure more debates will come up here and there. Still tons of stuff to speculate on. Like how insneakers got a size run of lighting 4's that no one else seems to have..
Same materials my ***. When you compare a GM to an authentic pair in hand the differences are very blatant.

They look decent in pictures BUT when you put them side by side, they don't stand a chance.

Shoes are fake. End of story.

We really did haha in sure more debates will come up here and there. Still tons of stuff to speculate on. Like how insneakers got a size run of lighting 4's that no one else seems to have..
hmmm i wonder? HAHAHA.. Where is HE saying they came from by the way?
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