you must have narrow feet

I need a 13 in shoes like lebrons, kds, and kobes, just for toe box width, i can get away with a 12 in some jordans, but the size 12 pewters i have did like that dude said and molded to my foot, theyre not uncomfortable at all despite my wide *** feet, but like he said they needed breaking in.

Problem is a lot of the people buying foams nowadays are also somewhat scared to wear their shoes. Especially if youre one of the ones dropped 500 on Oregon foams
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Well these seem to be officially dried up on the bay.....
Sure did 
after paypal issues/refunds/wack sellers/flakers                   I GOT EM! 

box lid had a tear but ill just switch it for a nice one at my job; we still got the safaris & spidermans  

1st time seeing them in person, def impressed. Those green laces really pop I might have to leave those in before I switch to the black
Amazing shoes they look delectable!
I love these foams. Theyve fallen quite a bit in price tho. Why are foams so uncomfortable. Hurts my feet man.
I love these foams. Theyve fallen quite a bit in price tho. Why are foams so uncomfortable. Hurts my feet man.
it's love or hate when it comes to foams. you gotta get your true size and break them in (it's gonna hurt your feet the first couple times for sure). lot of people hate this so they go up a size or full size but that can also still be uncomfortable. foams just ain't for everyone.
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