Oct 17, 2007
Recently a good friend of mine in NYC made a trade with a guy from Eugene, Oregon. This is what the trade was supposed to consist of:

My Friend Sent:

Bred XI's
Playoff XII's

Fraud Was Supposed to Send:

What The Dunk SB's

My friend sent the DMP's and Bred XI's and Playoff XII's and the guy confirmed he got them, but then the lies started pooring in "A tree fellon my house I can't get the shoes", the thing is he tried to pull off this and similiar frauds on several people between NT/ISS/NSB forums at the sametime including ripping off a few guys from overseas, one who happened to notice the frauds suspicious activity in time and get their packages shipmentreturned.

The Frauds Address is:
Greg Parn
2342 W.29th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405

If anyone would like to help out some sneakerheads please reply to this thread or PM and we will give as much info as possible. My friend has already filed acivil lawsuit against this guy and contacted his local law enforcement he has to fax them some papers before they will pay him a visit but he is in theprogress.

"What's in it for me?" you let this guy go and he's going to continue and just fraud the next guy, sending a message that frauds/scam artistare tolerated in the sneaker community. Help show this fraud that he will not be tolerated and help put him behind bars. If anyone else is reading this andhas been frauded by this guy please report him to the FBI through ic3.gov
Why would your friend send first to some random guy?

Pretty much all Oregon nt'ers are all selfish ******* so good luck having any these kids help you out.
I'm going to try my luck, I personally live in Nor Cal with family in Oregon if anything I will just have them or even myself when I go in Febrruary paythis fool a visit.
Shoe Connoisseurs09 I'm going to send you a Private Message in a little bit with some more info. If you could help in this situation it would be greatlyappreciated.

here is a photo I got of his house (with pool)....
Okay I'm going to look up West 29th Avenue I might actually know the kid..
He could be using an alias to hide his real name?? Idk.
Alright this guy is frauding people all over the sneakerboards, he has already tried frauding over 5 people with the same what the dunk sb's on nsb forumsand iss forums. if anyone has been fruaded by this guy I suggest you report him to the F.B.I through ic3.gov
If you know his address, call the police that are local to him. They will be happy to assist you. People think they're immune to getting caught on theinternet, but they are wrong
Here is the Eugene, Oregon Police Departments Contact Info:

If you have been frauded by this address please call 541.682.5111 and file a report, also file a report through ic3.gov give as much info as you have possible.
I never understand why people make these sorts of deals without doing any homework at all, and without protecting themselves what so ever.

Good luck.
I have met 2 people now that live in Eugene and willing to help out, please any other people willing to help, I have gotten 4 people to file reports with theeugene, police department and several to report to the F.B.I. through the website ic3.gov please if you have been scammed/frauded by anyone using this addressI urge you to give the eugene, oregon police department a call along with report this person through ic3.gov
Wilezout, you file a police report yet? I filed an ic3 report (he got me too) and they contacted me with a phone number and email address to give to anyone whohas been scammed by this person. This is a direct contact to the investigator of the Oregon Dept. of Justice who called me, which should make things a lotsmoother. ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN SCAMMED HASN'T FILED A POLICE REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!
I live in Eugene, OR. I go to school here. Paypal me some gas $ and I'll go to this dudes spot with my boys and check it out.
Originally Posted by jdub2030

I live in Eugene, OR. I go to school here. Paypal me some gas $ and I'll go to this dudes spot with my boys and check it out.

lol! he already got scammed i dont think he going to trust anyone anymore.

He's selling my SBTGs right now! : http://cgi.ebay.com/Nike-Dunk-Sb-Low-Premium-SBTG-Sabotage-Size-11-DS-tiff_W0QQitemZ270247822111QQihZ017QQcategoryZ63850QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

He already sold the DMPs that Wileoutz got scammed for, and the what the dunks the scammer was supposedto send! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270224880350

OREGON SNEAKERHEADS HELP ME OUT! I really want justice! And revenge! I contacted the Oregon Dept of justice too.
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