Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

  I see one problem with this that permeates deep into political affiliations as well.

In my opinion, people are GENERALLY liberal but SPECIFICALLY conservative. That is, when asking a person if everyone in America should have access to affordable health care, the answers are usually unanimously yes. When asking that same person if they are willing to allocate a portion of their earnings to ensure that everyone has this health care, you lose about half of those previous yes votes. Take it a step further and pile on other liberal policies, and the increase in revenues needed to cover those policies, you lose even more people.

I see the same thing happening in this case. Say the government wasn't solely responsible for 9/11 but they took advantage (i know it's a sinister way of putting it) of the situation by going to war and trying to extract oil and whatever else. Most people would be ghastly opposed to that truth and appalled that such a thing could happen. Now take it a step further and propose to these people that within the next 10 years, gas prices would be roughly $10 per gallon if we didn't "take advantage" of the situation. Even further, explain that we will have to start drilling in our oceans to fulfill our dependence on oil. Now add the element of increased exposure to an ever increasing terrorist base, with no recourse except for a declaration of full out war. The list can go on and on and on and on.

I'm not suggesting that people will automatically neglect the deaths of our military as a result of the route we took with the middle east. But, when put into context, it isn't as cut and dry as it seems. I would guess that there are a significant amount of people who believe that deaths in a volunteer army are simply a byproduct of keeping our way of life consistent and preserving our safety.
Great post. The thing that gets to me is how the American public is just so immune to their government exploiting 9/11. What the government did and does is downright unjustifiable crime on ALL sides. This is Bush and Osama's administrations.

I was arguing this beforehand in the thread. Yes, they wanted to take out Saddam through a war. But, to think they were going to be able to without the public and electorate on their side, would not have been as easy. I believe there would have been an outcry. That is why they milked 9/11 and they exploited it to the fullest extent. That is why they lied.

They could have sent troops to Iraq without having to lie and link it to 9/11, but they know they would not get away with it so easy.

So what to do? Milk off 9/11 and Osama...Look the boogeyman is out to get us, let us take away your civil liberties, let us tighten privacy laws so we can watch you like hawks and take away your social rights and your freedom of mobility all for National Security, let us send your children and kill them off for that oil money,etc. Without 9/11 and the bogus War on Terror, they would not have been able to get away with all this so easily.

Downright disgusting to me. That is why when I know there is an intent behind it all. But hey guys we're a DEMOCRACY, the government would never murder their own civilians.
 If you do not believe 9/11 being an inside job, look no further than the government killing your children to fight their corporate wars based on exploitation and lies.

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ok say everything you said is true and the US govt killed it's own citizens to further global conquest so what's the alternative? A Revolution?  I am down but can we do this revolution after the NBA Playoffs?  A week before July 4 would work.  But the revolution should only be a week because I am going to Vegas that 4th of July weekend. Thanks! 

The alternative would be to wake up. 

'In the world as it is, the looking-glass world, the countries that guard the peace also make and sell the most weapons. The most prestigious banks launder the most drug money and harbour the most stolen cash. The most successful industries are the most poisonous for the planet. And saving the environment is the brilliant endeavour of the very companies that profit from annihilating it. Those who kill the most people in the shortest time win immunity and praise, as do those who destroy the most nature at the lowest cost.The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail. They hold the keys.'
-Eduardo Galeano
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the men who were killed and had their pictures released seem to have been executed.

Every photo I've seen of a person post execution has a pool of blood around the head and leakage from the eyes, nose, and mouth. That's what I'm seeing in these photos.
I'm really interested in seeing this/these photos of Osama. I've been hearing Osama is dead off and on since 2002, but there's apparently proof now. That won't be released. Ho hum.
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the men who were killed and had their pictures released seem to have been executed.

Every photo I've seen of a person post execution has a pool of blood around the head and leakage from the eyes, nose, and mouth. That's what I'm seeing in these photos.
I'm really interested in seeing this/these photos of Osama. I've been hearing Osama is dead off and on since 2002, but there's apparently proof now. That won't be released. Ho hum.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ok say everything you said is true and the US govt killed it's own citizens to further global conquest so what's the alternative? A Revolution?  I am down but can we do this revolution after the NBA Playoffs?  A week before July 4 would work.  But the revolution should only be a week because I am going to Vegas that 4th of July weekend. Thanks! 

The alternative would be to wake up. 

'In the world as it is, the looking-glass world, the countries that guard the peace also make and sell the most weapons. The most prestigious banks launder the most drug money and harbour the most stolen cash. The most successful industries are the most poisonous for the planet. And saving the environment is the brilliant endeavour of the very companies that profit from annihilating it. Those who kill the most people in the shortest time win immunity and praise, as do those who destroy the most nature at the lowest cost.The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail. They hold the keys.'
-Eduardo Galeano
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the men who were killed and had their pictures released seem to have been executed.

Every photo I've seen of a person post execution has a pool of blood around the head and leakage from the eyes, nose, and mouth. That's what I'm seeing in these photos.
I'm really interested in seeing this/these photos of Osama. I've been hearing Osama is dead off and on since 2002, but there's apparently proof now. That won't be released. Ho hum.

thats just our most elite soldiers shooting dudes in the eyes from 50 yards away in the dark.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the men who were killed and had their pictures released seem to have been executed.

Every photo I've seen of a person post execution has a pool of blood around the head and leakage from the eyes, nose, and mouth. That's what I'm seeing in these photos.
I'm really interested in seeing this/these photos of Osama. I've been hearing Osama is dead off and on since 2002, but there's apparently proof now. That won't be released. Ho hum.

thats just our most elite soldiers shooting dudes in the eyes from 50 yards away in the dark.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Whats that?
 Our lovable former representative George W. Bush Jr is afraid to show his face at Ground Zero. I wonder why?
 You dudes really think your doing something don't you...........bless your heart.  Just like I said in the Rashard Mendenhall thread in S&T thread, this is what happens when you get a person too much time on their hands.  They start to look up old Youtube clips and somehow begin to feel empowered and continue to create conspirarcy theories.


youre a good poster when youre not calling everybody a racist.

Apparently, Bin Laden was organizing and training people to conduct attacks against Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.

The people believed they were doing the right thing -- by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.

However, if that oil had ever been able to flow out of Iraq, the supply would have gone up -- and prices would have come crashing down.

Bin Laden apparently could have been killed a long, long time ago. His whereabouts were known -- but no one went after him.

He was being kept alive in order to boost oil prices and profits.

No one who profited from high oil prices had any intention of ever seeing Bin Laden killed.

For that same reason, the Obama Administration's surprise operation has sent shock-waves through the insider community.

It is also interesting to note that Obama was apparently the only one in his administration who didn't want to blow the whole compound to smithereens.

Over 115 different sources of computer data have now been seized from Osama Bin Laden's compound -- including five computers, ten hard drives and over 100 storage devices including data CDs, data DVDs and thumb drives.

Intelligence experts in Afghanistan are today sifting through a treasure trove of computer hard drives and other intelligence captured from the compound in Pakistan - described by one official as 'the mother load'.

A senior U.S. official said Navy SEALs had recovered 10 hard drives, 5 computers and more than 100 storage devices from the compound - including discs, DVDs and thumb drives.

This could turn into very big news. What if Bin Laden was still actively in contact with certain groups -- at a level that is so treasonous as to be absolutely astonishing to the average person?

Use your imagination and think about it. Who would know -- and who would want you to know?

Whether any of this will see the light of day or not, I have no idea -- but this may have the potential to completely unveil the truth behind 9/11 and many other dark conspiracies once and for all.

( from a site i was reading)
Apparently, Bin Laden was organizing and training people to conduct attacks against Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.

The people believed they were doing the right thing -- by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.

However, if that oil had ever been able to flow out of Iraq, the supply would have gone up -- and prices would have come crashing down.

Bin Laden apparently could have been killed a long, long time ago. His whereabouts were known -- but no one went after him.

He was being kept alive in order to boost oil prices and profits.

No one who profited from high oil prices had any intention of ever seeing Bin Laden killed.

For that same reason, the Obama Administration's surprise operation has sent shock-waves through the insider community.

It is also interesting to note that Obama was apparently the only one in his administration who didn't want to blow the whole compound to smithereens.

Over 115 different sources of computer data have now been seized from Osama Bin Laden's compound -- including five computers, ten hard drives and over 100 storage devices including data CDs, data DVDs and thumb drives.

Intelligence experts in Afghanistan are today sifting through a treasure trove of computer hard drives and other intelligence captured from the compound in Pakistan - described by one official as 'the mother load'.

A senior U.S. official said Navy SEALs had recovered 10 hard drives, 5 computers and more than 100 storage devices from the compound - including discs, DVDs and thumb drives.

This could turn into very big news. What if Bin Laden was still actively in contact with certain groups -- at a level that is so treasonous as to be absolutely astonishing to the average person?

Use your imagination and think about it. Who would know -- and who would want you to know?

Whether any of this will see the light of day or not, I have no idea -- but this may have the potential to completely unveil the truth behind 9/11 and many other dark conspiracies once and for all.

( from a site i was reading)
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Whats that?
 Our lovable former representative George W. Bush Jr is afraid to show his face at Ground Zero. I wonder why?
 You dudes really think your doing something don't you...........bless your heart.  Just like I said in the Rashard Mendenhall thread in S&T thread, this is what happens when you get a person too much time on their hands.  They start to look up old Youtube clips and somehow begin to feel empowered and continue to create conspirarcy theories.


youre a good poster when youre not calling everybody a racist.

Interesting article:

[h1]The Birthers Become 'Deathers'[/h1]Josh Dzieza – Thu May 5, 1:16 am ET
NEW YORK – Birthers who claimed President Obama was not born in the U.S. have moved on to another wild conspiracy theory: that Osama bin Laden was not really killed last Sunday—or was killed to shut him up, and then quickly buried at sea. Josh Dzieza explains. Plus, full coverage of Osama bin Laden's death.

Osama bin Laden's death couldn't have come at a better time for the birthers, those who believe that President Obama was born in Kenya, or Indonesia, or renounced his citizenship, or for various other reasons is ineligible for office. Obama had just held an exasperated press conference in which he released his long-form birth certificate, and chided the nation to get back to more serious work.

Launching the operation to kill the al Qaeda leader could be taken as an example of just the sort of serious duties lawmakers ought to be busy dealing with. Or, with its hasty ocean burial and lack of photographic evidence, it could be seen as just a bit too convenient.

That latter is how birther activist, lawyer, and dentist Orly Taitz took the news. "Perfect timing!" Taitz exclaimed on her site. "Our court hearing is scheduled to start in just a few hours. Major networks are supposed to be there with cameras rolling. Suddenly, Obama announces that the body of Osama Bin Ladin [sic] is found and we need to prepare for a possible terrorist act." She cited a rumor that bin Laden had been killed years ago and his corpse kept on ice, ready to be rolled out when a diversion was needed. The theory has been around for years, but promptly popped up again on May 1, when Alex Jones posted it on his site, InfoWars, also noting that it "follows the release of a highly suspicious birth certificate." Soon, people like Taitz and Jones had a name: the deathers.

Andy Martin, who is as close as a movement like the birthers comes to having a founder, says conspiracy peddlers like Taitz and Jones are ridiculous. He wants to redirect them to his new movement, which he prefers be called the doubters.

"You have to ask who he's covering for, if they had interrogated him, what he would have dropped in addition to those hard drives."

"Ironically, Obama has created a new birther movement," says Martin. "He's fanning the fires by giving just enough evidence to cast reasonable doubt." Casting doubt is how Martin describes his role in the birther movement. He says he never claimed Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia, just that he wanted to see the birth certificate (though he admits he started the Obama-is-a-Muslim meme). "You don't have to fantasize, just say, 'Why not show the original? If there's an original document, why not show it?'" People like Taitz might use his research to pursue their own fantasies, says Martin, but he's always stuck to the facts. "I'm the Joe Friday of the Republican Party," he says. "Obama loved birthers who lied, like Orly Taitz, because you could just laugh at them—but he hated me, because I just kept asking."

Martin says he's been convinced Obama's birth certificate is "probably a valid document," though he still has some questions. Now he's turning his attention to bin Laden's death. On May 3, after flying back from Iowa, where he was campaigning for president, he filed an FOIA request for the "Bin Laden capture/kill archive" in order to "immediately counteract any conspiracy theories." In the request, he warns: "We have learned from the original and continuing firestorm over the missing Obama birth certificate that secrecy leads to public skepticism. Skepticism inevitably leads to corrosion of confidence in government. You ought not to let that same process replicate itself in the case of the termination of bin Laden."

It's that claim—to be out only for the truth—that Martin says makes the doubter movement more powerful than ones that paint fantastic alternative histories. "The reason the birther movement could never be stopped is because I launched it with truth and not lies—I knew there had to be a birth certificate, so why not show it?—it's the same reason the doubter movement won't be stopped." Of course, Obama's birth certificate was shown, though people can always doubt its authenticity. Highly classified documents pertaining to the killing of bin Laden never will be, meaning Martin can question forever. It remains to be seen whether the public will feel as entitled to see such documents as they did the birth certificate.

In keeping with his strategy, Martin declines to say what exactly he expects to find other than "the truth," saying only that what evidence we have raises questions. Why was bin Laden buried at sea? Who gave what orders? Why was he killed and not captured? In the first, he sees an offensive deference to Muslim tradition; in the second, he sees potential evidence of Obama's dithering. But it's the third he really presses. Bin Laden was worth more alive than dead, says Martin: We could have made propaganda of his trial, he says; we could have "paraded him down Pennsylvania Avenue in chains like the Romans."

Instead, Navy SEALs shot him, saying he was resisting—a story Martin points out keeps changing—and a story he finds patently ridiculous, anyway. "An old man with kidney problems? A 10-year-old with karate could have taken him." Instead, Obama ordered him killed, Martin says. Sometimes, Martin implies political motives: Obama didn't want a messy trial, Martin says—"he wanted the bonus without the onus." Other times, Martin implies motives that are vaguely sinister: "You have to ask who he's covering for, if they had interrogated him, what he would have dropped in addition to those hard drives."

But Martin says he is only asking questions, distancing himself from outright conspiracy theories—even as he fans them. It's a fine line that some elected officials walked during the heyday of the birthers—remaining pointedly agnostic, saying they didn't believe the theories, but why not release the certificate just the same. Recently Sen. Lindsey Graham seemed to echo John Boehner's comment that he would "take [Obama] at his word" about being a U.S. citizen, when the South Carolina lawmaker said he wants the president to release photos of bin Laden's body to "prove it beyond a reasonable doubt"—though he said he himself was not a doubter.

No polls have been done to see how many people believe bin Laden was killed, or was already dead, or that there's something amiss in his killing, but theories have been making the rounds on fringe conservative blogs, and Yahoo has reported a spike in searches for "bin Laden not dead" and "bin Laden still alive." Martin says he's been inundated with emails from his birther-days contacts, proposing all sorts of theories, from people he says will eagerly follow him on his new mission.

Martin points out that anyone who directly questions bin Laden's death will have an unwelcome audience right now. "In the euphoria of Osama's death we're overlooking these things in the same way in the euphoria of Obama's inauguration we overlooked the facts around his birth," he says.

He gives it a week, saying nobody asks questions at the funeral—they ask them when the will is read. "I'm building a case now, like with the birthers, and all it will take is for a celebrity like Trump to put a match to it, and—boom!"


Interesting article:

[h1]The Birthers Become 'Deathers'[/h1]Josh Dzieza – Thu May 5, 1:16 am ET
NEW YORK – Birthers who claimed President Obama was not born in the U.S. have moved on to another wild conspiracy theory: that Osama bin Laden was not really killed last Sunday—or was killed to shut him up, and then quickly buried at sea. Josh Dzieza explains. Plus, full coverage of Osama bin Laden's death.

Osama bin Laden's death couldn't have come at a better time for the birthers, those who believe that President Obama was born in Kenya, or Indonesia, or renounced his citizenship, or for various other reasons is ineligible for office. Obama had just held an exasperated press conference in which he released his long-form birth certificate, and chided the nation to get back to more serious work.

Launching the operation to kill the al Qaeda leader could be taken as an example of just the sort of serious duties lawmakers ought to be busy dealing with. Or, with its hasty ocean burial and lack of photographic evidence, it could be seen as just a bit too convenient.

That latter is how birther activist, lawyer, and dentist Orly Taitz took the news. "Perfect timing!" Taitz exclaimed on her site. "Our court hearing is scheduled to start in just a few hours. Major networks are supposed to be there with cameras rolling. Suddenly, Obama announces that the body of Osama Bin Ladin [sic] is found and we need to prepare for a possible terrorist act." She cited a rumor that bin Laden had been killed years ago and his corpse kept on ice, ready to be rolled out when a diversion was needed. The theory has been around for years, but promptly popped up again on May 1, when Alex Jones posted it on his site, InfoWars, also noting that it "follows the release of a highly suspicious birth certificate." Soon, people like Taitz and Jones had a name: the deathers.

Andy Martin, who is as close as a movement like the birthers comes to having a founder, says conspiracy peddlers like Taitz and Jones are ridiculous. He wants to redirect them to his new movement, which he prefers be called the doubters.

"You have to ask who he's covering for, if they had interrogated him, what he would have dropped in addition to those hard drives."

"Ironically, Obama has created a new birther movement," says Martin. "He's fanning the fires by giving just enough evidence to cast reasonable doubt." Casting doubt is how Martin describes his role in the birther movement. He says he never claimed Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia, just that he wanted to see the birth certificate (though he admits he started the Obama-is-a-Muslim meme). "You don't have to fantasize, just say, 'Why not show the original? If there's an original document, why not show it?'" People like Taitz might use his research to pursue their own fantasies, says Martin, but he's always stuck to the facts. "I'm the Joe Friday of the Republican Party," he says. "Obama loved birthers who lied, like Orly Taitz, because you could just laugh at them—but he hated me, because I just kept asking."

Martin says he's been convinced Obama's birth certificate is "probably a valid document," though he still has some questions. Now he's turning his attention to bin Laden's death. On May 3, after flying back from Iowa, where he was campaigning for president, he filed an FOIA request for the "Bin Laden capture/kill archive" in order to "immediately counteract any conspiracy theories." In the request, he warns: "We have learned from the original and continuing firestorm over the missing Obama birth certificate that secrecy leads to public skepticism. Skepticism inevitably leads to corrosion of confidence in government. You ought not to let that same process replicate itself in the case of the termination of bin Laden."

It's that claim—to be out only for the truth—that Martin says makes the doubter movement more powerful than ones that paint fantastic alternative histories. "The reason the birther movement could never be stopped is because I launched it with truth and not lies—I knew there had to be a birth certificate, so why not show it?—it's the same reason the doubter movement won't be stopped." Of course, Obama's birth certificate was shown, though people can always doubt its authenticity. Highly classified documents pertaining to the killing of bin Laden never will be, meaning Martin can question forever. It remains to be seen whether the public will feel as entitled to see such documents as they did the birth certificate.

In keeping with his strategy, Martin declines to say what exactly he expects to find other than "the truth," saying only that what evidence we have raises questions. Why was bin Laden buried at sea? Who gave what orders? Why was he killed and not captured? In the first, he sees an offensive deference to Muslim tradition; in the second, he sees potential evidence of Obama's dithering. But it's the third he really presses. Bin Laden was worth more alive than dead, says Martin: We could have made propaganda of his trial, he says; we could have "paraded him down Pennsylvania Avenue in chains like the Romans."

Instead, Navy SEALs shot him, saying he was resisting—a story Martin points out keeps changing—and a story he finds patently ridiculous, anyway. "An old man with kidney problems? A 10-year-old with karate could have taken him." Instead, Obama ordered him killed, Martin says. Sometimes, Martin implies political motives: Obama didn't want a messy trial, Martin says—"he wanted the bonus without the onus." Other times, Martin implies motives that are vaguely sinister: "You have to ask who he's covering for, if they had interrogated him, what he would have dropped in addition to those hard drives."

But Martin says he is only asking questions, distancing himself from outright conspiracy theories—even as he fans them. It's a fine line that some elected officials walked during the heyday of the birthers—remaining pointedly agnostic, saying they didn't believe the theories, but why not release the certificate just the same. Recently Sen. Lindsey Graham seemed to echo John Boehner's comment that he would "take [Obama] at his word" about being a U.S. citizen, when the South Carolina lawmaker said he wants the president to release photos of bin Laden's body to "prove it beyond a reasonable doubt"—though he said he himself was not a doubter.

No polls have been done to see how many people believe bin Laden was killed, or was already dead, or that there's something amiss in his killing, but theories have been making the rounds on fringe conservative blogs, and Yahoo has reported a spike in searches for "bin Laden not dead" and "bin Laden still alive." Martin says he's been inundated with emails from his birther-days contacts, proposing all sorts of theories, from people he says will eagerly follow him on his new mission.

Martin points out that anyone who directly questions bin Laden's death will have an unwelcome audience right now. "In the euphoria of Osama's death we're overlooking these things in the same way in the euphoria of Obama's inauguration we overlooked the facts around his birth," he says.

He gives it a week, saying nobody asks questions at the funeral—they ask them when the will is read. "I'm building a case now, like with the birthers, and all it will take is for a celebrity like Trump to put a match to it, and—boom!"


[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Osama had the cure for AIDS......[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)] why did they have to kill him?[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Osama had the cure for AIDS......[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)] why did they have to kill him?[/color]
Originally Posted by G14

Apparently, Bin Laden was organizing and training people to conduct attacks against Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.

The people believed they were doing the right thing -- by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.

However, if that oil had ever been able to flow out of Iraq, the supply would have gone up -- and prices would have come crashing down.
Highly unlikely.  The security in those locations is so extreme that in many cases people can't even come within visibility of the fields and refineries.  That goes for Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Kuwait, you name it.

If this was possible, it'd be the strategy of choice for these radicals for decades.
Originally Posted by G14

Apparently, Bin Laden was organizing and training people to conduct attacks against Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.

The people believed they were doing the right thing -- by fighting the Great Satan through cutting off the oil.

However, if that oil had ever been able to flow out of Iraq, the supply would have gone up -- and prices would have come crashing down.
Highly unlikely.  The security in those locations is so extreme that in many cases people can't even come within visibility of the fields and refineries.  That goes for Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Kuwait, you name it.

If this was possible, it'd be the strategy of choice for these radicals for decades.
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