Osama Bin Laden is dead

Where the pictures at?

We've seen plenty of pictures of troops killing civilians that came out with the quickness.
Where the pictures at?

We've seen plenty of pictures of troops killing civilians that came out with the quickness.
Originally Posted by rashi

Where the pictures at?

We've seen plenty of pictures of troops killing civilians that came out with the quickness.

There's already a pic of his mangled face somebody posted on here. Real or fake I don't know. Now they're showing images of the compound on CNN. Floors covered and blood. I'm sure more pics will surface in time. It's only been a few hrs. bro. They'll probably give plenty of evidence just to shut the conspiracy theorists the %^& up.
Originally Posted by rashi

Where the pictures at?

We've seen plenty of pictures of troops killing civilians that came out with the quickness.

There's already a pic of his mangled face somebody posted on here. Real or fake I don't know. Now they're showing images of the compound on CNN. Floors covered and blood. I'm sure more pics will surface in time. It's only been a few hrs. bro. They'll probably give plenty of evidence just to shut the conspiracy theorists the %^& up.


Spoiler [+]
I think many of you are having trouble understanding the significance of this event.

Osama Bin Laden isn't a mythical character, he is as real as they come. He wasn't the one carrying out the attacks, but you better believe he was a key figure in persuading individuals to believe in his ideology of destroying the West. On top of being a figurehead, I hope many of you understand the amount of money this man had, he was extremely wealthy and helped finance Al-Qaeda, most likely until his death.

Bin Laden was a key conspirator with Khalid Sheik Mohamad and helped carry out the first WTC bombing and the Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania as well as the USS Cole bombing. While Bin Laden man not have been part of the physical attacks, he was a key mastermind, architect and financier of those attacks.

He helped carry out the attack on Sept. 11th, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, innocent civilians who didn't deserve to the die they way they did. For many of you, I understand saying you can't celebrate the death of anyone, regardless of what they did. This man killed so many Americans in such a dispicable and heartless way and then boasted about it in videos and on the internet. His followers and supporters danced in the streets, buring OUR flag and chanting death to Americans. The same who say they can't celebrate a man's death regardless, try having a son or daughter in the Pentagon or WTC and then see an internet video of Bin Laden celebrating and calling for more deaths. If you had a loved one who was murdered in cold blood and was as innocent as they come, you better believe justice would want to be served, and I'm not talking about free meals and shelter for life.

I don't really care if you want to celebrate his death or not, but to many of you saying this is US propaganda and the US is ##+*$* up for doing something along these lines, please realize that this man caused many peoples lives to drastically change in an instant. If he didn't play a part in any of this, or he was a "mythical" figure" as some of you are saying, keep those comments to yourself. This man was just as responsible for the deaths of Americans as the men who drove the planes into the WTC and Pentagon.

As for the burial. I don't believe what we did was right, but I UNDERSTAND why we did it. We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with Extremism. If we don't honor the traditions of the Islamic faith, it makes the US look worse than we already do. However, the difference between regular Islamic people and Extremist Islam is that followers of the Islamic faith should understand if we don't follow traditions on this one, on the world's most dangerous man, he doesn't deserve tradition burial because any follower of God, Allah, whatever, understand that you don't carry out the attacks that this man did.
I think many of you are having trouble understanding the significance of this event.

Osama Bin Laden isn't a mythical character, he is as real as they come. He wasn't the one carrying out the attacks, but you better believe he was a key figure in persuading individuals to believe in his ideology of destroying the West. On top of being a figurehead, I hope many of you understand the amount of money this man had, he was extremely wealthy and helped finance Al-Qaeda, most likely until his death.

Bin Laden was a key conspirator with Khalid Sheik Mohamad and helped carry out the first WTC bombing and the Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania as well as the USS Cole bombing. While Bin Laden man not have been part of the physical attacks, he was a key mastermind, architect and financier of those attacks.

He helped carry out the attack on Sept. 11th, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, innocent civilians who didn't deserve to the die they way they did. For many of you, I understand saying you can't celebrate the death of anyone, regardless of what they did. This man killed so many Americans in such a dispicable and heartless way and then boasted about it in videos and on the internet. His followers and supporters danced in the streets, buring OUR flag and chanting death to Americans. The same who say they can't celebrate a man's death regardless, try having a son or daughter in the Pentagon or WTC and then see an internet video of Bin Laden celebrating and calling for more deaths. If you had a loved one who was murdered in cold blood and was as innocent as they come, you better believe justice would want to be served, and I'm not talking about free meals and shelter for life.

I don't really care if you want to celebrate his death or not, but to many of you saying this is US propaganda and the US is ##+*$* up for doing something along these lines, please realize that this man caused many peoples lives to drastically change in an instant. If he didn't play a part in any of this, or he was a "mythical" figure" as some of you are saying, keep those comments to yourself. This man was just as responsible for the deaths of Americans as the men who drove the planes into the WTC and Pentagon.

As for the burial. I don't believe what we did was right, but I UNDERSTAND why we did it. We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with Extremism. If we don't honor the traditions of the Islamic faith, it makes the US look worse than we already do. However, the difference between regular Islamic people and Extremist Islam is that followers of the Islamic faith should understand if we don't follow traditions on this one, on the world's most dangerous man, he doesn't deserve tradition burial because any follower of God, Allah, whatever, understand that you don't carry out the attacks that this man did.
Burried at sea!!

They do have a record sheet of duplicity... Do they not?
The government's track record full of deceit doesn't matter bruh. The real issue does NOT matter. People are happy in their facades, or they're too ashamed to admit they already fell for it and are enslaved in everyday 9-5 misery.

Yall read this yellow journalism like its the truth so go ahead....  but this %%$@ is orchestrated...word to the USS Maine.
Burried at sea!!

They do have a record sheet of duplicity... Do they not?
The government's track record full of deceit doesn't matter bruh. The real issue does NOT matter. People are happy in their facades, or they're too ashamed to admit they already fell for it and are enslaved in everyday 9-5 misery.

Yall read this yellow journalism like its the truth so go ahead....  but this %%$@ is orchestrated...word to the USS Maine.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Wr

what would  you call the honoring of relics of a man beaten, bloody and nailed onto a torture device so that he takes your place for your wrong doings?
From my dealings with church ( and trust me I've served my time in that hellish place) little is done to honor the life of christ. the main theme is that he died for everyone else's salvation and that violence is the reason why people are saved and marked to go to heaven...enough of turning this into a thread about religion tho.
lol my man got touched
Nah never went to catholic school. We did get beat tho.

 damn my son, i apologize. i was fishin for lulz
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Wr

what would  you call the honoring of relics of a man beaten, bloody and nailed onto a torture device so that he takes your place for your wrong doings?
From my dealings with church ( and trust me I've served my time in that hellish place) little is done to honor the life of christ. the main theme is that he died for everyone else's salvation and that violence is the reason why people are saved and marked to go to heaven...enough of turning this into a thread about religion tho.
lol my man got touched
Nah never went to catholic school. We did get beat tho.

 damn my son, i apologize. i was fishin for lulz
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

"Buried at sea."
One day after he was killed? Dispose of the remains of one of the most infamous people in history just like that? Is this a joke?? Was this a highly advanced military operation or a segment of an episode of The Sopranos?

If they really got him, can they at least make an attempt to shut the mouths of all the conspiracy theorists? I'm sure no one's gonna question their story now.

Pentagon has pictures....I heard a report this morning on the radio.  Do you honestly think that they would kill Bin Laden and have ZERO evidence that they did so?  The pictures will be released in due time.  THAT will shut the mouth of the conspiracy theorists and doubters. 

Reading about the operation was amazing.  40 minutes in/out....and there were NO US casualties.  The fact that this has been kept under wraps since August is
  Even folks in the White House were kept in the dark under the fear that if information came out, the operation might have been compromised. 

Obviously this helps Obama's re-election push, but this is great news.  And for the fear mongers out there....we were at just as much of a security threat when Bin laden was alive as he is now dead.  Nothing has changed.  There's gonna be some other dude to step in his place. 

WoW!!! They have pictures. Phew! It's all settled then. Good thing we still live in such a primitive age where photographs can't yet be altered by computers and such so that people may question the authenticity of those pictures.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

"Buried at sea."
One day after he was killed? Dispose of the remains of one of the most infamous people in history just like that? Is this a joke?? Was this a highly advanced military operation or a segment of an episode of The Sopranos?

If they really got him, can they at least make an attempt to shut the mouths of all the conspiracy theorists? I'm sure no one's gonna question their story now.

Pentagon has pictures....I heard a report this morning on the radio.  Do you honestly think that they would kill Bin Laden and have ZERO evidence that they did so?  The pictures will be released in due time.  THAT will shut the mouth of the conspiracy theorists and doubters. 

Reading about the operation was amazing.  40 minutes in/out....and there were NO US casualties.  The fact that this has been kept under wraps since August is
  Even folks in the White House were kept in the dark under the fear that if information came out, the operation might have been compromised. 

Obviously this helps Obama's re-election push, but this is great news.  And for the fear mongers out there....we were at just as much of a security threat when Bin laden was alive as he is now dead.  Nothing has changed.  There's gonna be some other dude to step in his place. 

WoW!!! They have pictures. Phew! It's all settled then. Good thing we still live in such a primitive age where photographs can't yet be altered by computers and such so that people may question the authenticity of those pictures.
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