Ouija Board Vol. Curiosity Killed The Cat

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

I got alot of stories about Ouija boards.

Are they real? You better believe it.
Its a form of Divination. A way of contacting spirits. Most spirits you come in contact with are looking for a way out of the current realm they are in. Someare Evil, Some are Positive, Some are Neutral.
So is there a Ouji Board that can allow positive spirits to be released? If there is an evil version that HAS to be a good version right?
Originally Posted by 4dWritePRiCE

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by 4dWritePRiCE

df, yall ridiculous wit this thinkin mystical #$%#^ n magic n spirits n all that. $+!@, its a GAME not an enchanted device to summon spirits lol sry 2 break the news but once ur dead, u rot in the ground.

Try it and video tape it

But yes, this doesnt summon spirits and demons... that's the Lesser Key of Solomon. I recommend you read that, too.

im not really into fairy tales
U scared? 
Didn't know this was an age old topic here but I can contribute.

An aunt on my mothers side was a witness on the UFO sighting in Mexico City in 1991. [Video in spoiler] She got out of her car as everyone else did on the freeway to look at this spectacle. just like the title's Vol., Curiosity got the best of her and she wanted to look for answers to what she saw, was it man-made and continuously brought up the question. "If god put his image in man what god put their image into these creatures?" As a catholic she looked for answers in the church but as many who went there came back with nothing. So she brought out the Ouija Board to look for answers that God couldn't answer. According to my mother, older brother and family in Mexico, after she used it she slowly but surely started to lose her mind until she was declared insane. not making this up but you can judge.

Spoiler [+]
My friend told me a story. His father played with one....somehow for s***s and giggles he contacted a Wizard...he was evil and the Father started to harass the spirit. He said "I don't give a **** who you are! *****-*** wizard!" So he goes to sleep. Later in the middle of the night he hear the sound of someone walking towards his room. He opens the door and there are wooden clog like shoes sitting there. No one else lived with him and he didn't own clogs. 
This is funny to me. NT has so many atheists yet, so many NTers believe in evil spirits and ouija boards.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I used to want to do it when I was younger but knowing what I know now about dem onic spirits, I wouldn't dare. Hell, whenever I even type a word associated with the word De mon I am scared that I am indirectly opening myself up for visits.
Right, I don't even like saying or thinking that stuff. That stuff is creepy.
This is funny to me. NT has so many atheists yet, so many NTers believe in evil spirits and ouija boards.
Atheist get creeped out too I suppose.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Didn't know this was an age old topic here but I can contribute.

An aunt on my mothers side was a witness on the UFO sighting in Mexico City in 1991. [Video in spoiler] She got out of her car as everyone else did on the freeway to look at this spectacle. just like the title's Vol., Curiosity got the best of her and she wanted to look for answers to what she saw, was it man-made and continuously brought up the question. "If god put his image in man what god put their image into these creatures?" As a catholic she looked for answers in the church but as many who went there came back with nothing. So she brought out the Ouija Board to look for answers that God couldn't answer. According to my mother, older brother and family in Mexico, after she used it she slowly but surely started to lose her mind until she was declared insane. not making this up but you can judge.

sounds like she was already insane brah
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

My friend told me a story. His father played with one....somehow for s***s and giggles he contacted a Wizard...he was evil and the Father started to harass the spirit. He said "I don't give a **** who you are! *****-*** wizard!" So he goes to sleep. Later in the middle of the night he hear the sound of someone walking towards his room. He opens the door and there are wooden clog like shoes sitting there. No one else lived with him and he didn't own clogs. 
@ A Wizard
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

My friend told me a story. His father played with one....somehow for s***s and giggles he contacted a Wizard...he was evil and the Father started to harass the spirit. He said "I don't give a **** who you are! *****-*** wizard!" So he goes to sleep. Later in the middle of the night he hear the sound of someone walking towards his room. He opens the door and there are wooden clog like shoes sitting there. No one else lived with him and he didn't own clogs. 

Spoiler [+]
Dutch wizard? 
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Ouija board isn't about anythng, follow the directions in the lesser key of solomon and see what happens.

scuze me?

come on you setting these dudes up to go crazy…
dont play with that….
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Ouija board isn't about anythng, follow the directions in the lesser key of solomon and see what happens.

scuze me?

come on you setting these dudes up to go crazy…
dont play with that….

It's been so long since I've seen this thread so I'm not sure if I ever posted my story in here or not.

But due to this thread, around Halloween, I went to Barnes & Noble to check out 'The Lesser Key of Solomon'. Went to the one over in Union Square and found it way in the back of the floor with the rest of the paranormal books. When I got to the aisle, there were already two guys there discussing random things and giving their opinions on various books on the shelf. Eventually I kind of reach over to grab 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' and at the same time, they both say "You don't want that book, you're not ready for it". One of the guys went into this story about how he called a spirit from that book and it ruined his life for I don't know how long. Eventually he got it to leave him alone, but one night as he was driving, something came over him again and he said he pulled the car over, took the book out of the passenger seat, and lit it on fire on the side of the road 
 .....Afterwards he leaves and it's just me and the other guy talking for a solid 30 mins and two times during that, the other guy came back making SURE I wasn't going to buy it. The second guy that I stayed and spoke with for that time was telling me even if I just stared at a symbol in that book long enough, bad things would happen. I went over to TGI Friday's (Union Square for those in NYC) afterwards and ate and as I was signing the check to leave, I see the guy that I was speaking to in B&N walk passed me to make sure AGAIN that I didn't buy it. My girlfriend was reading some book she decided to buy so I guess he was paranoid that I went through with it. Definitely a strange night....and really made me sure that I wasn't ever going to get that book. 
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

I've always wondered what would happen. My mom had me scared for years saying how bad it was.

word.  thats why i never used one.. no joke, im still shook to try one to this day..
[h3]The One-Man Hide And Seek[/h3]

The one-man hide and seek, aka the one-man tag, is a ritual for contacting the dead.

The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.

Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.

Things you need:

+ A Stuffed Doll with limbs
+ Some Rice (enough to stuff the doll full)
+ A Needle and a Crimson Thread
+ A Sharp-Edged Tool (such as a Knife, a Glass Shard, or Scissors)
+ A Cupful of Salt (natural salt would be best)
+ A Hiding Place (preferably a room purified by incense and ofuda)

1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.
2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread*2.
3. Pour water into a bathtub.
4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
How To Do It:

1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)
2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll "__(your name) is the firstit," three times.
3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.
5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.
6.When you get there, say to the doll ,"I have found you, __(the doll's name)," and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.
7. Say "You are the nextit, __(the doll's name)," as you put the doll back in its place.
8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
How To Finish It:

1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll.The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.
2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
3. Say "I win," three times.

This supposed to end the ritual.
After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.

Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.

This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
+Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
+You must turn off all lights.
+Keep quiet while hiding.
+You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
+Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.
+Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
+For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment'snoice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.

*1- the rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
*2- the crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
*3- by cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
*4- if you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter "something wandering around" in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the "something wandering around" is to watch "what happens to the TV."
The video clip below apparently shows the changes seen to the TV after 40 mins into the ritual. Nothing really happens but it gives you some ideas anyway.

You can hear the changes in the sound;it becomes unsteady, repeats itself like a broken record, and gets warped towards the end.
Yo, I got a ouija board in my moms van lulz. To be honest, when I played it with my friends it was whatever. Got some answers, but nothing crazy. Now that Solom book tho, that sounds like something else man.
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

[h3]The One-Man Hide And Seek[/h3]

The one-man hide and seek, aka the one-man tag, is a ritual for contacting the dead.

The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.

Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.

Things you need:

+ A Stuffed Doll with limbs
+ Some Rice (enough to stuff the doll full)
+ A Needle and a Crimson Thread
+ A Sharp-Edged Tool (such as a Knife, a Glass Shard, or Scissors)
+ A Cupful of Salt (natural salt would be best)
+ A Hiding Place (preferably a room purified by incense and�ofuda)

1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.
2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread�*2.
3. Pour water into a bathtub.
4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
How To Do It:

1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)
2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll "__(your name) is the first�it," three times.
3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.
5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.
6.When you get there, say to the doll ,"I have found you, __(the doll's name)," and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.
7. Say "You are the next�it, __(the doll's name)," as you put the doll back in its place.
8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
How To Finish It:

1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4�and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll.�The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.
2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
3. Say "I win," three times.

This supposed to end the ritual.
After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.

Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.�

This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
+Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
+You must turn off all lights.
+Keep quiet while hiding.
+You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
+Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.
+Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
+For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment's�noice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.

*1�- the rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
*2�- the crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
*3�- by cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
*4�- if you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter "something wandering around" in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the "something wandering around" is to watch "what happens to the TV."
The video clip below apparently shows the changes seen to the TV after 40 mins into the ritual. Nothing really happens but it gives you some ideas anyway.

You can hear the changes in the sound;it becomes unsteady, repeats itself like a broken record, and gets warped towards the end.

Wait, so what happens if you never stab the doll? If stabbing the doll means releasing the spirit.. could I just not stab the doll and keep the spirit inside, keeping it? Or would I need to seal it somehow, word to Naruto? I'm tryna have a demon pet.
First off- eff a quija board.

When I was in high school me and five other friends were at my boys house one night. They decided to play with one and me and one other dude didn't want to play so we were playing super nintendo while the others played. They were being funny and asking stupid questions and like cussing it out and stuff. They had candles lit and the lights off. Well me and my friend decided to go to sleep so we turned the tv off, leaving the rom lit by only the candles. Well my friend asked the board what his name was and it spelled it wrong and he was like " ehh, wrong, stupid MF" when all of a sudden it seem like the room flashed orange. What happened was the candle holder popped and it caused a flash. We were shook.

The next day my friend told his grandma (old Mexican lady) and she was pissed. She called a relative who was a preacher to come bless the apartment and was mad at all of us and didn't want us at their house anymore. Sh really was serious about it. She had caught us smokin weed, drinking, having sex, sneaking out, and never really tripped. But when the Quija board incident happened she was ready to call parents and like INSTANTLY didn't like us anymore. The whole thing was crazy and I am a firm believer that those things are bad. I've seen it with my own eyes.
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