Outlet Alert: Air Jordan 8 "Bugs Bunny"

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These kicks grew on me as we inched closer towards release date. So, I rsvp'd these suckas. Gonna pick 'em up at 8:00am 4.20 

Excuse the Puns
they're* and that's still selfish middlemanning it for no reason and making it harder on others that were trying. :smh:
If he doesn't go pick up his pair, that means the "someone else" you're referring to still has a chance to go get that pair.
If he doesn't go pick up his pair, that means the "someone else" you're referring to still has a chance to go get that pair.
I know but it's still unnecessary hassle for them. they could of been happy right now that the work was done. whatever i'm done talking about it though if he feels good about doing that type of thing then that's on him
Nike len is halirous no one knows how to use it. They straight @ them all day day son really tho!!! I know its new and all but dang.

For those of y'all with more tenor nike towns do yall still have this problem SMH?

Oh got the insta reply back from nike len tho!!!
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