OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

Mar 28, 2004
(overrated by nt or otherwise)

beloved movies that you just don't see it...

for me


I thought George Jung was too uninteresting to love or hate enough to care about what happened to him in the end

and bad wigs
^I watched the original Scarface from 1932 last week and enjoyed it much more

but I admit to being caught up in the Scarface hype at one point in time

i agree about Anchorman too
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Agree with everyone so far except Anchorman and Drive

I'm going to rustle some jimmies with this one but..



The second one on the other hand is the epitome of WORLD cinema.
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I wrote my senior thesis on the Godfather trilogy.

So I'm gonna need you to break down why it's overrated.

Eh, I retract my statement saying it is overrated.
I see why people find it to be a great film but I just can't get into it. The first time I saw it completely I had to force myself because I found the characters uninteresting... besides Michael. It moved slow which is fine but when you find the characters boring it can be a chore to watch.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts.

Now that I think about it Avatar is the most overrated movie. The only movie I've ever fallen asleep watching .
Drive. I hated that movie.

I don't think enough people like the movie for it to be overrated. Seems like half hate it and the other half like it. I actually liked the movie for it's violence and weirdness.

Almost every scene had me like wth is this?

The Dark Knight.

I love Nolan's batmans, but people want to stab you if you don't say that you didn't love TDK over TDKR.


Goodfellas. Didn't hold my interest.

Kill Bills. The dialogue was great, but I went into it with the wrong expectations.
Y'all some weirdos talking down on godfather. Scarface and blow. Smh. I thought drive sucked too. This is the end was terrible. That fap movie with the kid from 3rd rock from the sun sucked too IMO
I don't think anything is overrated when it's opinion based because if a lot of people love it and you

don't, that just means a lot of people love it and you don't. There's no stats to back up what it SHOULD

be rated. That's just how I look at it. With that said, a movie that's held in high regard that I didn't like: Silence of the Lambs
The Batman Trilogy was overrated. The movies were like everyone other Super Hero block buster, extremely well funded b-movies that were melodramatic and a safe bet commercially for the studio. The problem comes from the fact that the makers of the Trilogy tried to make it into a complex and nuanced anti-hero movie that would be full of moral ambiguity.

The complexity proved to be a thin veneer and what we were left with was a visually unappealing melodrama about the notion that the hoi polloi need to be protected from the free thinkers and the rabble rousers by an unaccountable obscenely rich, slightly aged, white, lawless vigilante.

I have to give credit to heath Ledger though, he was absolutely great as the Joker.
I don't think anything is overrated when it's opinion based because if a lot of people love it and you

don't, that just means a lot of people love it and you don't. There's no stats to back up what it SHOULD

be rated. That's just how I look at it. With that said, a movie that's held in high regard that I didn't like: Silence of the Lambs
I just used the term overrated for brevity in the title...
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