P90X Discussion

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by JBug88

gonna bump this...
Day 90 will be Sunday for me.
Looking like 30 lbs lost, about 6 inches off my waist...
going to take the rest of May off and start round 2 on June 1st. I did the classic the 1st time around. might switch over to lean for round 2...
I'm glad I did this. I can see major results, other people can see major results and most importantly, my wife likes what she sees...

Man I have been going back and forth trying to decide between insanity and p90x.  Your post just made my decision.  I am looking to lose about 10-15lbs and tone up.  Going to start once I ditch my gym membership at the end of this month.  Did you follow the diet plan? and what are the differences between classic and lean? 
classic is supposed to get you ripped. Lean is supposed to get you toned.
Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by JBug88

gonna bump this...
Day 90 will be Sunday for me.
Looking like 30 lbs lost, about 6 inches off my waist...
going to take the rest of May off and start round 2 on June 1st. I did the classic the 1st time around. might switch over to lean for round 2...
I'm glad I did this. I can see major results, other people can see major results and most importantly, my wife likes what she sees...

Man I have been going back and forth trying to decide between insanity and p90x.  Your post just made my decision.  I am looking to lose about 10-15lbs and tone up.  Going to start once I ditch my gym membership at the end of this month.  Did you follow the diet plan? and what are the differences between classic and lean? 
classic is supposed to get you ripped. Lean is supposed to get you toned.

pretty much.
The diet plan wasn't that hard for me at all.  Go to subway, get a sandwich, hold the mayo.  Just making smarter choices I should be making anyways because I'm getting old and shouldn't be eating junk.  haha.
I'd eat an apple or a banana or any other kind of fruit for a snack instead of a bag of chips.  water or tea instead of soda.  If I did drink any soda, it'd be diet.
cut down on the alcohol. 
I didn't come close to starving myself.  I did a few times at the beginning and realized that I couldn't do it and still workout.  i'd bonk 1/2 way through the workout.  So i figured out when and what to eat so i'd have enough energy to finish my workout strong...
i made the switch from sugar to splenda for my coffee. 
I'm happy.
I ended up not finishing over the weekend.  I'll be done tomorrow...
I honestly don't think I could do insanity at this point.  I'd have to drop about another 30 lbs before I even thought about it...
good luck.

Originally Posted by JBug88

Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Man I have been going back and forth trying to decide between insanity and p90x.  Your post just made my decision.  I am looking to lose about 10-15lbs and tone up.  Going to start once I ditch my gym membership at the end of this month.  Did you follow the diet plan? and what are the differences between classic and lean? 
classic is supposed to get you ripped. Lean is supposed to get you toned.

pretty much.
The diet plan wasn't that hard for me at all.  Go to subway, get a sandwich, hold the mayo.  Just making smarter choices I should be making anyways because I'm getting old and shouldn't be eating junk.  haha.
I'd eat an apple or a banana or any other kind of fruit for a snack instead of a bag of chips.  water or tea instead of soda.  If I did drink any soda, it'd be diet.
cut down on the alcohol. 
I didn't come close to starving myself.  I did a few times at the beginning and realized that I couldn't do it and still workout.  i'd bonk 1/2 way through the workout.  So i figured out when and what to eat so i'd have enough energy to finish my workout strong...
i made the switch from sugar to splenda for my coffee. 
I'm happy.
I ended up not finishing over the weekend.  I'll be done tomorrow...
I honestly don't think I could do insanity at this point.  I'd have to drop about another 30 lbs before I even thought about it...
good luck.

i wanna lose a little bit of fat like 5lbs and build like 10 lbs of muscle.. do you recommend p90x for me?
i did p90x im a personal trainier and trust it works muscle confusion is the key and its easy to start all the bar and push up keys u can by at walmart for 50 as a package . the whey protin and all other sups can also be at walmart you dont need to go to gmc and spend 50 for one containers but 18 for a great 2-3 week size lol go for it
so im thinking im gonna ball out and actually buy the insanity program. i work some pretty long hours at a manual labor job, is it possible to complete the insanity program while working about 50 hrs a week or will i be too tired to do anything?
sorry for the semi-gravedig but I didn't wanna start a whole new thread.

I'm on my 2nd week and it's yoga time again.
The first time I did yoga I had to stop half-way through cuz i couldn't do like 80% of the poses
so I did cardio intervals to finish up.

I'm thinking about doing the same today, and hopefully by next week I'm good enough to where I can do yoga all the way through. Any thoughts?

Also, I'm not following any particular diet. I just cut out fast food, soda's, doughnuts etc. and I've introduced oatmeals and egg whites into my diet.

My main problem is on tuesdays and thursdays I'm at school from 2:30-10PM and I'm not sure what to eat in between. I had what I thought was a healthy yogurt last week and when I looked at the nutrition label it had like 26g of sugar

Any suggestions.?

BTW when I'm 5'10 and when I started i was 216, so far I'm 208 and can although I can't really see any visual differences I feel way better.

Props to everyone that finished it. Hope to join you guys in January
I started the year at 230 I'm down 190... Still fat but got alot of strength and muscle ... I never changed my diet just worked out... That's why I'm still fat lol... Gonna do the diet for the new age.... I been slacking for a minute only doing it a few times a week cuz I been busy and lazy... Gonna do another cycle starting next week gotta go food shopping and ease back on staying up late... Sleep is important
on my second week...using this as the first stepping stone to getting back in shape... p90x in the morn, go to the Y to ball or swim in the evenings...been going good so far...

got pics of course..will post on day 99
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