P90X Discussion

I started last tuesday. I love it so far.
Except for Kenpo X. Eff Kenpo X.

I can already see and feel a difference.
I'm a big, fat dude to begin with, but I'm trying my best to keep up..

i love Kenpo X, its my favorite joint.
im on week two day 4. should be week 4 or 5 but i sprained my ankle early on and decided to wait and start all over once fully healed.
Also, yoga x sucks for me so i replaced it with cardio X.
Seeing a definite change already, nothing drastic but combined with proper diet its working
Originally Posted by FEETure

i love Kenpo X, its my favorite joint.
im on week two day 4. should be week 4 or 5 but i sprained my ankle early on and decided to wait and start all over once fully healed.
Also, yoga x sucks for me so i replaced it with cardio X.
Seeing a definite change already, nothing drastic but combined with proper diet its working
Man this happened to me recently, i was just wrapping up week 3 and then i sprained my ankle pretty bad. Dr. said i have to wear a walking boot for 2 more weeks. So did you start over from day one?? how hard was plyo with that ankle even though it was healed up?
^^my sprain wasnt as severe as yours sounds but plyo was cool, i actually tried it a couple times before i actually restarted just to see if i could do the jumping. im so scared to hurt it again that im extra careful now(i injured it being careless). but yeah i started from day 1. i figured i hadnt gotten to far into so its not like id be repeating 5 or 6 weeks ya know. i want to see the results of going as close to 90 days in a row as possible.
Day 25
down 14 lbs and almost 3 inches on my waist.
Kenpo isn't too bad.
doing my recovery week this week and my new hated program is core synergistics.
I'd rather do plyo. I love plyo...

How many of you do the workout and still go to the gym and lift weights?

Reason I ask is because I'm really considering getting the p90 for a morning workout then at night going to the gym to lift...is this to much on the body?
Originally Posted by RJSims

How many of you do the workout and still go to the gym and lift weights?

Reason I ask is because I'm really considering getting the p90 for a morning workout then at night going to the gym to lift...is this to much on the body?

i think so. p90 is hard enough as it is; you need to give your body enough time to recover and heal. however, if you were to do the two together, i would probably do cardio x/kenpo then lift at night.
question to those who do p90x at night.... do you still eat after workout? or just sip your favorite whey recovery drink? i mean one banana and whey drink wouldnt hurt right?
Started about two weeks ago.dropped 40 pounds on my own through the gym.hit my peak, then stated p90x to fool the muscles.lost another 5 pounds.ab ripper works wonders.however, in between the week,i still hit the gym for chest..man boobs are pissing me off! Folks making fun of me when I posted before and after pics..lol..all good though.makes for more motivation..lol
Originally Posted by realtalkjohnny

question to those who do p90x at night.... do you still eat after workout? or just sip your favorite whey recovery drink? i mean one banana and whey drink wouldnt hurt right?

how late at night we talking?
my routine is ususally working out by 6, done by 7-7:30, dinner and recovery drink by 8, bed by 10..

Thought I was in pretty good shape, got through plyometrics barely. Has anyone had to pause the dvd's on their first time around?
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Thought I was in pretty good shape, got through plyometrics barely. Has anyone had to pause the dvd's on their first time around?
yeah I took a break early during plyometric my first time...my chest and throat were burning
your body will get used to plyo eventually

Why are people complaining about kempo x though? The warm ups in insanity are harder than kempo x
For real!!! I breeze through Kempo with no problems.

Plyo was probably the hardest for me. Yoga too just because I can't hold the poses. I messed around and did late night one time and straight fell asleep on the floor.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

did anyone do the workouts and see results using their normal diet?

No. I drastically cut out a lot of stuff. My normal diet, the diet before P90X would get me no where.

Today is my Yoga X day. 
 Yoga is by far the hardest for me. Like why is it so damn long?

Anyway 3 weeks in and I've lost 10 lbs

ok..I feel like Im stuck...I want to bulk..BUTTTTTT..I'm scared that my ALREADDYYYY ******* are gonna get bigger..should I just still continue to try and cut more fat????I HATE MY CHEST!!
AND I also got this stuff called sust250...I dont think its hit the market..90bones a bottle..Its a double dosage of a before banned pill..says follw up with estrogen..UMMM,LOOK AT ME....I think I have enough estrogen...lol
gonna bump this...
Day 90 will be Sunday for me.
Looking like 30 lbs lost, about 6 inches off my waist...
going to take the rest of May off and start round 2 on June 1st. I did the classic the 1st time around. might switch over to lean for round 2...
I'm glad I did this. I can see major results, other people can see major results and most importantly, my wife likes what she sees...

Originally Posted by JBug88

gonna bump this...
Day 90 will be Sunday for me.
Looking like 30 lbs lost, about 6 inches off my waist...
going to take the rest of May off and start round 2 on June 1st. I did the classic the 1st time around. might switch over to lean for round 2...
I'm glad I did this. I can see major results, other people can see major results and most importantly, my wife likes what she sees...

Man I have been going back and forth trying to decide between insanity and p90x.  Your post just made my decision.  I am looking to lose about 10-15lbs and tone up.  Going to start once I ditch my gym membership at the end of this month.  Did you follow the diet plan? and what are the differences between classic and lean? 
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

After finishing this about four months ago I'm still frail. I look like a more toned Snoop 

p90x as it is will def not give you size.... to bulk up you have to modify. Google it, there is some great advice out there how to bulk with p90x
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