Something that's actually informative:

Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli Professor from Hebrew University, in a study found that Israeli school-text books were riddled with racist depictions of the Palestinians. She believes that the racist denigration of the Palestinians is to prepare them for their military role. She says,

'People don't really know what their children are reading in text-books. One question that bothers many people is how do you explain the cruel behaviour of Israeli soldiers towards Palestinians, an indifference to human suffering, the inflicting of suffering.People ask how can these nice Jewish boys and girls become monsters once they put on a uniform. I think the main reason for that is education'.
I wonder what Palestinian books have to say about Jews....

If you're really wondering, you have a world of information available to you on the internet. The answer isn't hard to find out if you just search quickly for an unbiased source. But it seems by "wondering" you mean you're actually just assuming they do the same thing and plan on finding zero facts to support something you'll hold as a truth to yourself.

If you really cared for the answer, no they don't do the same thing.

But let's not let that detract from the fact that this award winning Israeli professor believes that Israelis are bred to have no regard for Palestinian life, and what's why they do the inhumane things they do to them and behave like monsters when they put on the Israeli uniform.
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This is so sad 
Good thing the good OL USA provides money for weapons to these places in the Middle East. Where would they be with out us.

Is this video authenticated? It also looks like the man is showing the kids how it is used.

Why do you keep ignoring what we stated? No one is denying that Hamas uses rockets near civilian populated places. It is the PR spin and concept that Israel does not deliberately target civilians and blame is put on Hamas using human shields. Are you serious? I asked you. Strategically, if you were Hamas, where would you operate from then? You know it is virtually impossible for all civilians to steer clear of Hamas-affiliated facilities in such a densely populated region. So disgusting on your part to take away responsibility and blame on the Israeli army. Despicable. No one else is responsible for murdering civilians on the Palestinian side other than Israel. Period. Not your PR, not your brainwashed rhetoric, propaganda spewing mindset can change this. It is their full responsibility to not kill ANY civilians in Gaza.

I will ask again. You didn't answer me.
Answer me yes or no.. let's say a bunch of Hamas vigilantes took over an entire Israeli neighborhood and took them hostage. They also based their militant equipment there and start launching rockets over other Israeli towns. Should Israel have to bomb the whole Israeli neighborhood filled with civilians. Yes or no?
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I will ask again. You didn't answer me.
Answer me yes or no.. let's say a bunch of Hamas vigilantes took over an entire Israeli neighborhood and took them hostage. They also based their militant equipment there and start launching rockets over other Israeli towns. Should Israel have to bomb the whole Israeli neighborhood filled with civilians. Yes or no?

In order to demolish the rocket launching sites, yes.
And not sure what you mean by entire neighborhoods? The strikes Israel is conducting are precision strikes as is clearly shown. With how densley populated Gaza is, it's amazing there aren't more houses right next to these sites being demolished as well.

There would be A LOT more civilian causalities if they were wiping out "entire" neighborhoods as you say.
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And not sure what you mean by entire neighborhoods? The strikes Israel is conducting are precision strikes as is clearly shown. With how densley populated Gaza is, it's amazing there aren't more houses right next to these sites being demolished as well.

There would be A LOT more civilian causalities if they were wiping out "entire" neighborhoods as you say.

Precision strikes by Israel?! Almost 80 percent of those killed as a result of the Israeli bombing of Gaza are civilians, the United Nations said in a report.

That's real precise.
This two state solution needs to finish up ASAP.  I honestly believe that Israel would be a lot more humble if the US backed off.

That's never going to happen though.
Jews doing the oppressing but wanna put the blame on the Palestinians....oh my does this mirror America :rofl: ...jews/Christians loves playing the blame game to cover up being savages
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I'm speaking solely on this situation because you have one side who dominates because of money/power/US backing

And these are delusional Jews from Eastern Europe who did not live on these lands during biblical times. The actually Jews that did are treated as outcast in Israel
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Probably not great things either but remember they are the ones occupied and are forced to live like caged animals, stripped away of their dignity, stripped away of their right of return and lands stolen from them. Get killed, slaughtered, tortured on top of that too.

What would you think of your torturer or occupier?

look at japan n ww2 aftermath. both countries are allies.

middle east drama is a joke, theres always.blame n no one is ever wrong lol. let them kill each.other
What a sad case of the victim becoming the victimizer :smh: :smh: :smh:

People will never learn from the past....
Probably not great things either but remember they are the ones occupied and are forced to live like caged animals, stripped away of their dignity, stripped away of their right of return and lands stolen from them. Get killed, slaughtered, tortured on top of that too.

What would you think of your torturer or occupier?

look at japan n ww2 aftermath. both countries are allies.

middle east drama is a joke, theres always.blame n no one is ever wrong lol. let them kill each.other

Bro if you're gonna come in here with that trash "let them kill each other" than you can either find yourself either somewhere else other than this thread, or banned from posting in these forums all together.
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It used to be so much simpler for Israel before the days of the Internet: Just take control of the mainstream media and brainwash people.

Now they have to resort to pathetic tactics like this.

Wowww. Israel is paying students to post propaganda on social media outlets. Seriously this government is sick and this is just proof of their work at being masters of propaganda. I wonder who's paying useref15 useref15 who clearly ignored the Human Rights Watch review of what's going on there which clearly showed from an unbiased account that the strikes are the opposite of precision and are indiscriminately slaughtering civilians. They blew up a cafe while it was packed for a World Cup match and people were breaking their Ramadan fast. Terrorists.

And then you have the nerve to once again call the Arabs of the Middle East savages. What should be expected after all the imperialism, different countries working in the shadows to install puppet leaders, assassinations of good leaders who the West wasn't happy with, installation of bad regimes that catered to their interests, and creation of stupid borders that upset the balance that was had before the western world went in there to rape it?
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This is a thread where people are trying to bring awareness to the situation of innocent people dying at the hands of the Israeli government.

Coming in here with that ignorant statement such as "let them kill each other" is bringing nothing relevant to this thread and is considered trolling.

That warrants a ban.
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