And dude wonders why we can't take the Israeli news sources serious? Paying people to post false information and propaganda to make it appear as if Israelis are only defending themselves and making it seem like they are the victims is sickening.

So this goes as a precaution to those who are seeking information regarding the terrorism and genocide caused by Israel: DO NOT RELY ON PRO-ISRAEL or ISRAEL APOLOGIST BASED NEWS MEDIA AS A LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF NEWS.

But this isn't anything new. Propaganda posed by Israel dates back to the 60's and 70's.
And dude wonders why we can't take the Israeli news sources serious? Paying people to post false information and propaganda to make it appear as if Israelis are only defending themselves and making it seem like they are the victims is sickening.

So this goes as a precaution to those who are seeking information regarding the terrorism and genocide caused by Israel: DO NOT RELY ON PRO-ISRAEL or ISRAEL APOLOGIST BASED NEWS MEDIA AS A LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF NEWS.

But this isn't anything new. Propaganda posed by Israel dates back to the 60's and 70's.

Actually it dates back even to the 40s when Albert Einstein and 20 other prominent Jews signed a letter to the New York Times comparing their methods of propaganda ironically to that of the Nazis, and called them terrorists.
You just know it's horrible when you have to pay your citizens to say nice things about your country.

That's when you know you're conducting a full out slaughter against innocents because those were never informed of this situation are becoming informed thanks to social media, and your only fight back is to pay people to post false sentiments of your country/government.

This is what Israel has resorted too. Paying their people to post artificial sentiments of the place that's creating havoc amongst innocent people.

I'm speaking solely on this situation because you have one side who dominates because of money/power/US backing

And these are delusional Jews from Eastern Europe who did not live on these lands during biblical times. The actually Jews that did are treated as outcast in Israel

you are only talking about this situation because it involves a jewish state just like 90% of the other people in here. you dont care about the palestinians you just wanna talk about black israelites and european jews being fake. you don't see threads about about syria, iraq, iran, the sudan for a very specific reason

as for the title. They could wipe out every single last palestinan by the end of tomorrow. you don't kow what genocide is.

it's amazing how literally ANYTHING that isn't Anti Israel is declared propaganda. it's like a huge circle jerk in here and at the end of the day it will lead to nothing but you guys patting each other on the back. I'm sorry to break it to all of you but that country isn't going anywhere.

you know what warrants a ban? a moderator denying the holocaust and then when he's called on it is on some ohhhhh i just mean the numbers are exaggerated. Which implies that nobody should give a **** what happened to the jews because it really wasn't that many of them. How you become a mod is astonishing. The hypocrisy you display over and over is amazing
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If you don't like me being a mod, please display your unpleasure and contact an Administrator to report my posts. And I guarantee you I'll be here as a moderator once that's concluded, because I'm posting facts about the situation revolving the civilian deaths cause by the terrorism state of Israel.

And once again, they're was no denying of the holocaust. Go through my post and prove me wrong. Yet again. You cannot accuse someone of denying mass murder of a single race when you're applying the same rationale displayed against the Palestinian people. That's hypocritical. And the last time checked, the freedom of speech and legal laws states that is legal for any USA citizen to deny the holocaust. So where is the banning warranted?

And your attempt at reasoning with the fact that Israel COULD wipe out every Palestinian by the end of tomorrow is illicit and just as monsterous as a thought as it would be to pull off such an attempt.

And the definition of section 6 of the Code of Crimes against international Law states that:

§ 6 Genocide

(1) Whoever with the intent of destroying as such, in whole or in part, a national, racial, religious or ethnic group:

1.) kills a member of the group,
2.) causes serious bodily or mental harm to a member of the group, especially of the kind referred to in section 226 of the Criminal Code,
3.) inflicts on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part,
4.) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group,
5.) forcibly transfers a child of the group to another group, shall be punished with imprisonment for life. (...)[25]

All of which Isrsel is clearly conducting as we speak, at an unbelievable rate with no respect or acknowledgment of International Law.

Once again, the state of Israel is defining what terrorism is at this point and everyone in world is acknowledging the same notion.
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And the last time checked, the freedom of speech and legal laws states that is legal for any USA citizen to deny the holocaust. So where is the banning warranted?

I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of your post. What you say here is of no relevance whatsoever. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with niketalk.

You literally just said you would ban someone for saying let them kill each other. Is that not freedom of speech and legal to say? You just stay with the gibberish
Where did I deny the holocaust though? I'll wait.

And the rest of what I say here is of no relevance to you - because everything else I posted is supporting the facts of what Israel is doing is considered a genocide, let alone terrorism. And you're not interested in hearing that. You're pretty much ignorant to the fact innocent people have been dying at the hands of the leaders and government of Israel. How about YOU quite denying that.
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And the last time checked, the freedom of speech and legal laws states that is legal for any USA citizen to deny the holocaust. So where is the banning warranted?

I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of your post. What you say here is of no relevance whatsoever. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with niketalk.

You literally just said you would ban someone for saying let them kill each other. Is that not freedom of speech and legal to say? You just stay with the gibberish
Animal thug needs his mod status revoked.
These "jews" now are not the real jews anyway, just a bunch of yakubs. Their time will come.
 How this kind of **** is constantly accepted on here is beyond me... 

Y'all actually believe that BS story too!!! Clowns.

And what the hell does "real jews" have to do with this in the first place? How is it even relevant? 
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i'm not gonna dissect the rest of your post because you are extremely close to the situation and not one word anyone could say would change your mind. you don't provide aid and electricity when you want to eradicate a people

you wrote SUPPOSEDLY 7 million were killed so either you think it didn't happen or that the numbers are far exaggerated and the jews are false victims/using it for propaganda/ it wasn't THAT bad it was't THAT many of them. then you have the balls talk about banning someone for stating their own opinion

it would take 10 minutes before someone who said slavery in america didn't happen or is wildly exaggerated got banded
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Any thread in which the Holocaust is brought up is a thread that I will readily not participate in, but I will say that the concept of a Nation of Israel doesn't sit 100% with me.

Ignoring that stupid "fake Jews" comment, the Jews as a people have maybe experienced the most wicked form of organized persecution in modern history through the Holocaust. (The National Socialists sure didn't give a damn who were the "real" and "fake" Jews, a Jew was a Jew). You have to remember that anti-semitism did not start in Germany. Once the NASDAP began occupying Europe, it's like the entire continent just **** on Judaism in general. It wasn't just Germans killing Jews, it was Poles killing Jews, the French killing Jews, Romanians killing Jews (and how!) and Ukrainians killing the everloving **** out of Jews. As a Jew in Europe during the 40s, if you weren't digging your own grave and being shot by the Einsatzgruppen, you were being murdered by collaborationist police forces, civillians, and even being beaten by local children who had no idea of the gravity of their actions. This is naturally before, during, and after the ghettoes.

If you somehow managed to avoid all of that, by 43 Himmler decided that there were still wayyy too many Jews in Europe and they needed to be auszrotten. At this point, you were being shipped by the trainload to the camps where your wives and children would be immediately liquidated. You would either starve to death, being killed outright and arbitrarily because guards were very much encouraged to do so, or you just lost your will to live and let yourself go. These were literally called "extermination camps" or "Vernichtungslager". Meaning, that the entire purpose of the establishment was to remove you and your ilk from existence. A highly effecient factory of death.

Something like 2/3s of Jewish Europe ceased to exist. That's out of every 3 Jews you knew, 2 would be dead by '45. The Jewish population of Poland was literally annihilated. That's not even mentioning the millions of other ethnic, racial, and ideological "undesirables" INCLUDING the population of the Soviet Union which lost something like 25 million people--not solely in the Holocaust, but on the hellish Eastern Fronts. (Leningrad, Stalingrad, Belarus OH GOD BELARUS.)

But I'll keep this about the Jews. Pretty bad, huh?

So the underlying rationale for the establishment of Israel was that "well, Jews haven't exactly fared very well recently, so let's just give them all a country."

Zionism obviously existed as an ideology long before the Holocaust, and I hate to say this, but it would seem that the annihilation of Europe's Jews created a quite convenient platform upon which to push the argument. We all know the story, the area was previously administered by the Brits--who were in full support of the agenda. And well, in 48, Israel was established--seemingly at the expense of quite a few Palestinian Arabs.

Ignoring whatever "claim" to the area might or might not actually exist, the fact of the matter is that to uproot a group of people and replace with another isn't right.

This analogy doesn't completely hold up, but in America, blacks and "Indians" were treated quite poorly for some time. I'm not going to get into numbers because I don't think there are any true or accurate estimates regarding how many blacks or natives were killed during the times of slavery and Indian supplantation.  However, what if, after the abolition of slavery, or after the establishment of Native American rights, some ruling authority decided that, hey, the coloreds have been getting kind of a bum deal here; let's move 'em to Canada. Let's give 'em all their own nation, smack-dab in the middle of Canada. Huh? what about the Canadians?

So, 70 years later, the nation of Blacklandia is still embroiled in open hostilities with ethnic Canadians along its borders.

Anyway, whether or not I or anyone else believes that Israel should have been created, it was. Israel exists, and there simply isn't anything to be done to change that fact at the moment. I don't think the Israelis would consent to simply ceasing to exist as a sovereign nation.

I'm not for or anti-Israel. I'm not Jewish or Muslim. I don't know any Palestinians. All I know is that people are dying, and the most true statement in this thread in this, and **** all that other ******** rhetoric:
Both Hamas and the Israeli governing bodies should be held responsible of the deaths of innocent lives
The amount of Israeli casualties is most definitely vastly disproportionate to the amount of dead Palestinian innocents, but if 1000 Palestinian children die and 3 Israeli children die, that's 1003 children who SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED IN THE FIRST ******* PLACE.
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 Anyway, whether or not I or anyone else believes that Israel should have  been created, it was. Israel exists, and there simply isn't anything to be done to change that fact at the moment. I don't think the Israelis would consent to simply ceasing to exist as a sovereign nation.

so sad but so true
you are only talking about this situation because it involves a jewish state just like 90% of the other people in here. you dont care about the palestinians you just wanna talk about black israelites and european jews being fake. you don't see threads about about syria, iraq, iran, the sudan for a very specific reason

as for the title. They could wipe out every single last palestinan by the end of tomorrow. you don't kow what genocide is.

it's amazing how literally ANYTHING that isn't Anti Israel is declared propaganda. it's like a huge circle jerk in here and at the end of the day it will lead to nothing but you guys patting each other on the back. I'm sorry to break it to all of you but that country isn't going anywhere.

you know what warrants a ban? a moderator denying the holocaust and then when he's called on it is on some ohhhhh i just mean the numbers are exaggerated. Which implies that nobody should give a **** what happened to the jews because it really wasn't that many of them. How you become a mod is astonishing. The hypocrisy you display over and over is amazing

Couldn't have said any of this better myself.
R.i.p. to the 20 Palestinians who passed tonight [emoji]128532[/emoji]

And DubA I'm glad you hollered like a hit thing I can say is the truth hurts and when I speak it, it riles up scum humans...if there wasn't hate in your heart and you disagreed you could respond like a man but instead you use child like tactics of assumptions

And animal thug NEVER denied the holocaust.....y'all keep saying it but where is the proof? All he said was there's a ******** of irony with what Israel is doing. Anybody that isn't a sucker to that criminal led country knows that what they're doing is wrong and it's a lot of irony.

Hitler tried killing y'all off and now y'all are trying to kill off Palestinians. Sad and disgusting

Whole country can go to hell cause if these are gods so called chosen people then all I can do :lol: but again these present day Jews weren't even the ones in the bible
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We're sitting here in the comfort of our homes while other people on the other side of the world are fearing there may be no tomorrow.

Take nothing for granted people. Nothing is garunteed, everything is a blessing
R.i.p. to the 20 Palestinians who passed tonight [emoji]128532[/emoji]

Hitler tried killing y'all off and now y'all are trying to kill off Palestinians. Sad and disgusting

Whole country can go to hell cause if these are gods so called chosen people then all I can do :lol: but again these present day Jews weren't even the ones in the bible

Was Hitler also trying to provide electricity (even when bills aren't paid), energy, food, and etc to those same Jews he was trying to kill? Not sure how anyone can even compare Hitler to what Israel is doing. Were the Jews firing rockets into the civilians in Germany that caused Hitler to react the way he did?

Over 2,200 Arabs were killed in Syria last month. 314 killed yesterday. Yet, I don't see any outrage from you on that @Mr Marcus. You guys wanna call out and use the term "genocide" look no further then to the north of Israel.

It's pretty funny for you to claim that Israel is trying to kill off Palestinians. They look bad enough when they kill some civilians (deservingly so) imagine the outrage if they had causality numbers like Syria. It's all apart of Hamas plan. They don't care when their own die. Have Israel kill and make them look bad.

From Bill Clinton...

[quote name=url="/t/600484/palestinian-genocide-awareness-thread/270#post_21160937"]

"Over the long run it is not good for Israel to keep isolating itself from world opinion because of the absence of a viable peace process," Clinton told the Indian NDTV news channel on Wednesday.

"In the short to medium term, Hamas can inflict terrible public relations damage on Israel by forcing it to kill Palestinian civilians to counter Hamas," he added.

Hamas had a "strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own (Palestinian) civilians so the rest of the world will condemn them," while Israel couldn't "look like fools" by not responding to the heavy missile attacks.
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