In a stunning five minute statement read on state television late Friday, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, leader of Israel’s oldest and most implacable foe, called the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza a “collective massacre” caused by Hamas.

It is just the latest signal in a tectonic shift in Middle East geopolitics that has been largely overlooked by Western media seemingly still committed to building upon its decades-old narrative that Israel remains the united enemy of the Arab world.

In the 75 year history of conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East, no state has been more consistently intransigent against the very notion of a sovereign Jewish presence in the region than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, founded by Abdullah’s grandfather, Ibn Saud, in 1923.
Just weeks ago, before Hamas’ current war against Israel, it would have unthinkable to suggest that a Saudi King would even hint that any entity other than Israel bore any responsibilities for actions perceived as harmful to Palestinians.

Abdullah’s statement, read by a news anchor on behalf of the ailing 90-year old Monarch, that the violence in Gaza has led to “various forms” of terrorism, whether from groups, organizations, or states, is seen in the Middle East and Arab states as a flat-out repudiation of Hamas.
Perhaps even more remarkable, while King Abdullah condemned the consequences of a war he termed “devastating” to Palestinians, he issued no demands upon Israel.

As has been pointed out numerous times by Breitbart contributors, Saudi Arabia’s now open disavowal of any common cause with Hamas reinforces an emerging and wholly improbable new alliance uniting every Arab state save Qatar together with Israel and against the United States.
As remarkable as was King Abdullah’s statement by itself, it pales in comparison with the transformation of the relationship between Egypt and Israel. From cold no-belligerents under President Mubarak, to near antagonists under the Muslim Brotherhood government of Mohammed Morsi, today Israel and Egypt are tightly cleaved military allies.

In the harshest words ever used by a Saudi King to condemn any Palestinian “resistance” to what is routinely called “Zionist aggression,” King Abdullah’s statement said, “It is shameful and disgraceful that these terrorists are doing this in the name of religion, killing the people whose killing Allah has forbidden, and mutilating their bodies and feeling proud in publishing this.”

The king went on to say of Hamas’ war against Israel, “They have distorted the image of Islam with its purity and humanity and smeared it with all sorts of bad qualities by their actions, injustice and crimes.”

Unlike President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, the guardian of Islam’s holy places and thus the putative leader of the entire Muslim world, King Abdullah did not call upon Israel to meet any Hamas demands. He made no calls for “opening up border passages” between Gaza and Israel/Egypt-- thought by many to be the primary strategic objective of Hamas’ war.

He issued no demands that Hamas be permitted to build a seaport, let alone that Israel and Egypt be required to help fund it. Nor did he petition Israel or the Palestinian Authority to resume cash payments to the more than 44,000 Hamas "civil servants" in Gaza rendered jobless as a result of the recent PA-Hamas unity government agreement
duba169 duba169 ,

We already went over this and why Saudi Arabia is against Hamas. It is because Hamas stands in the way of their interests and power in the region.

Please, I hope you're not buying their crap. They are a corrupt, savagery of a kingdom that also abuse human rights and use an extremist breed of so-called Islam, Wahhabism, to rule with an iron fist and repress their people. Let's not forget they're one of the leading sponsors of terrorism in the world. Their funding of ISIS is just one currentexample. They are not ones to talk about Hamas.
:rofl: at out of all people, the King of Saudi Arabia becoming some sort of moral authority on any issue.

The Saudi's are most likely just trying to cozy up to the Israeli's so that they can work together against their one true enemy in the region, Iran.
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That is why. I didn't say he was a moral authority. I posted it to show how the region is reacting. and to also show that the idea that if Israel wasn't in the middle east, there would be no drama and all stability is laughable.
Who said that the Middle East would be paradise on earth where people lived happily ever after if Israel never existed? What Israel and US' unconditional support for it has done though is contribute heavily to making extremists from the Middle East want to destroy the US and the west in general, rather than have whatever violence there would be remain local to the Middle East - which is why I don't understand US' unconditional support for Israel from a purely pragmatic point of view, along with the US population's constant support for this policy.

While violent figures that have emerged from the Middle East perhaps don't have Israel vs Palestine as the #1 priority (for example, Osama Bin Laden was more pissed off about American troops being in Saudi Arabia than anything Israel-Palestine related), the vast majority of the angry youth from the Middle East aspiring to be terrorists do have Israel as the main focus of their anger. That is why Israel has been by far the best recruitment tool for terrorists, and why anything related to this modern global Jihad has its roots in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
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Who said that the Middle East would be paradise on earth where people lived happily ever after if Israel never existed? What Israel and US' unconditional support for it has done though is contribute heavily to making extremists from the Middle East want to destroy the US and the west in general, rather than have whatever violence there would be remain local to the Middle East - which is why I don't understand US' unconditional support for Israel from a purely pragmatic point of view, along with the US population's constant support for this policy.

While violent figures that have emerged from the Middle East perhaps don't have Israel vs Palestine as the #1 priority (for example, Osama Bin Laden was more pissed off about American troops being in Saudi Arabia than anything Israel-Palestine related), the vast majority of the angry youth from the Middle East aspiring to be terrorists do have Israel as the main focus of their anger. That is why Israel has been by far the best recruitment tool for terrorists, and why anything related to this modern global Jihad has its roots in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Love how you snuck in that Osama was pissed about American troops being in SA as if he was justified. As if that was the only reason he was mad at America. As if he didnt really want to just blow America off the map.
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duba169 duba169 ,

We already went over this and why Saudi Arabia is against Hamas. It is because Hamas stands in the way of their interests and power in the region.

Please, I hope you're not buying their crap. They are a corrupt, savagery of a kingdom that also abuse human rights and use an extremist breed of so-called Islam, Wahhabism, to rule with an iron fist and repress their people. Let's not forget they're one of the leading sponsors of terrorism in the world. Their funding of ISIS is just one currentexample. They are not ones to talk about Hamas.

And the Muslim brotherhood and Hamas are the beacons of hope and all that is right with the world? iran's neighbors want them to have a nuke? Gaza is in much worse shape than the west bank because who is in charge?

I posted that to highlight that this isn't just about the Palestinians and this conflict wIll continue. It's very complicated and full of power struggles. All I did was post the article. Anything after that is stuff you assumed I meant because I didn't write anything.

You are stuck on the good guy bad guy narrative. Why would me posting that lead you to think I believe Saudi Arabia is the moral high authority I dunno. I do know that Hamas isn't either and has pissed off alot of otherrors Arab nations.
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And glasizes radical Islam does not need israel to boost recruitment numbers. The different sects of the religion would still be fighting. Syria is insane right now (not that you hear anything about it) and that has nothing to do with the israEl.

To exremists, americans would still be infidels if they didn't support israel.
Depends what your extent of "need" is. There would always be extremists who are ready to behead everyone who doesn't believe like they do.

What Israel has done has given the extremists the best recruitment tool that they couldn't outperform if they were a huge corporation that spends hundreds of millions of dollars on well researched marketing campaigns. It has definitely made people who wouldn't have been extremists into extremists. There's no question about that. The atrocities Israel is doing to the Palestinians are making many westerners angry, secular humanists that have nothing to do with Islam. Mostly Europeans where the media is a little more objective than the United States of Fox News. So can you imagine what Israel's actions do to a Muslim, especially the younger ones of about 16-30? An age where you're in your physical prime and need to blow off some steam. An age where you are easily influenced and easily offended, where you are always ready for a violent confrontation and to solve every problem with violence. An age where most suicide are attempted and carried out.

I have met Muslims that were so secular that they didn't even care if they ate pork, but that were constantly praising terrorist attacks on Israel whenever the subject was brought up. You're obviously biased and I can see that you're desperately trying to play the "Well, they would be violent savages anyway" card. Yes, but nowhere near to the same extent. The irony is that you are trying to capitalize on the stereotype image of a bomb west wearing Islamic extremist many people have for your claim that the Middle East would be violent regardless of Israel's existence, but in the end its Israel itself that has created most of these monsters to begin with.
I can't belive you mentioned young kids needing to blow off steam resulting in suicide bombings. If they are so easily influenced maybe a grown up shouldn't strap a ******* bomb on them. The excuses aND rationalization is :x

Your secular friends care about israel. Let me know when they get offended about Syria and iraq:nerd:
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@useref15  It's kind of funny how that video is supposed to prove some point. I mean, you've stopped debating well-articulated points here that people take their time to put together, and have become fixated on the human shield/rocket firing rhetoric as a means of blindly justifying Israel's genocidal policies. All you do is post buzz-feedesque things such as pictures and memes and other things that morons share on Facebook. It's a very easy game to play both ways, but 42 pages into this, those who have read and educated themselves are beyond that.

Next, that video proved nothing to support the human shield rhetoric. Instead it showed some other things. One is that it confirmed that Israel plays this game where they often warn of air strikes and then don't do it. And then when Palestinian civilians don't evacuate the area, they disgustingly lie to the world that Hamas threatened to kill their own civilians if they left because Hamas wants more civilians to die in order to win the PR battle (Colbert actually made fun of this the other night.) An abominably disgusting lie, but not the least bit surprising from Israel. The reason they didn't pack up despite the warning is because they don't know what the hell is going to happen, where else is going to actually get bombed, and have nowhere to go in the small densely populated strip where even civilian shelters are getting targeted now.

Next it shows that Israel "collectively punishes." Other reporters were still worried the lot that Hamas fired from was going to get bombed even after the militants had already packed up and left. Basically that Israel is likely to just say, "Oh here's a rocket silo from the area the rocket came from, but there's nobody there now besides civilians that live in the surrounding area…so lets still blow everything up and kill even more civilians to teach them a lesson!"

It also proves that Israel should stop using the massive shell sizes they have been using and use more precise and smaller ones to minimize civilian deaths since those tents wouldn't stop a grenade let alone a massive shell with 20 tons of explosives. I saw a picture of the shell that Israel has been using after it failed to detonate upon impact, and holy ****. Western media has been using a ******** angle picture to downplay the size of it, and I can't find the view that shows the full length and massiveness of it, but it's so unnecessarily big. Well I guess necessary for Israel since the end goal is to kill as many Palestinians as possible, force them to become refugees, and slowly wipe Palestine off the Earth like they have been trying to do for over a half of a century now.
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Whenever an event like this unfolds,

I look to the marginalized voices to get a sense of parity.

I ventured over to Rula Jebreal's twitter stream,

when I saw she had been dismissed from MSNBC for suggesting they were biased in their coverage.

Jebreal, along with Reza Aslan and Chris Hedges have some material that people should be paying attention to.

Some stuff Rula posted:

Chris Hedges' piece on
All governments lie, as I.F. Stone  pointed out, including Israel and Hamas. But Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories—required under the rules of American journalism—although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire.  I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory.  I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists.  I have stood in the remains of schools—Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalities  at one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19  at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday—as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”

There is a perverted logic to Israel’s repeated use of the Big Lie—Große Lüge—the lie favored by tyrants from Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin to Saddam Hussein. The Big Lie feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit—racism among its supporters and terror among its victims.

By painting a picture of an army that never attacks civilians, that indeed goes out of its way to protect them, the Big Lie says Israelis are civilized and humane, and their Palestinian opponents are inhuman monsters. The Big Lie serves the idea that the slaughter in Gaza is a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic barbarism on the other. And in the uncommon cases when news of atrocities penetrates to the wider public, Israel blames the destruction and casualties on Hamas.

George Orwell in his novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” called this form of propaganda doublethink. Doublethink uses “logic against logic” and “repudiate morality while laying claim to it.” The Big Lie does not allow for the nuances and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is a state-orchestrated response to the dilemma of cognitive dissonance. The Big Lie permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort—a comfort they are desperately seeking—in their own moral superiority at the very moment they have abrogated all morality.

The Big Lie, as the father of American public relations, Edward Bernays, wrote, is limited only by the propagandist’s capacity to fathom and harness the undercurrents of individual and mass psychology. And since most supporters of Israel do not have a desire to know the truth, a truth that would force them to examine their own racism and self-delusions about Zionist and Western moral superiority, like packs of famished dogs they lap up the lies fed to them by the Israeli government. The Big Lie always finds fertile soil in what Bernays called the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence.” All effective propaganda, Bernays wrote, targets and builds upon these irrational “psychological habits.”

This is the world Franz Kafka envisioned, a world where the irrational becomes rational. It is one where, as Gustave Le Bon noted in “The Crowd: A Study of the Public Mind,” those who supply the masses with the illusions they crave become their master, and “whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” This irrationality explains why the reaction of Israeli supporters to those who have the courage to speak the truth—Uri Avnery, Max Blumenthal, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Gideon Levy, Ilan Pappé, Henry Siegman and Philip Weiss—is so rabid. That so many of these voices are Jewish, and therefore have more credibility than non-Jews who are among Israel’s cheerleaders, only ratchets up the level of hate.

But the Big Lie is also consciously designed to send a chilling message to Gaza’s Palestinians, who have lost large numbers of their dwellings, clinics, mosques, and power, water and sewage facilities, along with schools and hospitals, who have suffered some 1,650 deaths since this assault began—most of the victims women and children—and who have seen 400,000 people displaced from their homes. The Big Lie makes it clear to the Palestinians that Israel will continue to wage a campaign of state terror and will never admit its atrocities or its intentions. The vast disparity between what Israel says and what Israel does tells the Palestinians that there is no hope. Israel will do and say whatever it wants. International law, like the truth, will always be irrelevant. There will never, the Palestinians understand from the Big Lie, be an acknowledgement of reality by the Israeli leadership.

The Israel Defense Forces website  is replete with this black propaganda. “Hamas exploits the IDF’s sensitivity towards protecting civilian structures, particularly holy sites, by hiding command centers, weapons caches and tunnel entrances in mosques,” the IDF site reads. “In Hamas’ world, hospitals are command centers, ambulances are transport vehicles, and medics are human shields,” the site insists.

“... [Israeli] officers are tasked with an enormous responsibility: to protect Palestinian civilians on the ground, no matter how difficult that may be,” the site assures its viewers. And the IDF site provides this quote from a drone operator identified as Lt. Or. “I have personally seen rockets fired at Israel from hospitals and schools, but we couldn’t strike back because of civilians nearby. In one instance, we acquired a target but we saw that there were children in the area. We waited around, and when they didn’t leave we were forced to abort a strike on an important target.”

Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, in a Big Lie of his own, said last month at a conference of Christians United for Israel that the Israeli army should be given the “Nobel Peace Prize …  a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting with unimaginable restraint.”

The Big Lie destroys any possibility of history and therefore any hope for a dialogue between antagonistic parties that can be grounded in truth and reality. While, asHannah Arendt  pointed out, the ancient and modern sophists sought to win an argument at the expense of the truth, those who wield the Big Lie “want a more lasting victory at the expense of reality.” The old sophists, she said, “destroyed the dignity of human thought.” Those who resort to the Big Lie “destroy the dignity of human action.” The result, Arendt warned, is that “history itself is destroyed, and its comprehensibility.” And when facts no longer matter, when there is no shared history grounded in the truth, when people foolishly believe their own lies, there can be no useful exchange of information. The Big Lie, used like a bludgeon by Israel, as perhaps it is designed to be, ultimately reduces all problems in the world to the brutish language of violence. And when oppressed people are addressed only through violence they will answer only through violence.

Reza Aslan:

Julius Wrek
In that whole giant post you wrote, NOT ONE CRITICISM OF HAMAS. :lol: talking about educate yourselves when you drop John Stewart and Stephen Colberts names every other post. they have a comedy show that panders to liberal college kids. Entertaining show but it ends there.

bottle rockets? I'm sorry the aid that Hamas receives doesn't buy them better weapons. Let me weep for that injustice. Let me apologize to Rezla Aslan for Israelis not dying enough.

guess what? Jeremy Bowen was either pressured by hamas (they control the area and you better not ******* report anything against their narrative), tricked by hamas or lying. The guy that shot this footage was scared to post it until he left. Hamas runs the country are you that naive that there is an open press?!

Rageh Omaar - fundamental change in #hamas tactic poses strategic challenge to israel- you never see ANY #hamas fighters or armed men in streets in #Gaza

Rageh Omaar- no tv image at all of any #hamas militants during conflict - inevitably all one sees is the people paying the price - palestinian civilians

Rageh Omaar- no evidence at all how many #hamas fighters, commanders etc..killed - no funerals for them or any info - #hamas learnt from #hezbollah

get it through your heads. Hamas WANTS yes WANTS as may dead civilians as possible. the people you are trying to help

3000 people died o 9/11 I dodn't hear the word genocie. there are more Palestinians alive now than there were 40 years ago. israel must suck at this genocide thing
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 It's kind of funny how that video is supposed to prove some point. I mean, you've stopped debating well-articulated points here that people take their time to put together, and have become fixated on the human shield/rocket firing rhetoric as a means of blindly justifying Israel's genocidal policies. All you do is post buzz-feedesque things such as pictures and memes and other things that morons share on Facebook. It's a very easy game to play both ways, but 42 pages into this, those who have read and educated themselves are beyond that.

Next, that video proved nothing to support the human shield rhetoric. Instead it showed some other things. One is that it confirmed that Israel plays this game where they often warn of air strikes and then don't do it. And then when Palestinian civilians don't evacuate the area, they disgustingly lie to the world that Hamas threatened to kill their own civilians if they left because Hamas wants more civilians to die in order to win the PR battle (Colbert actually made fun of this the other night.) An abominably disgusting lie, but not the least bit surprising from Israel. The reason they didn't pack up despite the warning is because they don't know what the hell is going to happen, where else is going to actually get bombed, and have nowhere to go in the small densely populated strip where even civilian shelters are getting targeted now.

Next it shows that Israel "collectively punishes." Other reporters were still worried the lot that Hamas fired from was going to get bombed even after the militants had already packed up and left. Basically that Israel is likely to just say, "Oh here's a rocket silo from the area the rocket came from, but there's nobody there now besides civilians that live in the surrounding area…so lets still blow everything up and kill even more civilians to teach them a lesson!"

It also proves that Israel should stop using the massive shell sizes they have been using and use more precise and smaller ones to minimize civilian deaths since those tents wouldn't stop a grenade let alone a massive shell with 20 tons of explosives. I saw a picture of the shell that Israel has been using after it failed to detonate upon impact, and holy ****. Western media has been using a ******** angle picture to downplay the size of it, and I can't find the view that shows the full length and massiveness of it, but it's so unnecessarily big. Well I guess necessary for Israel since the end goal is to kill as many Palestinians as possible, force them to become refugees, and slowly wipe Palestine off the Earth like they have been trying to do for over a half of a century now.

That video does show a point, you guys just continuously fail to see that they are firing rockets right next to your UN schools and etc.

If the Israeli end goal was to kill as many Palestinians as possible, how is that under 2,000 were killed ( not downplaying innocent civilian casualities) in an extremely densely populated area? Israel could have done a lot more damage if they REALLY wanted.

I think you guys fail to see what your government in Gaza actually wants for everyone to see. They WANT their own Palestinian people to die. How do you fail to see that?
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All somebody would have to do is turn on the television.

Julius Wrek

1- the media has been extremely anti israel
2- the media has nothing to do with posters in this thread yapping about everything except anything negative hamas does
All somebody would have to do is turn on the television.

Julius Wrek
1- the media has been extremely anti israel
2- the media has nothing to do with posters in this thread yapping about everything except anything negative hamas does
Up until recently,

Western media and governments have been historically (and almost emphatically) pro-Israel.

Due to the visibility that social networks provide, 

younger demographics aren't seeing the conflict as those before them do.

As a result, we're seeing a few elected officials be more critical to the state of Israel,

but there isn't a sea change occurring. 

Especially given how the US has reaffirmed that they unequivocally support Israel (still sending them munitions, fuel, etc...).

The contents of post often reflect what people are exposed to. 

Few people have are familiar with Democracy Now, The Real News Network, et I sought to introduce readers to individuals with viewpoints whom they likely aren't being exposed to.

Julius Wrek
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All somebody would have to do is turn on the television.

Julius Wrek
1- the media has been extremely anti israel
2- the media has nothing to do with posters in this thread yapping about everything except anything negative hamas does
Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity would agree. I mean, with all those Muslims holding high positions at major news outlets, and the Muslim lobby being voted by congress as the strongest lobby in Washington (oh what that was the Israeli lobby.)

Claiming an anti-israeli bias along with saying Hamas wants as many of their own dead to win a PR battle just makes you a ridiculous brainwashed person that's impossible to reason with. I mean, at least when Netanyahu says those things, he knows he's lying.

And what's the point of discussing Hamas? There hasn't been anyone here that said they think firing rockets is the right thing to do, but it's funny that you say all of that and have never once explicitly condoned the disgusting policies of the IDF.

Like that protestor's sign said, “Israel cut the **** out. You were killing my people long before Hamas was created. Sixty-six years under your occupation created Hamas!
People don't agree with Hamas, but they understand why they're there, and they know how simple it is to get rid of them. Stop occupying lands, get rid of the blockade, stop expanding into new lands, stop with policies of "collective punishment" (remember this **** happened after 3 teens died in the West Bank, and Hamas had nothing to do with that,) etc. Peaceful times will have a peaceful government in place.​
But once again, Israel wants to get rid of all of Palestine, so they're going to continue with those policies, slaughter Palestinians, and then blame Hamas.​
Claiming an anti-israeli bias along with saying Hamas wants as many of their own dead to win a PR battle just makes you a ridiculous brainwashed person that's impossible to reason with. I mean, at least when Netanyahu says those things, he knows he's lying.

I guess this Hamas spokesman is ridiculously brainwashed himself.

And what's the point of discussing Hamas?

Really? Yeah, lets not talk about the terrorist organization that builds tunnels (in which its own children were killed building) into another country for the purpose of killing innocent civilians.
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And what's the point of discussing Hamas?
Really? Yeah, lets not talk about the terrorist organization that builds tunnels into another country for the purpose of killing innocent people.
Watch the first video @Julius Wrek  posted, people sit here and watch videos that you post here that barely educate (if that) and just rile up people on Facebook. You seem to never acknowledge things that others post.
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