Watch the first video @Julius Wrek
 posted, people sit here and watch videos that you post here that just rile up people on Facebook. You seem to never acknowledge things that others post.

I'm pretty sure I've responded to the majority of things that were directed at me. I watched the video, what is it supposed to prove? The kidnappers were funded by Hamas. What does it matter the whether the reason Israel went into Gaza because of rockets or tunnels? Both are a risk to Israel, so it doesn't need to justify itself in that regard.
And obviously Israel just killing every Palestinian would be detrimental to them, since it would expose their true motives and cause a humanitarian uproar that would force the U.S. to cut them off and significantly weaken them.

You don't need to kill every Palestinian when you can just find other ways to do this:

While keeping face, keep the billions of dollars in aid coming, and maintain the illusion of Israel's good nature.
Watch the first video @Julius Wrek
 posted, people sit here and watch videos that you post here that just rile up people on Facebook. You seem to never acknowledge things that others post.
I'm pretty sure I've responded to the majority of things that were directed at me. I watched the video, what is it supposed to prove? The kidnappers were funded by Hamas. What does it matter the whether the reason Israel went into Gaza because of rockets or tunnels? Both are a risk to Israel, so it doesn't need to justify itself in that regard.
I'm sorry, but there is no way you're an intelligent person 

My head is hurting….

If you actually paid attention to the video and comprehended it (I know, 3 minutes with pictures and charts could be rough to pay attention to,) the rocket fire wasn't coming in until AFTER Israel started with their bombardment of Gaza.

That's like us bombing a neighboring country for a shotty reason, then when they bomb us back, we backtrack on our initial garbage reason and say we're at war with them because we're defending ourselves from their bombs they just hit us with (that wasn't too difficult to follow right?)

And people have been through why those tunnels are there. 70% of Gaza's imports come in through them. They're used to circumvent Israel's blockade that kept things like shoes, paper, tea, things for construction/re-construction, hummus with toppings, etc. out. If Israel never went on their offensive to begin with, then the weapons that were also snuck in through those tunnels would have never been needed to fire back at Israel with.
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I'm sorry, but there is no way you're an intelligent person :lol:  

My head is hurting….

If you actually paid attention to the video and comprehended it (I know, 3 minutes with pictures and charts could be rough to pay attention to,) the rocket fire wasn't coming in until AFTER Israel started with their bombardment of Gaza.

That's like us bombing a neighboring country for a shotty reason, then when they bomb us back, we backtrack on our initial garbage reason and say we're at war with them because we're defending ourselves from their bombs they just hit us with (that wasn't too difficult to follow right?)

And people have been through why those tunnels are there. 70% of Gaza's imports come in through them. They're used to circumvent Israel's blockade that kept things like shoes, paper, tea, hummus with toppings, etc. out. If Israel never went on their offensive to begin with, then the weapons that were also snuck in through those tunnels would have never been needed to fire back at Israel with.

The rockets started as the IDF was going through the West Bank looking for the kidnappers, not when Israel went on the offensive in Gaza.

You can tell me those tunnels were made for those things until your blue in the face, and I know some were. However, theres also plenty of enough evidence to prove that they were there for terrorist attacks in Israel. They weren't finding tea, hummus, and shoes in the tunnels when they blew them up, they found heavy artillery.
I'm sorry, but there is no way you're an intelligent person :lol:  

My head is hurting….

If you actually paid attention to the video and comprehended it (I know, 3 minutes with pictures and charts could be rough to pay attention to,) the rocket fire wasn't coming in until AFTER Israel started with their bombardment of Gaza.

That's like us bombing a neighboring country for a shotty reason, then when they bomb us back, we backtrack on our initial garbage reason and say we're at war with them because we're defending ourselves from their bombs they just hit us with (that wasn't too difficult to follow right?)

And people have been through why those tunnels are there. 70% of Gaza's imports come in through them. They're used to circumvent Israel's blockade that kept things like shoes, paper, tea, hummus with toppings, etc. out. If Israel never went on their offensive to begin with, then the weapons that were also snuck in through those tunnels would have never been needed to fire back at Israel with.

The rockets started as the IDF was going through the West Bank looking for the kidnappers, not when Israel went on the offensive in Gaza.

You can tell me those tunnels were made for those things until your blue in the face, and I know some were. However, theres also plenty of enough evidence to prove that they were there for terrorist attacks in Israel. They weren't finding tea, hummus, and shoes in the tunnels when they blew them up, they found heavy artillery.

So what you're suggesting is that the Palestinians were looking to start a conflict when they have an inferior military and it would put themselves and their people in danger by kidnapping those kids, and then firing rockets, and then good old Israel had to defend itself from crazy volatile Palestine? You're going to need a real source to prove that the Palestinian rocket fire was due simply to Israeli investigation, otherwise you can't just claim those things.

And what do you mean what was being found in them. There's a difference between what's being reported on ("heavy artillery") and what's coming in. Nobody wants to publish or read an article titled "Illegal Shoes Found Coming Through Gaza Tunnel." 70% of Gaza's imports were coming in through them. You really think that even if you want to say most of the things coming through those tunnels were weapons, that more than 35% of Gaza's imports are weapons? 

And once again, if you don't want the threat of terror attacks in Israel, then end all the other crap that makes a group like Hamas almost necessary and understandable to have in there. Nobody wants Hamas in there, Israel makes it necessary.
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Btw @Julius Wrek, agree that people should be paying attention to Reza Aslan. I don't follow too many people on twitter, but he's been a great source of info on the whole situation.
I'm done for tonight though,

So what you're suggesting is that the Palestinians were looking to start a conflict when they have an inferior military and it would put themselves and their people in danger by kidnapping those kids, and then firing rockets, and then good old Israel had to defend itself from crazy volatile Palestine? You're going to need a real source to prove that the Palestinian rocket fire was due simply to Israeli investigation, otherwise you can't just claim those things.

And what do you mean what was being found in them. There's a difference between what's being reported on ("heavy artillery") and what's coming in. Nobody wants to publish or read an article titled "Illegal Shoes Found Coming Through Gaza Tunnel." 70% of Gaza's imports were coming in through them. You really think that even if you want to say most of the things coming through those tunnels were weapons, that more than 35% of Gaza's imports are weapons? 

And once again, if you don't want the threat of terror attacks in Israel, then end all the other crap that makes a group like Hamas almost necessary and understandable to have in there. Nobody wants Hamas in there, Israel makes it necessary.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you insinuating the rocket fire only started once Israel started bombing Gaza, and not before hand? And obviously Hamas wants a conflict. Do you think they would keep putting their people in danger by firing thousands of rockets, without knowing Israel will retaliate immensely? You're admitting Hamas has no chance against Israel with its inferior military, yet it continues to put its civilians in harms way by having rocket launching sites next to their homes.

No matter whats being reported or not, there were hundreds of weapons found in those tunnels.

So, I guess this is all as simple as Israel withdrawing from Gaza and leaving the Palestinians to form their own government and take care of themselves. Surely, once Israel puts down its arms, we will have a peaceful two state solution, right?

I really can't believe you just asked me if they would do this to put their civilians in danger. Isn't that quite obvious by now?
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 So, I guess this is all as simple as Israel withdrawing from Gaza and leaving the Palestinians to form their own government and take care of themselves. Surely, once Israel puts down its arms, we will have a peaceful two state solution, right?
Why not? Are you suggesting Palestinian people are incapable of forming a government? And that they need Israel or someone else to "take care" of them? (I'm not sure what that means)

I've been here advocating for the human rights of Palestinian people for the entirety of this thread. I'm also for peace, and believe that's what should be strived for. But unfortunately Israel is not, and it's just the Palestinians that are.
According to [Noam Chomsky] there's been legit offers of peace on the table many times that the Palestinians wanted. But instead of choosing peace and security, Israel always goes with expansion and the inevitable fighting that's going to come with it.
I'm curious to hear what the hardline Israeli supporters think about Noam Chomsky by the way. He was born to a Jewish family, had been to and seen Israel even in his younger days, has also been to Gaza, was voted the world's top public intellect at a certain point, knows the conflict as well as anyone without classified info can possibly know, and is very outspoken about being against Israel's policies and government. *in before self-hating Jew*
Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges and Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour deconstruct the narrative around Israel's right to defend itself and the media's depiction of the Gaza assault:

The Real News Network is a great alternative news source,

more people should be aware of its existence.

Julius Wrek
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Why not? Are you suggesting Palestinian people are incapable of forming a government? And that they need Israel or someone else to "take care" of them? (I'm not sure what that means)

I've been here advocating for the human rights of Palestinian people for the entirety of this thread. I'm also for peace, and believe that's what should be strived for. But unfortunately Israel is not, and it's just the Palestinians that are.

I'm curious to hear what the hardline Israeli supporters think about Noam Chomsky by the way. He was born to a Jewish family, had been to and seen Israel even in his younger days, has also been to Gaza, was voted the world's top public intellect at a certain point, knows the conflict as well as anyone without classified info can possibly know, and is very outspoken about being against Israel's policies and government. *in before self-hating Jew*
Naom Chomsky is a bleeding heart liberal who intentionally goes for the "cool" point of view on controversial topics. Its easy for psuedo intelectuals to appear intelligent when they go against their own kind.
Naom Chomsky is a bleeding heart liberal who intentionally goes for the "cool" point of view on controversial topics. Its easy for psuedo intelectuals to appear intelligent when they go against their own kind.
A man who is widely recognized as one of the world's greatest minds is a pseudo-intellectual because some ignoramus who can't even spell calls him that on the Internet? Yeah, okay.

I'm pretty sure he considers human kind as his "own kind". And for your information, the Israel-Palestine issue or even politics in general are far from the only subjects that made him such a highly respected figure in the intellectual community.
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Naom Chomsky is a bleeding heart liberal who intentionally goes for the "cool" point of view on controversial topics. Its easy for psuedo intelectuals to appear intelligent when they go against their own kind.

and it's made him quite a wealthy man.
Why not? Are you suggesting Palestinian people are incapable of forming a government? And that they need Israel or someone else to "take care" of them? (I'm not sure what that means)

I've been here advocating for the human rights of Palestinian people for the entirety of this thread. I'm also for peace, and believe that's what should be strived for. But unfortunately Israel is not, and it's just the Palestinians that are.

Well look what happened when Israel withdrew from Gaza.....

And c'mon, you can't be serious. Just the Palestinian people are striving for peace? That's gotta be some type of joke.
Well look what happened when Israel withdrew from Gaza.....

And c'mon, you can't be serious. Just the Palestinian people are striving for peace? That's gotta be some type of joke.
What happened when Israel withdrew from Gaza? They trapped them there and dictated when they got water, food, electricity.... And you somehow expected the people in Gaza to just sit back and be grateful for being treated like animals? I hope you're joking sir. 
What happened when Israel withdrew from Gaza? They trapped them there and dictated when they got water, food, electricity.... And you somehow expected the people in Gaza to just sit back and be grateful for being treated like animals? I hope you're joking sir. 

I think you know what happened.

When Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, there was no strict blockade. Then you have a terrorist organization in Hamas taking over in 2007, which is the root of the problem. Why shouldn't Israel restrict what goes into Gaza when there are tons of weapons being sent in to use against them and martyrs trying to blow themselves up in Israeli territory.
Why not? Are you suggesting Palestinian people are incapable of forming a government? And that they need Israel or someone else to "take care" of them? (I'm not sure what that means)

I've been here advocating for the human rights of Palestinian people for the entirety of this thread. I'm also for peace, and believe that's what should be strived for. But unfortunately Israel is not, and it's just the Palestinians that are.

Well look what happened when Israel withdrew from Gaza.....

And c'mon, you can't be serious. Just the Palestinian people are striving for peace? That's gotta be some type of joke.

I'll take Chomsky's word for it over yours even though he's still "trying to be cool" at 85 years old and is apparently using this as a way of making money, despite the fact that his views on the conflict is an extremely small part of what he actually does in his time spent with MIT, developing modern linguistics, writing books which have nothing to do with this, etc.

It's funny how Dub tries to discredit literally every person I bring up. Jon Stewart isn't just a comedian for college kids. Actually most of my intelligent friends (who are college grads) watch his show, his show has been serving almost as the one consistent fact checker and exposer of our garbage mainstream news networks, and he's shown his intelligence and legitimacy debating and beating Bill O'Reilly time and time again. He's actually a supporter of Israel by the way, but like we've been through here, it's possible to support the state of Israel and be critical of the IDF's methods.
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I'll take Chomsky's word for it over yours even though he's still "trying to be cool" at 85 years old and is apparently using this as a way of making money, despite the fact that his views on the conflict is an extremely small part of what he actually does in his time spent with MIT, developing modern linguistics, writing books which have nothing to do with this, etc.

It's funny how Dub tries to discredit literally every person I bring up. Jon Stewart isn't just a comedian for college kids. Actually most of my intelligent friends (who are college grads) watch his show, his show has been serving almost as the one consistent fact checker and exposer of our garbage mainstream news networks, and he's shown his intelligence and legitimacy debating and beating Bill O'Reilly time and time again. He's actually a supporter of Israel by the way, but like we've been through here, it's possible to support the state of Israel and be critical of the IDF's methods.

Actions speak louder then words. The Palestinians actions prove they are not peaceful.
View media item 1118334

Gaza ‘Mass Execution’ Investigated

Human Rights Watch said it has gathered evidence that IDF soldiers fired on civilians and that it’s looking into a mass execution first reported by The Daily Beast.

KHUZAA, Gaza — People are crowding the streets of Gaza City and fishermen are back on the sea as Gazans seize the opportunity of a shaky three-day ceasefire to try to return to something like normal life. More than a quarter of Gaza’s 1.8 million people have been displaced by the fighting, so when Israeli troops withdrew on Tuesday morning, many Gazans clogged the roads, heading back to their neighborhoods to get some idea if anything is left in the places they fled.
The war has killed over 1,800 Palestinians, mostly civilians, hundreds of them children, and 67 Israelis, all but three of them soldiers. It has gone on for nearly a month with such ferocity that both Israel and Hamas, nearing exhaustion, have been looking for ways to claim victory and end the fighting.

So there is general optimism in Gaza that this is the beginning of the end. But for the residents of Khuzaa, rocked by the trauma of near complete Israeli destruction and a hideous mass execution, there is a sense that this is only the end of the beginning.

Despite the Israeli withdrawal from an intended buffer zone that includes 44 percent of Gaza’s territory, many in Khuzaa can no longer imagine continuing to live in this town on the eastern Gaza border with Israel. For Palestinians, whose national identity is built around the notion of strength expressed as steadfast attachment to the land, the broken will of those in Khuzaa is a major psychological defeat at the hands of Israel’s military.
Although Israel’s army has pulled back for now, the gates of Hell they opened here created the conditions for a buffer zone maintained by despair. And this is not the first time.

“We have documented a series of war crimes in Khuzaa over the years and the result should be criminal prosecution, not residents fleeing in fear,” says Bill Van Esveld, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division. The rights group has recorded systematic Israeli attacks on the town since Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza. Van Esvald depicts a bombarded community where residents in 2009 were shot by the army while holding white flags or were attacked with white phosphorous.

Although Israel’s army has pulled back for now, the gates of Hell they opened here created the conditions for a buffer zone maintained by despair. And this is not the first time.
Now there are again reports and investigations into war crimes committed against Khuzaa’s residents in this ongoing conflict. HRW has gathered evidence that between July 23 and 25 Israeli soldiers directly and intentionally fired on civilians who were unable to flee the fighting in the town, and it has begun investigating the summary execution of at least six people whose bodies were piled in the bathroom of one house, as reported by The Daily Beast on August 1.

When I returned to Khuzaa on Sunday, August 3, the bombed-out shell of a town had been ground further into the dust during two more days of Israeli shelling. Kids who had nothing left to play with waved around Israeli bullet clips left behind by the army. In one of the few houses still partially standing, the kids lead me on a tour of where the Israelis took up positions. Holes had been made in walls to fit machine guns; all the furniture and the floors had been destroyed. “Israeli Military Industry” cartridges were scattered around and there was Hebrew spray painting on the walls. Tin cans and an Israeli porn magazine littered the floor.

This had been an outpost in the middle of a protracted battle, it seems, as Hamas guerrillas tried to prove that they would fight to the last man, in a desperate bid to halt Israel’s advance.
Outside the house, some people sat on the piles of rock in front of their now exposed living rooms and bedrooms. Others were grabbing what they needed as quickly as possible and leaving amid the bone-chilling quiet. There was no shelling this time, but there was the hum of watchful drones. Few people stuck around any longer than necessary.

The soldiers’ outpost is a block from the site of the massacre and it is the same IMI bullet casings that roll around like loose change on the floors of both houses. The home that played host to the killing of people who have yet to be identified is now abandoned. The smell of death still emanates from the bathroom and chickens go back and forth through the open door. Among the shell cases ground into the blackened, burned and decomposed remains on the first floor of the house, a grenade pin sticks out from under a table.

Next door, Mohammad Abu Najar and his father Yousef gather their belongings. Mohammad was one of the first to see the bodies and shows me a photo on his phone of corpses slumped in a line in front of a wall riddled with bullet holes. Other, bloated and decomposing corpses are piled on top of them.

Neither Mohammad nor his father have any intention of moving back to Khuzaa. They are staying in the nearby city of Khan Younis for the moment; they don’t know where they will go next.

“My father will burn this all down,” says Mohammad waving his hand over the two homes that share a courtyard. “Who could live in a place where such a terrible crime has happened.”
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I think you know what happened.

When Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, there was no strict blockade. Then you have a terrorist organization in Hamas taking over in 2007, which is the root of the problem. Why shouldn't Israel restrict what goes into Gaza when there are tons of weapons being sent in to use against them and martyrs trying to blow themselves up in Israeli territory.
What! no strict blockade? The wall was built in 1994 with Israel controlling everything except the people.
Wait, hold on, let's be clear. Noam Chomsky is a cunning linguist who has done great work in a variety of fields. But to characterize his foreign policy and political views as anything other than controversial is a gross mischaracterization and blatant disregard for facts. Sure, he can contribute to the debate, but he is by no means a final arbiter on this issue.

‘Don’t Use Me’: Reporter Admits Seeing Rocket Fired from Gaza Hospital, then Blasts Pro-Israel Media for Quoting Her

A correspondent covering the Gaza conflict for a Finnish media outlet reported seeing a rocket being launched from Gaza City’s main hospital, Shifa, but later lashed out at the pro-Israel media for its “disgusting” use of her report as a “propaganda weapon.”

The report filed by Aishi Zidan of Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat noted that the rocket was fired from the backyard of the hospital. Israel has widely derided Hamas for what it calls a human shields policy, hiding its military assets and firing from behind civilian sites including mosques, schools and hospitals. Here is the video of Zidan’s report which was first discovered by the blog Tundra Tabloids (for English translation, ensure that captions are enabled):

A translation of the Finnish report obtained by the blog Legal Insurrection read, “Also, a rocket attack was conducted from the ‘backyard’ of the hospital at 2 o’clock in the morning. It (the rocket launch), in fact, happened somewhere close by because the noise right here at the hospital area was really loud. Indeed, these rockets launched here from the Gazan side (of the border) are headed into Israel.”

Following the posting of her report on pro-Israel blogs, Zidan took to Facebook this weekend, writing, “Don’t use me as your propaganda weapon.”

Noting the main purpose of her report was to cover the “Palestinian civilians who were victims of war,” Zidan wrote, “During the night someone launched a rocket somewhere behind the hospital. Now this sentence from my article is spreading in the pro-Israeli medias. I mentioned this in my article because I’m a professional journalist. I try to cover the events truthfully as I see them and I strongly condemn these kind of actions.”

“But I find it very disgusting how this one sentence was taken out context to be used as an excuse to target civilians in Gaza. My story became quickly a tool of propaganda. The people sharing this story are not even trying to understand the situation as a whole. They are just looking for excuses to Israeli actions in Gaza,” she added.

“I refuse to be part of this kind of propaganda,” she concluded.

Shifa Hospital where the rocket was launched is also where a Hamas rocket aimed at Israel fell short last week, slamming into the outpatient clinic, the Israel Defense Forces said, backing up its claim with aerial images showing the launch and impact points of the rocket. Hamas officials did not allow the media to take photographs of the impact area.

Several other reporters including from the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have noted that the hospital is being used as Hamas’ headquarters, with press briefings and interviews being held there.

“Zidan’s admission on camera served to show what we know to be true – Hamas are hiding behind Gazan civilians while they fire rockets at Israeli ones,” observed the blog Israellycool. “By posting this ugly screed, Zidan has confirmed something else: there are journalists deliberately skewering the truth and adopting the Hamas narrative.”

Last week, videos emerged of Palestinian terror group rockets being launched adjacent to reporters as they were filing live reports, essentially inviting Israeli retaliation on the correspondents.

This video was posted on Saturday by the Middle East Media Research Institute showing a France 24 Arabic correspondent in the shadow of a rocket launch.

The blog Legal Insurrection noted, “The media has a narrative it wants to tell, and that narrative does not include the deaths, injuries and damage Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and others are causing. If you don’t think the international media is anti-Israel, then you aren’t paying attention.
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No matter what you post, the Pro Palestinian on here will not recognize the fact they fire rockets from densely populated civilian areas near hospitals, schools, and etc.
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No matter what you post, the Pro Palestinian on here will not recognize the fact they fire rockets from densely populated civilian areas near hospitals, schools, and etc.

Maybe because we all know Israelis have a better chance of drowning while taking a bath than getting hit with one of these rockets. Again, everyone in here know that Hamas are ruthless, irrational, terrorists, we also know that they do not cause even half of the damage that Israel claims.
Maybe because we all know Israelis have a better chance of drowning while taking a bath than getting hit with one of these rockets. Again, everyone in here know that Hamas are ruthless, irrational, terrorists, we also know that they do not cause even half of the damage that Israel claims.

Cus Israel is the one breaking all the cease fires, rite?
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