Making a thread title calling the conflict happening a palestinian genocide is far more offensive than anything i wrote. You simply cant have a real discussion on this topic and should relize thatyou cant be a moderator when it comes to this subject. Its too much a conflict of interest.
It's all on the news.....don't be dumb man 

I meant on this site, not the news. I know the news has been talking about it, as they shoul. Although CNN has botched this story a couple times by posting some ridiculous headlines.
Making a thread title calling the conflict happening a palestinian genocide is far more offensive than anything i wrote. You simply cant have a real discussion on this topic and should relize thatyou cant be a moderator when it comes to this subject. Its too much a conflict of interest.

I'm not one to abuse my capacity, that is why I report those statements where I feel is ignorant and racist instead to Methodical Management; instead of banning someone using the ability I have - to avoid that conflict of interest.

What happened over the summer, and what has taken place over the last 60 years CLEARLY has had traits of genocide, with plenty of nation leaders across the world agreeing.
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You just throw a tantrum if someone says something you dont agree with. If its a genocide they sure are bad at it considering that the population of what you call palestinans is far larger now than it used to be.

I couldnt care less what a bunch of politicians think. They have minorities in europe that they need to cater to or they are muslim majority. Doesnt shock me

Or they are stupid and naive enough to think that erasing israel fixes the worlds problems

Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.
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I'm not one to abuse my capacity, that is why I report those statements where I feel is ignorant and racist instead to Methodical Management; instead of banning someone using the ability I have - to avoid that conflict of interest.

What happened over the summer, and what has taken place over the last 60 years CLEARLY has had traits of genocide, with plenty of nation leaders across the world agreeing.

Very ironic that you are one to report somebody for saying something so mild. Have you read any of your posts with the slightest objectivity? And you have yet to mention the topic at hand, where a Palestinian goes into a place of warship and opens fire on civilians. Let me guess, you praise it like the rest of them.

And also, not a peep regarding Egypt taking more land from Gaza to form a larger buffer zone to further themselves away from terrorist and closing the Rafah border.
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True. It's EXTREMLY rare to hear about egypts blockade and current roll in the conflict. Or supposed genocide.

Israel just sold over 500 million dollars of weaponry to India. Beat out the american bid. I assume they saw obama trying to halt missle delivery during the last war and can't trust America in case India and Pakistan go to war. The BDS movement doesn't seem to be doing well. Israel and india as allies make perfect sense.

BDS was able to "win" against SodaStream resulting in at least 500 palestinans losing their jobs. Kudos.
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interesting piece...placed in this thread because it was the latest one made concerning Palestinian and Israeli relations

Bumped for relevance.

Zionism must be stopped.

Just finished watching the above video. "I got to the US the same way as Blacks did.". :rofl: What?!
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its better this thread be left in the graveyard...too many zionist supporters spewing stuff they have no idea about...i am sorry but it is very hard and rare for a jewish person who is not versed in this topic to have ANY sort of objectivity what so its better not to debate with the ignorant...
Bumped for relevance.

Zionism must be stopped.

Just finished watching the above video. "I got to the US the same way as Blacks did.".
whats going on here though why was that woman and that young boy shot ..............this is not cool please aware me someone 
its better this thread be left in the graveyard...too many zionist supporters spewing stuff they have no idea about...i am sorry but it is very hard and rare for a jewish person who is not versed in this topic to have ANY sort of objectivity what so its better not to debate with the ignorant...

Right here.

whats going on here though why was that woman and that young boy shot ..............this is not cool please aware me someone 

First vid: Woman shot allegedly stabbed an Israeli soldier.

Second vid: Still not clear.
i am sorry but it is very hard and rare for a jewish person who is not versed in this topic to have ANY sort of objectivity what so ever

No reason to be sorry for sharing your observations, but in my opinion you could plug in almost any group of people and a controversial issue that is specific to that group and that statement would still be true.
its better this thread be left in the graveyard...too many zionist supporters spewing stuff they have no idea about...i am sorry but it is very hard and rare for a jewish person who is not versed in this topic to have ANY sort of objectivity what so its better not to debate with the ignorant...


Plus they always report when you speak the truth anyway. God bless the Palestinians
Israel Should Face Justice For Unlawful Gaza Protest Killings: U.N.

GENEVA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli security forces may have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in killing 189 Palestinians and wounding more than 6,100 at weekly protests in Gaza last year, United Nations investigators said on Thursday.

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The mother of Palestinian teenager Mohammad Ayoub, who was killed during a protest at the Israel-Gaza border fence, shows his picture on a mobile phone at her house in Gaza February 28, 2019. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

The independent panel said it had confidential information about those it believes to be responsible for the unlawful killings, including Israeli army snipers and commanders. It called on Israel to prosecute them.

“The Israeli security forces killed and maimed Palestinian demonstrators who did not pose an imminent threat of death or serious injury to others when they were shot, nor were they directly participating in hostilities,” it said, adding that the protests had been “civilian in nature”.

The victims included children, journalists, and a double amputee who was in a wheelchair.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the report and accused the U.N. Human Rights Council, which launched the probe, of hypocrisy and lies fueled by “an obsessive hatred for Israel”.

Israel has said its forces opened fire to protect the border from incursions and attacks by armed militants.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the findings confirmed that “Israel conducts war crimes against our people in Gaza and the West Bank, including in Jerusalem”.

The International Criminal Court should act immediately and investigate the matter, he said in a statement.

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Protests at the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip began in March last year, with Gazans demanding Israel ease a blockade of the enclave and recognition of their right to return to lands their families fled or were forced from when Israel was founded in 1948.

The panel found that 183 of the 189 protesters were killed with live ammunition. It voiced deep concern at the undisclosed rules of engagement drawn up by Israeli civilian and military leadership that “apparently permitted live fire at demonstrators as a last resort...and to shoot at the legs of ‘main inciters’.”

Israel’s notion of ‘main inciters’ does not exist in international law, it said.

Some 122 wounded have had a limb amputated, including 20 children, it said.

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No Israeli soldier was killed at the protests, although one was killed on a demonstration day but not at a protest site, while four were injured, the panel said.

An Israeli military spokeswoman disputed this, saying the soldier was killed during a riot nearby that was “designed to draw in soldiers so as to attack them”.

The report, covering March 30-December 31 2018, was based on hundreds of interviews with victims and witnesses, as well as medical records, video and drone footage, and photographs.

On May 14, Israeli forces killed 60 demonstrators, the highest one-day death toll in Gaza since a 2014 military assault, the report said.

Amnesty International said in a statement: “Those responsible for these deplorable crimes must not go unpunished. The findings of this report must pave the way for justice for victims of war crimes.”


U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet should share the findings with the ICC, the investigators said.

Israel is not a member of the ICC nor recognizes its jurisdiction, but the Hague-based court opened a preliminary investigation into allegations of Israeli human rights abuses on Palestinian territory in 2015.

The Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave controlled by the Islamist group Hamas, is home to 2 million Palestinians. Israel withdrew its troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005 but maintains tight control of its land and sea borders. Egypt also restricts movement in and out of Gaza.

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“Some of these violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity and must be immediately investigated by Israel,” said panel chair Santiago Canton, an Argentine legal expert.

“Our investigation found that the demonstrators were overwhelmingly unarmed even if they were not at all times peaceful,” he told a news briefing.

Thirty-five children, two journalists and three “clearly-marked” paramedics were among those killed by Israeli forces, in violation of international humanitarian law, it said.

“We are saying that they have intentionally shot children. They have intentionally shot people with disabilities, they have intentionally shot journalists,” said panel member Sara Hossain, barrister at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

“We found that one person, a double amputee, was shot and killed as he sat in his wheelchair. On two separate days, two people visibly walking on crutches, were shot in the head. They were killed,” she added.

Israel says its forces have at times come under gun or grenade attacks during the protests.

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Panel member Betty Murungi also said Gaza authorities should stop the use of incendiary kites and balloons, devices that destroyed Israeli farmland.

“The call by a U.N. panel to bring Israeli occupation leaders to justice is evidence that occupation forces conducted crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip,” Hamas official Ismail Rudwan told Reuters in Gaza.

Israel and Hamas have fought three wars in the last decade.
Glad to see that there’s shifting public opinion with people our age on Israel’s moral standing and what constitutes anti-semitism

Unfortunately it’ll likely be a long time before the changing sentiment leads to actual change for the Palestinians living in the daily oppression of being in an apartheid state
IOA Forces Palestinian to Raze His Own House in J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Saturday morning forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own house in al-Wad street in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Nabih al-Basti, the homeowner, said that the Israeli municipality ordered him to demolish his house with his own hands to avoid exorbitant demolition expenses if municipal bulldozers came to knock it down.

Basti added that the demolition policy pursued by the Israeli municipality against Palestinian homes in the holy city is aimed to force the Jerusalemites to leave the city.
To me it's simple. Israel decided it would become an imperialist, white supremacist state and it would link its fate to that of the Republican Party in the US. If genuine leftists forces in the US seize power over the American state, we must punish Israel and create a road map for its swift devolution. We'll give all liberal and socialist Israeli Jews (or Christians or Druze or Muslims for that matter) safe passage to the US or any other country of their choosing and then the Likudniks will be cut off from all future US aid and we will compel Egypt to allow humanitarian and military supplies into the Gaza.

We have to dismantle Israel in order to show American Evangelicals that they aren't in control anymore in America. That must be the leftist project. YOu hitch your wagon to the Tea party and/or Trump, you must end up defeated and humiliated and that applies globally.
Recently saw this documentary and I don't see how anyone can defend Netanyahu or the Govt. of Israel. Dude is on video lying about U.N. resolutions and willing to do anything to continue illegal Jewish Settlements including using "security borders" as an excuse to build homes and occupy land. The entire discussion about the origins of the conflict are a non-starter in USA Media. It's literally the only thing you cannot talk about on television. CBS Shareholders and executives wanted to censor a 60 minutes piece on Palestine....before it had aired. No one finds these types of occurrences suspicious?

If you even question Israel policies or the well-being of civilians in Palestine, you're labeled an anti-semite and supporting terrorism. It's insane.

The Occupation of the American Mind. 84 Minutes

I would also recommend a documentary called "5 Broken Camera's" which details one man's experience with his land being stolen by Settlers. A must see in my opinion. Trailer and film below. I have also included a video where Israeli youth react to the film.

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