First off, I don't believe anything Hamas says, as they lie and fabricate everything. Why would Israel go back to the pre 1967 lines when they fought a war that they were attacked in and won. Does that article insinuate that Israel should have back the Sinai from Egypt?

And, it's very easy to say why don't you just end the giant air prison and let Palestinians flow through the Israeli boarder like you want. How do you expect them to risk their national security when thousands of people in Gaza would be ready and willing to martyr themselves to kill a few Israelis? You keep saying Israel wants to exterminate the people of Palestine, but you know thats not true.
Back on the block-list you go :lol: you can't be that ignorant and racist and expect me to acknowledge anything you say.

"It won't though" as if it was attempted before, and failed...the sheer ignorance of an Israeli.
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Back on the block-list you go :lol: you can't be that ignorant and racist and expect me to acknowledge anything you say.

"It won't though" as if it was attempted before, and failed...the sheer ignorance of an Israeli.

I'm American, btw.

When you're not mature enough to see somebody else's opinion, just block them. Got it.
blocked :pimp:

Only because I'm done debating. Not because of a 'difference in opinion' because to me this isn't something like tax cuts where it can be a matter of opinion. Hamas isn't right, but they're the spawn of over a half century of Israel committing every atrocity in the book. I mean **** they've even used chemical weapons in a civilian area years ago that people are still living with the consequences of. My defense isn't for Hamas though, it's for the innocent people of Palestine against the oppressive and murderous government of Israel. You could just as easily have been born Palestinian, yet you feel nothing for them. They have no choice in anything that happens to them. They're blockaded and trapped, they get slaughtered, and when the killing stops they get their land stolen from them.

I think the people on the side of humanity should focus more on having this discussion among themselves rather than constant arguing about the same points with people who feel nothing for people but want to root for their home team (which is a racist state that discriminates against Jews within it, so unless your an Ashkenazi Jew they aren't even really your home team.)
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blocked :pimp:

Only because I'm done debating. Not because of a 'difference in opinion' because to me this isn't something like tax cuts where it can be a matter of opinion. Hamas isn't right, but they're the spawn of over a half century of Israel committing every atrocity in the book. I mean **** they've even used chemical weapons in a civilian area years ago that people are still living with the consequences of. My defense isn't for Hamas though, it's for the innocent people of Palestine against the oppressive and murderous government of Israel. You could just as easily have been born Palestinian, yet you feel nothing for them. They have no choice in anything that happens to them. They're blockaded and trapped, they get slaughtered, and when the killing stops they get their land stolen from them.

I think the people on the side of humanity should focus more on having this discussion among themselves rather than constant arguing about the same points with people who feel nothing for people but want to root for their home team (which is a racist state that discriminates against Jews within it, so unless your an Ashkenazi Jew they aren't even really your home team.)

Enough with the Palestinians are being slaughtered nonsense. Was there unjustified civilian death tolls? Yes. There is in every war. Lets not even discuss the fabricated death toll that comes out of Gaza that isn't exactly true. You make it sound like Israel is slaughtering Palestinians daily like what happens in the rest of the Middle East.

You want to discuss the side of humanity yet don't realize what the people of Gaza go through from their OWN government. Their OWN government kills innocent people and children, restrict what they do/say, and rather spend their money for their own agendas...totally disregarding their own people. That last sentence is like me saying if you weren't born in Gaza, then you shouldn't be on the Palestinian side. What kind of sense does that make? What does it matter where somebody is from to support one side?

So now I'm on 2 peoples block list, cool.
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It won't though.
At the very least Israel will improve its image and show (not just claim) that it actually wants peace. As long as they are occupying Palestinian territories, any statement from Israel that they want peace cannot be taken seriously.

Eventually, once Palestine is allowed to be state, I do believe that any violence can be kept down to a smaller level of violence between individuals similar to race related violence in the US. I don't think that you'll ever really be able to eradicate that.
At the very least Israel will improve its image and show (not just claim) that it actually wants peace. As long as they are occupying Palestinian territories, any statement from Israel that they want peace cannot be taken seriously.

Eventually, once Palestine is allowed to be state, I do believe that any violence can be kept down to a smaller level of violence between individuals similar to race related violence in the US. I don't think that you'll ever really be able to eradicate that.

That all sounds great, but how realistic is it? Whats our image look like in the international community? Do we really care how other countries perceive us? Fact is governments do what is in the best interest of their own people (well that can be debated for many countries) so Israel shouldn't and won't risk their security. How do you honestly expect them to allow Palestinians to cross boarders freely without being interrogated and etc? What Country lets people flow through their boarders without being stopped, searched, interrogated and etc?
1. Please refrain from calling Israel "your country" or "your government. The fact that you do is quite amusing and speaks volumes of your intolerance and hatred for Jews.

2. Hamas, and most of Islam for that matter, want to see the complete and utter annihilation of Israel. How can a nation negotiate or deal with someone who would chop their head off on TV in the name of God?

3. Israel is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself. Plain and simple.

4. You are clearly an anti-semite.

Good day @Animal Thug
That all sounds great, but how realistic is it? Whats our image look like in the international community? Do we really care how other countries perceive us? Fact is governments do what is in the best interest of their own people (well that can be debated for many countries) so Israel shouldn't and won't risk their security. How do you honestly expect them to allow Palestinians to cross boarders freely without being interrogated and etc? What Country lets people flow through their boarders without being stopped, searched, interrogated and etc?
America. But thats not related :lol:
Palestinians Offered State Five Times The Size Of Palestine By Egyptian President, Abbas Rejects

Egyptian President General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has reportedly offered Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas a Palestinian State in Egypt’s Sinai which would be five times bigger than anything Israel could offer them in negotiations.

The International Business Times reported today that even though he was offered 1,600 square kilometers of the Sinai Peninsula by al-Sisi, Abbas refused, thus proving that the Palestinians he represents are more interested in replacing Israel rather than creating a peaceful state adjacent to their current borders.

As part of the offer to the Palestinians, Abbas would have to relinquish demands that Israel return to the 1967 borders, and would agree that this state would be be totally demilitarized. Also as part of the deal Palestinian cities in Judea and Samaria would become autonomous and continue to be under Palestinian Authority control.

In the meeting between al-Sisi and Abbas, the former is reported to have said to his counterpart, “You are now 80 years old, if you don’t accept this proposal, your successor will.”

Egypt's Military Chief Visits Moscow
Hopefully, Abbas will consider the options and accept the offer, which would finally give the Palestinian people a large and war-free space to build the state they have dreamed of for so long.

Middle East Monitor reported that, according to Israeli radio, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows about the offer, and the U.S. has also given their blessing to the initiative.

The Egyptian proposal comes at a time when Abbas is again in conflict with Hamas, despite having agreed to the charade of sharing a so called unity government with it. Abbas was really pressured into the deal with Hamas due to the group’s control of Gaza,

“We cannot continue working with Hamas this way. There are 27 undersecretaries of ministries who are running the Gaza Strip, and the national unity government cannot do anything on the ground. We won’t accept the continuation of the situation with Hamas as it is now and in this shape. There must be one authority and one regime.”

The fact that Palestinian refugees would be resettled in the new and spacious independent state as part of the agreement was even more of a sweetener, but Abbas rejected the offer.

A state, such as the one proposed to the Palestinians, would offer them a much better chance of building a vibrant and peaceful society without fear of being used as human shields by Hamas in the inevitable next Gaza war.

The fact that Mahmoud Abbas made the decision not to accept the offer proves once again the truth of Abba Eban’s oft quoted aphorism about the Palestinians who he accused of “never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

This missed opportunity is just the latest example of the true face of Palestinian Nationalism.

Just watched Obamas live announcement to go into the middle east and take out Isis. Airstrikes to come first, send coalition, military training.

Just watched Obamas live announcement to go into the middle east and take out Isis. Airstrikes to come first, send coalition, military training.


Long overdue. Shouldn't have let it get this bad in the first place. It's time we kill every single member of ISIS and wipe them off the map.
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Its the right thing to do but I can only hope his successor blames Obama for all mideast problems like he did to Bush. Hypocritical to say the least.
I'll be the first to admit I'm not that educated in this subject, but I've lurked in this thread and read up a bit.

One thing that stood out to me was 10,000 Iraqi "soldiers" fled from 1,000 Isis soldiers, surrendered all the U.S. equipment and supplies.

How are we going to stop this from happening again when we leave?
I don't expect ISIS to be that hard to take out. And it's clear that we have to take action.

The key is how we go about doing it and how it comes across to the public, both foreign and domestic. We need to see this as an opportunity to do three things: 1) unite historic enemies for a common cause (and perhaps drive a clear wedge between radical interpretations of Islam and the rest of humanity), 2) regain some trust from the Middle East and also from Muslims, and 3) perhaps chart a new course for Iraq and Syria. Of course, we need to do all this without coming across as the aggressor or as intruders.
I don't expect ISIS to be that hard to take out. And it's clear that we have to take action.

The key is how we go about doing it and how it comes across to the public, both foreign and domestic. We need to see this as an opportunity to do three things: 1) unite historic enemies for a common cause (and perhaps drive a clear wedge between radical interpretations of Islam and the rest of humanity), 2) regain some trust from the Middle East and also from Muslims, and 3) perhaps chart a new course for Iraq and Syria. Of course, we need to do all this without coming across as the aggressor or as intruders.

I think we need to be aggressive. This is no time to be soft. We want to show the world we are still number 1 and won't stand for this type of behavior, we have to hit them hard and kill them all. Be on the offensive and just pummel them.

We've even been working with Iran, which hasn't happened it forever, and I'm not sure how I even feel about that. I just read before they actually have about 1,000 troops in Iraq fighting ISIS right now. I really don't like giving Iran power like that, because they have their own agenda and can't be my opinion.
Seems like the military plan is mad airstrikes, then send in drones and special ops to clean up.
Amazing there is no story being posted about what happened today and the terrorism from the Palestinian side. Not even just today, but the numerous incidents over the past few weeks.
Of course not. Liberal media barely mentions it. The supposed moderate Abbas encouraged this by telling Muslims that they need to defend the mosque built on top of a synagogue at all cost. Only Muslims allowed. Why don't we hear about that apartheid?

When Egypt and Jordan controlled the west bank and Gaza nobody gave a flying ****. Then a made up people called the palestinans appeared after Israel took back the land.

When jordan controlled jerusalam where was the Palestinian outrage?
Amazing there is no story being posted about what happened today and the terrorism from the Palestinian side. Not even just today, but the numerous incidents over the past few weeks.
It's all on the news.....don't be dumb man 
Of course not. Liberal media barely mentions it. The supposed moderate Abbas encouraged this by telling Muslims that they need to defend the mosque built on top of a synagogue at all cost. Only Muslims allowed. Why don't we hear about that apartheid?

When Egypt and Jordan controlled the west bank and Gaza nobody gave a flying ****. Then a made up people called the palestinans appeared after Israel took back the land.

When Jordan controlled jerusalam where was the Palestinian outrage?

I mean it's not as if the mosque is one of the holiest places in Islam or anything right? It's no different than Mecca with it's exclusion of outsiders.

I'm sure that the irony in calling Palestinians a made up people will surely be lost on you :lol:

The Egyptian occupation is vastly different since Palestinians weren't being killed,injured or arrested regularly or having their land confiscated for settlement building. Palestinian students were allowed to go to Egyptian Universities. There were no walls or fences that were built to separate them. Also many Palestinians during that time saw Nasser as the leading defender of their interests.

A major difference between both the Israeli and Jordanian occupation of the west bank is that Palestinians in the West Bank were given Jordanian citizenship and were allowed to take part in the political process with the right to vote. A big reason why there wasn't as much outrage to Jordanian rule was because Jordan as a state has been made up of mainly Arabs of Palestinian descent.

I'm not going to sit here and paint a cheerful picture of that occupation though. That would be dishonest of me since there was outrage that existed. Other religious minorities were being persecuted during that time and even to this day, Palestinians in Jordan have been disenfranchised by the Hashemite minority in power. The occupations,including the Jordanian and Egyptian ones, were a key element in the founding of the PLO.

I'm Just making the point that there are a lot of different nuances between the different occupations since the conflict in general is rather complex and can't be viewed in black and white.
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Its so holy they pray with the *** facing it to look at mecca. Even in the AFP which is very biased they note that its the first holiest jewish site and the 3rd holiest muslim site.

Jerusalam isnt found in the quaran. I hoenstly think using the whole mohomed ascended at the furthest mosque idea as justification for all of this is ridiculous. Just a way to have a justification to fight for that land

I do enjoy reading the other info u posted. Of course its not completley black and white

And im well aware jordan is full of what people refer to as palestinans.
I also know about black september that seems to be glossed over. All this is complex but there is alot of selective outrange. And pretending that land was taken from palestinans when in reality it was captured from egypt and jordan. It wasnt captured from "palestine"
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