only you can reach so much to compare a checkpoint to a member of parliament saying he doesn't want specific tourists and academics to come visit. he refuses to debate Israelis

The checkpoint seems to be working btw. This happened about a month ago

WATCH: Terrorist Attack Thwarted At Betar Checkpoint
A driver was arrested after his car that went through the Betar checkpoint was found to have gas cylinders. Bomb disposal teams began examining the car and the area was closed off in both directions.

There is suspicion of an attempted terrorist attack. A car arrived at the Betar checkpoint with gas cylinders found inside of it.The driver was arrested.

The Shai District Police announced that the driver arrived at the checkpoint after traveling from Betar Illit to Tzur Hadassah and he was detained as a suspect.

At this stage, the suspect refused to cooperate with the soldiers that investigated him and he was arrested soon afterwards. A preliminary investigation shows that there were a number of gas cylinders within the vehicle. The bomb disposal teams examined the vehicle and closed off the area in both directions.

now go and google some mean stuff israeli's say to prove some type of point which has nothing to do with me laughing that george galloway got an *** kicking. you just miss the days when there weren't fighting jews

when they march to the oven and don't put up a fight.... people say they are cowards

when they put up a fight..... people say they are evil racist bigots
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"Refuses to debate with an Israeli"???

They may have beaten him up, but Galloway looks like a winner in this situation. The bottom line is he just used words, and whoever beat him up couldn't do anything about it in form of a counter argument except physically beat up a 60 year old man. What a tough guy. I would never want anyone to beat up Limbaugh (as you claim you would like to see).. Or Bill O'Reilly and similar right wingers. Such a cowardly move, especially when I know they're wrong.

Anyway, is anyone going to talk about how Israel recently decided to STEAL another huge chunk of Palestinian land and build settlements? Just another conflict waiting to happen. And when something does happen, which it will, we all know what side will be labeled as "terrorists" by the western media for fighting back.

US and UK have criticized Israel for this move, but as usual empty words, without doing a damn thing about it. And if they did decide to put actual pressure on Israel, they would leave the West Bank in a blink of an eye.
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^ Did you see that they cancelled the settlement plans after the scrutiny from the UK and US?
Anyway, is anyone going to talk about how Israel recently decided to STEAL another huge chunk of Palestinian land and build settlements? Just another conflict waiting to happen. And when something does happen, which it will, we all know what side will be labeled as "terrorists" by the western media for fighting back.

It's always that way. There's a sense of invincibility on the Israeli part, until a justifiable retaliation happens from the Palestinian side to which Israel crys foul and screams terrorist.

Israel doesn't want Peace. Hamas declared they are ready to denounce all fighting and attacks against Israel, if they allow them to create a Palestinian statehood. But ofcourse, Israel refuses to accept that. They want to see people homeless and babies bombed, they get some type of joy feeling what that happens. Israel just murdered 500 babies in cold blood, no one blinks an eye.

The Israeli government is just full of suckers. They're full on terrorists.
Out of joy. You got it all figured out don't you. Too bad the only impact you'll ever have is on a thread title. I guess that's more of a victory than the one hamas declared.

Glasizes he just recently walked out on a debate because the person turned out to be an Israeli. I'm not home to link it.
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I'm not seeing any articles on Israel backtracking on stealing more Palestinian land as their ongoing collective punishment. Anyone have an article on it?

Even if they did backtrack, it's a shame they even attempted to do it before being condemned by the international community (and even big brother United States) in the first place. But it isn't a shock. It's what they do. Provoke, face expected retaliation, play victim, "defend itself," destroy, take, and the cycle starts again with provocation.
Out of joy. You got it all figured out don't you. Too bad the only impact you'll ever have is on a thread title. I guess that's more of a victory than the one hamas declared.

Just know this bro, you'll forever remain a racist; supporting a racist-state full of a a majority of racist people.

Your government and leaders breed racism, and you'll forever suffer from the outside world shunning the people of Israel and classifying those who support Israel as racist.

That's the biggest victory for me, is watching the rest of the world slowly acknowledging the scum-inspired tactics and propaganda your government continues to put out.
I'm not seeing any articles on Israel backtracking on stealing more Palestinian land as their ongoing collective punishment. Anyone have an article on it?

Even if they did backtrack, it's a shame they even attempted to do it before being condemned by the international community (and even big brother United States) in the first place. But it isn't a shock. It's what they do. Provoke, face expected retaliation, play victim, "defend itself," destroy, take, and the cycle starts again with provocation.
It's what they do. Provoke, face expected retaliation, play victim, "defend itself," destroy, take, and the cycle starts again with provocation.

That's the Israel-state of mind, the irony they have to call any one a terrorist.

They provoke, but plead victim when the guns come's what they do best.
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Just know this bro, you'll forever remain a racist; supporting a racist-state full of a a majority of racist people.

Your government and leaders breed racism, and you'll forever suffer from the outside world shunning the people of Israel and classifying those who support Israel as racist.

That's the biggest victory for me, is watching the rest of the world slowly acknowledging the scum-inspired tactics and propaganda your government continues to put out.

Yeah yeah all the Islamic nations are beacons of light and doing so well. I know. Your selective outrage doesn't concern me

Jews were hated before israel. Only a naive or stupid jew thinks that the world is looking out for them. Israelis have to do what they feel is right because world opinion won't be on their side unless they cease to exist.

Meanwhile your boy Kerry has asked for israels help fighting isis. Alot of balls on that one.

And since world opinion is all of your concern can I assume that you agreed with hamas shooting from civilian locations knowing that Israel would retaliate? That was the point of this whole war right? The more dead bodies the more the world opinion shifts?
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Haha yeah the w
Just know this bro, you'll forever remain a racist; supporting a racist-state full of a a majority of racist people.

Your government and leaders breed racism, and you'll forever suffer from the outside world shunning the people of Israel and classifying those who support Israel as racist.

That's the biggest victory for me, is watching the rest of the world slowly acknowledging the scum-inspired tactics and propaganda your government continues to put out.

Yeah yeah all the Islamic nations are beacons of light and doing so well. I know. Your selective outrage doesn't concern me

Jews were hated before israel. Only a naive or stupid jew thinks that the world is looking out for them. Israelis have to do what they feel is right because world opinion won't be on their side unless they cease to exist.

Meanwhile your boy Kerry has asked for israels help fighting isis. Alot of balls on that one.

Well the problem is, I don't care for the "other islamic nations", or "ISIS" or John Kerry for that matter.

None of that is a concern of mine. The concern I have is that if my mother wanted to come home to Beit Hanina in the West Bank part of Palestine, she's going to be stopped, searched, held up for 8 hours because they want to run background checks, just because she wants to go home to place where she was born and grew up at.

It's the equivilent of what the black people in this country faced in the 40's and 50's. Segregation, racism, unfair treatment because she's Palestinian.

But you're fine with that, and speaks volumes of what and who you are..
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It's always that way. There's a sense of invincibility on the Israeli part, until a justifiable retaliation happens from the Palestinian side to which Israel crys foul and screams terrorist.

Israel doesn't want Peace. Hamas declared they are ready to denounce all fighting and attacks against Israel, if they allow them to create a Palestinian statehood. But ofcourse, Israel refuses to accept that. They want to see people homeless and babies bombed, they get some type of joy feeling what that happens. Israel just murdered 500 babies in cold blood, no one blinks an eye.

The Israeli government is just full of suckers. They're full on terrorists.

You're really some type of ridiculous.
It's always that way. There's a sense of invincibility on the Israeli part, until a justifiable retaliation happens from the Palestinian side to which Israel crys foul and screams terrorist.

Israel doesn't want Peace. Hamas declared they are ready to denounce all fighting and attacks against Israel, if they allow them to create a Palestinian statehood. But ofcourse, Israel refuses to accept that. They want to see people homeless and babies bombed, they get some type of joy feeling what that happens. Israel just murdered 500 babies in cold blood, no one blinks an eye.

The Israeli government is just full of suckers. They're full on terrorists.

You're really some type of ridiculous.

Am I lying here? Or are the facts that I stated just to difficult for you to accept?
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Am I lying here? Or are the facts that I stated just to difficult for you to comprehend?

Yeah, you are lying. Because you inferred that if there was a country called Palestine, then there would be no more fighting. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this to you, but a two state solution wouldn't do jack ****. Those guys in Gaza want to see the death of Israel, and don't even believe they have the right to exist. We know what their tactics are.
I still haven't seen an article definitively stating that Israel is backtracking on attempting to steal more Palestinian land
Am I lying here? Or are the facts that I stated just to difficult for you to comprehend?

Yeah, you are lying. Because you inferred that if there was a country called Palestine, then there would be no more fighting. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this to you, but a two state solution wouldn't do jack ****. Those guys in Gaza want to see the death of Israel, and don't even believe they have the right to exist. We know what their tactics are.

A two-state solution wouldn't do anything to help this situation? The ignorance you show is utterly disgusting. "Those guys in Gaza" are the same people your country is bombing freely, killing innocent people at will, murdering babies in cold blood while demolishing houses, leaving 100,000+ people homeless is a better situation than a two-state solution huh?

So keeping an open-air prison of the people, preventing them from walking around freely and preventing them from equal life compared to an Israeli is WAY better than an equal, two-state solution?

The sheer ignorance of an Israeli.

Keep it coming...we're keeping tabs here.
Lol, please nobody respond to the ironic unintentional trolling going on

What trolling is going on? How is it any different from the trolling you guys are doing then? Somebody has a different view, and it's considered trolling?
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The irony of him saying "they want the death of Israel" ....while Israel is taking baby-steps in killing any chance the Palestinian people have to create a sovereign state.

Your country has already killed the ability of creating a Palestine state.

How do you expect Peace when you provoke war?
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A two-state solution wouldn't do anything to help this situation? The ignorance you show is utterly disgusting. "Those guys in Gaza" are the same people your country is bombing freely, killing innocent people at will, murdering babies in cold blood while demolishing houses, leaving 100,000+ people homeless is a better situation than a two-state solution huh?

So keeping an open-air prison of the people, preventing them from walking around freely and preventing them from equal life compared to an Israeli is WAY better than an equal, two-state solution?

The sheer ignorance of an Israeli.

Keep it coming...we're keeping tabs here.

If it makes me ignorant for thinking simply calling Gaza and the West Bank, Palestine, will stop any terrorist attacks just because they have the name, then yes....I'm very ignorant. I don't see how a two state solution solves the issue of the mindset of Hammas.
Your country has already killed the ability of creating a Palestine state.

I think Hamas has killed the ability of creating a Palestinian state. Instead of focusing their resources on their own people.....I think you know where their resources and money go. It's definitely not to help the people of Gaza.
How do you expect Peace when you provoke war?

I ask you the same question.

Well for one, as logical person in the argument - kill the open air prison locking in the people of Gaza and West Bank. There's a first step.


Hamas proposal for Israel peace plan

ONE of the most influential leaders of Hamas has declared the group will renounce violence if ­Israel agrees to the formation of a Palestinian state.

In an interview with The Australian in Gaza City, Hamas elder statesman Ahmed Yousef said the group was prepared to end the decades-old conflict in return for a state.

He said he believed a majority of the 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza and the 2.5 million in the West Bank would accept a Palestinian state on pre-1967 lines.

Dr Yousef’s reference, several times, to pre-1967 lines is a clear acknowledgment of Israel and its right to exist — something Hamas has been reluctant to do in the past.

“If there is a Palestinian state, we do not need any more war or catastrophe,” he said. “We are like the rest of people in the world, we just want peaceful lives.”

The comments by Dr Yousef, who is one of the leaders of Hamas’s consultative committee, will be greeted with great suspicion but interest in Israel.

While Israeli politicians employ strong rhetoric against Hamas, privately they pay far more attention to what they say and do than the more moderate Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank under Israeli occupation.

In recent years Israel has found itself increasingly negotiating with Hamas, although discreetly and usually through intermediaries.

Last week, Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire after a brutal 50-day war and, in three weeks, will begin negotiations over the possible lifting of Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Israel launched the war after the repeated firing of rockets from Gaza.

Hamas’s official charter provides for the destruction of Israel but Dr Yousef’s comments appear to reflect a growing view inside Hamas that “resistance” against Israel is not working.

“The legitimate demands of Hamas, who represent the major­ity of people in Gaza, is for an end to the occupation and for a Palestinian state along pre-1967 lines,” he said. “We are prepared to have a one-state solution or a two-state solution. If we get our own state, there is no need for violence.”

Asked whether Hamas would explicitly renounce violence in return for a state, Dr Yousef replied: “Of course. We do not enjoy fighting or killing. We are not al-Qa’ida, we are not ISIS. Unlike them, we are people defending our country and our people. We are people looking for our own state and a future for our children. Every Palestinian family has suffered one way or another.”

Asked how he justified firing rockets at civilians in Israel, Dr Yousef replied: “We are under occupation and we have a legitimate right to defend ourselves. Palestinians began our struggle against Israeli occupation by throwing stones but the world ignored us. “

We then took up Kalashnikovs and Katushas, and still nobody listened. We are the people who, in war after war with Israel, have lost thousands of people. We are trying to defend ourselves and make Israelis understand that we cannot accept the occupation.”

Dr Yousef addressed a key demand of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: that any agreement for a Palestinian state would mean the end of the conflict. “If we get our own state and find a just solution for (Palestinian) refugees, then it would be the end of the conflict,” he said.

“It may be a bi-national state, or a Holy Land federation, or two states. Whatever the solution, if we are not living under occupation the struggle will stop.

“When Palestinians accepted the Oslo accords, we accepted that Palestinians would live alongside Israelis in two states: one in Pales­tine and one in Israel. The question is not about Hamas but about whether Israel still accepts the Oslo accords, which provide for a Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders. I do believe that a majority of Palestinians will still accept that.”

While Dr Yousef several times raised the prospect of an end to the conflict, he also warned that if ­Israel did not agree to a Palestinian state, it faced “all-out war”.

“If there will be no Palestinian state and Palestinians will continue to be under occupation, then I expect that every two or five years there will be a war,” he said.

“If efforts to find a peaceful solution fail, then one day we will have to come to all-out war. It will not just be the Palestinians but some of the Arab and Muslim countries will help … We believe the whole Middle East region will rush to support us.”

He named Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon as countries that would support Palestine.

Literally a hour or two later, Israel announce annextion of 900+ acres of West Bank land....creating a pre-text for the next "ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF" crap.

Israel clearly want's to exterminate the people of Palestine, it's clear they don't want peace. They want to be provoked so they can claim to be the victim, once again..
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