Parking Spot Ettiquette.

Real talk though yall can't be caught slipping. My dad used to have his eyes wide open when he saw a guy trying to swoop in and steal his spot to the point he was willing ram his car in to theirs just so there'd be a much bigger problem than getting a spot
Cuz it's like where does a person get the nerve to do that.

I want to do that but in a rented car.
in a clear level headed mind state, i hope i just keep on pushin. but no one likes to wait, and no one likes to have to wait longer cause someones being inconsiderate.
i was in the car when some dude stole my moms parking spot
it didnt get to her but i was heated honked at him and stone faced him as he got out the car
if i was alone though...
Originally Posted by JJ1223

On my campus, the student body has outgrown the on-campus parking lot, so at high-traffic times it is a complete cluster-&?$@. What some people seem to think is proper is to sit at the end of a row and wait for parking spot to open up (they think they have claim to the first spot that opens up because they have been sitting there). I have had a few people get mad at me because I just drive around them and if there is a spot that I'm closest to i take it. Mind you, there are more people looking for spots than there are rows. Thoughts on this?

You are 100% in the right, heck I would just point and laugh as I drive around those idiots.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I have no idea how people could do that? If I stole someones parking spot, I'd be afraid to leave my car all alone. There are enough stupid people out there that does stupid crap to other people car w/o cause, who knows what others who are legitimately pissed would do to your car.
I'm too cautious to put myself in a position for someone to try something on me after the fact. 

You never know how someone's day is going; good or bad. 
I keep my cool.....

Until I make my way to my car as i'm leaving, If I see that mother +%%* ing car?

As I drive away
No e-thuggery, but heads would most def roll if I saw someone keying or messing with my car.
That said I have never stolen or had my spot stolen.
Never encounter that situation. I'm usually level headed but if it were to happen, a spit to the door handle should be enough. Make sure to use your turn signal to let ppl know your intention.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Dude really said "brake fluid?"

Yea...lets kill someone over this

Yes. I said Brake Fluid as it can easily ruin paint almost like a paint stripper.

 as I never implied cutting the other persons brake lines which is what I'm sure you were implying.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but please do tell me how someone can be killed by pouring brake fluid over a car hence ruining the paint.

Go Ahead. I'll wait.
Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Dude really said "brake fluid?"

Yea...lets kill someone over this

Yes. I said Brake Fluid as it can easily ruin paint almost like a paint stripper.

 as I never implied cutting the other persons brake lines which is what I'm sure you were implying.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but please do tell me how someone can be killed by pouring brake fluid over a car hence ruining the paint.

Go Ahead. I'll wait.

My apologies.

Carry on w. the female vendetta tendencies tho...
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by JJ1223

On my campus, the student body has outgrown the on-campus parking lot, so at high-traffic times it is a complete cluster-&?$@. What some people seem to think is proper is to sit at the end of a row and wait for parking spot to open up (they think they have claim to the first spot that opens up because they have been sitting there). I have had a few people get mad at me because I just drive around them and if there is a spot that I'm closest to i take it. Mind you, there are more people looking for spots than there are rows. Thoughts on this?

You are 100% in the right, heck I would just point and laugh as I drive around those idiots.

I don't support ppl who do that (wait at the end), but it works 
parking @ any college sucks
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Dude really said "brake fluid?"

Yea...lets kill someone over this

Yes. I said Brake Fluid as it can easily ruin paint almost like a paint stripper.

 as I never implied cutting the other persons brake lines which is what I'm sure you were implying.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but please do tell me how someone can be killed by pouring brake fluid over a car hence ruining the paint.

Go Ahead. I'll wait.

My apologies.

Carry on w. the female vendetta tendencies tho...

Apology accepted. I will carry on with not letting anyone walk over me like that.  

You go ahead and carry on with your female canine donkey parting words.

Situation like this presented itself late in the summer. Two white kids probably a few years younger than me stole a spot from me. I just sat behind the spot and honked for a good 10 seconds so they knew what was up. Got inside (In-N-Out) and was in line two people behind the two kids. I was with my girl, so there wasn't really much I could have done in terms of stepping to 2 guys like I was gonna do something. Could have easily defaced their vehicle but honestly more satisfaction comes from rising above the situation, being "the bigger man" and going to eat my double-double peacefully without that petty revenge weighing on me (This is obviously my personal opinion. If someone knowingly steals your spot they're basically asking to have their car keyed, so if that's what you want to do, go ahead).

Now had I been with one of the homies as opposed to my girlfriend, who knows what my thought process would have been.
Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

Yes. I said Brake Fluid as it can easily ruin paint almost like a paint stripper.

 as I never implied cutting the other persons brake lines which is what I'm sure you were implying.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but please do tell me how someone can be killed by pouring brake fluid over a car hence ruining the paint.

Go Ahead. I'll wait.

My apologies.

Carry on w. the female vendetta tendencies tho...

Apology accepted. I will carry on with not letting anyone walk over me like that.  

You go ahead and carry on with your female canine donkey parting words.


Got him.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

My apologies.

Carry on w. the female vendetta tendencies tho...

Apology accepted. I will carry on with not letting anyone walk over me like that.  

You go ahead and carry on with your female canine donkey parting words.


Got him.


I've keyed 2 cars over this...straight from their driver side door right down to the passenger door.

If you gonna disrespect me like that, you best believe im not just gonna take that and walk away.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

On my campus, the student body has outgrown the on-campus parking lot, so at high-traffic times it is a complete cluster-&?$@. What some people seem to think is proper is to sit at the end of a row and wait for parking spot to open up (they think they have claim to the first spot that opens up because they have been sitting there). I have had a few people get mad at me because I just drive around them and if there is a spot that I'm closest to i take it. Mind you, there are more people looking for spots than there are rows. Thoughts on this?
They snooze, they lose.  How the hell is anyone supposed to know they called the next open spot if they wait at the end of the row?  Do what everyone else does.  Drive around and when a spot opens up put on your signal.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

My neighbor/landlord is a disgusting human being. Down to the core. Parking if VERY difficult to find where I live. She has 2 cars so when there is a huge spot she parks right in the middle of it taking both spots. When her husband comes home she'll move up and let him take the saved spot. Blatent lack of respect for the entire neighborhood. Essentially telling everyone "I don't care if you have to circle the block for 40 minutes or park half a mile away and walk."

She even has an illegally acquired handicap permit so that she doesn't have to worry about alternate side parking/meter tickets.

Be hilarious as @!%% if two Smart cars boxed her in on each end...

I've never dealt with this personally yet...but wherever I'm going better not be important, because I'm definitely dipping if I get mad enough to @!%% up somebody's car. All that said...another issue related to parking spot etiquette:

Have any of you guys dealt with someone not giving a @!%% how they park in a space and boxing in your driver's side door? It's like couldn't take an extra 30 seconds to correct your goddamn parking job? To me, that is something that'll definitely warrant a keying or some busted up panels.
Even worse is parking over the line ... makes me want to powerbomb the owner through his own windshield

LD's my hero
Someone stole my spot once at ikea in BK. Waited a minute or two for them to exit the car and rammed their rear bumper, had it almost hanging off. I would never steal a parking spot, I've seen much worse things done to cars before
Originally Posted by mogzz04

I've keyed 2 cars over this...straight from their driver side door right down to the passenger door.

If you gonna disrespect me like that, you best believe im not just gonna take that and walk away.

Same treatment goes for those who park like %%@# and leave ZERO room to get back into the whip 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Have any of you guys dealt with someone not giving a @!%% how they park in a space and boxing in your driver's side door? It's like couldn't take an extra 30 seconds to correct your goddamn parking job? To me, that is something that'll definitely warrant a keying or some busted up panels.
had it happen when i was on the passanger side and i couldn't open my door. i ended up having to go out through the drivers side and this pissed me off.  i proceeded to give the car blocking me a nice dent, some key marks, and squirted the extra hot sauce packets from what i ordered from taco bell on it and left a note on their windsheild polietly asking them to be more considerate when parking next time,

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