I love it!

Im so glad Tom went off...and Randall's comment was just straight true tho.

And again, disrespect would be pulling off the gas and treating the opposing team as a lesser team. Instead, the Pats just treat every team as a capable team.
Wow...RG with a straight G!!+@ soundbite...

It will be interesting 2 see what happens in january/february...
It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'
oh snaps!
I hate the Patriots with a passion but Gay's got a point.

Personally I have no problem with the Pats running the score up because that means its easy money that they will cover the ridiculous 16 pt spreads week inweek out.
I hate the Pats. I hate the fact that they've won 3 superbowls recently. But, i have to admire their killer instinct. If a team is mad that they arerunning up the score, that team should (1) get more first downs so that the Pats dont have the ball and (2) score when they can and (3) Play some cot damnDEFENSE!
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"

It's funny cause it's true.
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that'sdisrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should bedisrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"
It is not the offense's job to stop the offense.

Thats my take on the whole thing, the offense isn't out there not to score, they are out there to putpoints on the board, every down (cept when they take a knee with a lead, thats just smart to avoid turnovers)
Other than that though, they are there to score. Now maybe in HS its a little cold, and perhaps in college you shouldn't run it up, but like Gay said,these men are getting paid.... and not just $7.50/hr, they are gettin paid A LOT, so I have nosympathy when they complain about disrespect, GO DO YOUR JOB, and if you are, and it isn't working, well then, you've been outclassed.

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Sometime this will come full circle. Eventually the Pats will suck and they'll get what's coming to them....actually probably not because most NFL coaches have more respect for the game than Belicheat.

this is what i dont get... what else could possibly be coming to them?

they've already won 3 Super Bowl rings, and Tom Brady, R Moss, Belichick are all guaranteed HOFers... no matter what happens, you can't take that away from them. they will always have the last laugh no matter what, so just don't bother wasting energy by hating


The Patriots led 42-10 entering the fourth quarter and could have easily decided to coast in the fourth quarter, but instead went hard

New England Kufi Smackas
I think kicking field goals from 10 yards out is more disrespectful than going for it on 4th down. Field Goals are "cheap" points. Going for it is more challenging.
good point. if the defense can't stop the offense, and the offense knows it, why would they settle for 3 when they KNOW they can get 7? Idon't like the Patriots. Never did really, I'm just rooting for them to go 16-0 so I can be apart of history and say I watched the whole season unfold.Too bad it won't happen, seeing as how they will play the Ravens next week

@ Gay's comment
Pats couldn't run up the score on my Colts; they barely won that game.

So all the running up the score don't bother me much.

They won't beat Pitt by more than 10, either.
^ HAHAHAH....yeah we played our worst game of the year against colts and still won. hopefully its the only time we don't "disrespect" people
Originally Posted by shake n bake718

I have no problem with what either of them said and that's how the players should play, but I do have a problem with their head coach who continues to go for it on 4th down when his team is already up 30+ pts. All he needs is to piss off one salty player that's gonna go ahead and take a cheap shot at Brady after the whistle and then it's season over for the Pats.

So true. I think this is a very likely scenario, given the reputation the media is giving the Patriots. It's going to get to a young player andhe'll just go apeish on Brady.

But this is the NFL, where I'd like to think the players have a sense of professionalism. So I doubt it would ever happen. F Belicheck nonetheless.
I think it's disrespectful if you start playing 'easy' and letting the game coast to the end. that's like saying, your team sucks so we'llgo 50%
The Pats played the worst game? Okay.

And the Colts played great? Psh. We missed 2 or 3 potential TDs in the redzone in the 1st, were without one of the best players on the team, and a sloppyVinaterri (pissed at this dude, btw).

I'll say it again like I do in every thread.

Colts fully healthy > Pats fully healthy.

It's going to be funny when the Pats lose and 75% of their fans dissapear.

(Not towards Ace, btw.)
funny i have been meaning to give you some. first off you beat the pats last year when they were coming off the big win in s.d and a few players were not inmuch. we beat you at your place and we played lousy. if it wasn,t for the play just before the half you would have done nothing all day. next if you think youare coming into FOXBORO in the playoffs and win here your crazy, not happening. belichek has this team ripped for winning every week. take a look this is thebest offensive team and complete team you will see for sometime. many records will be gone this year including peyton,s season touchdown record. thats all fornow but i will say it again you are not winning here if it comes down to it.
and your 100% healthy team is not better than the pats 100% healthy team. we finally have wr,s that manning has had for sometime and brady is using everychance to prove who is the best. btw i have been a fan for 20yrs. don,t take it personnal but i had to catch up with some of your recent posts. REPPING THE REDSOX. PATS 2004 WORLD CHAMPS
i still dont think a healthy colts team is better....but im hoping we find out in january. hope we're both fully healthy at that point.
A healthy Patriots 4 superbowls - Colts 0 superbowls if you want to play that lame angle. I truly hope the Pats and Colts meet again in New England. I amenjoying watching the Patriots do their thing. I love laughing at all of you salty haters too
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