People in Shape...What Keeps You Motivated?

working from 8-430pm M-F ...working out is a release from stress for me, all i need is my ipod and im good to go.
Originally Posted by u ttocs

working out with a friend kind of takes the edge off for me.

This is the same for me... I absolutely loathe going to the gym by myself.
It's not that I can't motivate myself, I just can't really get into lifting without a partner...
the way i really got hooked is when i finally started to see results.

but what drives me the most is self-improvement, anger, hate, and looking good for girls, in that order.
I hate fat on my body. So I work hard to get rid of it. I was heavier before and I never want to get anywhere close to that again.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Fat people.

I just don't want to get there

basically...well more like any semblance of fat on myself....

just get to the gym, that's half the battle - if it's at that point where you don't have a strict regimen.

Exactly. The hardest thing is getting there.

But once I get there the mindset then becomes, "I might as well do this stuff."

But yeah, my pops' fat @%* motivates me. Not his words, the sight of him.
I think theres some studies that show that if you can stay doing something for half a year, it will become a lifelong routine like brushing your teeth.
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