perfect face?

luv cutie pie blondes
I remember I took a math class in college and in an english video, they said Elizabeth Hurly had the perfect face mathematically. Like her eyes, nose and mouth are all in the right areas that make a perfect face.


And thew this in cause I saw it when googling her. This is her in her 20's i believe.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Hmm..a blue eyed blonde haired white woman. Shocking. I wonder what criteria they're using.

Contest happened in the UK so it's not surprising she's white

http://www.femininebeauty...parisons/beauty-elements - long as hell but skimmed through some interesting parts

"Whereas a number of objective correlates of beauty that apply within populations have been documented, it is not possible to come up with objective criteria that are sufficiently exacting for the purposes of comparing the attractiveness of women from different geographic population"
Wait...there's a way to matematically determine the perfect face? Preposterous.

Elizabeth Hurley

Someone get that alien Seeko posted out of here.
See how american society, and even people on this forum think of only white as being perefect? SMH
here goes a perfect face for you dummies...

This is a very interesting article. Along the same lines, I remember that Time magazine did a cover story a few years ago that discussed the ideal standards of (Western?) beauty (like the importance of symmetry). Based upon a similar criteria mentioned in this article, Julia Roberts was considered to be an ideal of female beauty, while Denzel Washington represents an ideal of male beauty.
This wasn't some group of people that voted on who has the perfect face, this was based on a mathematical blueprint of the human face. I feel like a majority of you are just ignoring that tidbit of information completely.

There was even another study done where they took something like 100 different pictures of beautiful women (of all ethnicities) and overlaid them one on top of another creating a composite face. That composite looked somewhat like this chick. If I can find a link to that study, I'll post it.
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