Persuasive Speech Topics

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I'm doing a persuasive speech in my speech class and need a topic by can be about ANYTHING (That is appropriate obviously) any suggestions? go to KU? Persuade people your school isn't full of dbags... go state!
I don't go to KU yet, I'm still a junior in HS...but I will be going there after I graduate.
Site I used to use for my speech class. Link
Can't find the other one right now. It actually gave you the facts and everything you needed.
Just make sure you cite so you don't catch a plagiarism charge.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
i did mine on why marijuana should be legalized.

i don't even smoke

but there's a boat load of information out there to use.
in my comm 101 class i used "aliens exist", backing it up with evidence of the roswell crash, and others. teacher kinda liked it.
Originally Posted by ku JHAWX

I don't go to KU yet, I'm still a junior in HS...but I will be going there after I graduate.
Good unless your a girl and bath in coppertone or a dude and...well bath in coppertone don't go there. Nothing but Johoes
in my public speaking class we just got done with out persuasive speeches so ... here are some of the topics they did : Abusive relationships, exercising ,melanoma skin cancer, immigration, animal abuse, and the 1st amendment. thats all i can remember right now ..
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