photoshop tips thread

Just really want to know if anyone know's how to do these kind's of pics


Didn't see this post before but that picture is very cool.

The font is important there - you need something with thick chunky letters so you can see a decent amount of the image.

Basically write the text and draw them then rasterize the layer (right clicking a text layer will give you that option) and then select all the text - magic wand works well - and then invert the selection and make it a mask or delete it. You could then draw extra stuff like a frame on the mask.

The other way that I just discovered if you are only using text is to click on the T thing on the tools palette and you get a few options for text - one is to draw as a text mask. This saves you doing the rasterizing thing and means that the text is still editable. Again just write what you want and then you can delete everything else.

Hope that helps.


^ Easiest way is...

1) Get your huge font.
2) Put it on a new layer.
3) Click that font LAYER so you have the ants trailing over the font
4) Go to your original picture layer.
5) INVERSE and then DELETE.


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^ that's a cool tutorial. Very simple but some nice technique - makes a text-shaped mask very easily.

You can also use the same sort of technique to do that with any shape.

here I basically opened a Jumpman, made a mask the shape of it - basically select it with the magic wand then click the layer mask thing and it makes a mask the shape of your selection. If you look carefully you can see that I feathered the edge slightly when I selected it so it gives a fade at the edge rather than a sharp demarcation.

Then I dragged an image onto it and moved it until it was in the right place.

Like the tutorial says it works better with text or shapes that let you see more of the image - the one in the post above is great, the lucifer one in the tutorial holdenmichael posted isn't so good - you don't see enough of the image.


A background more like the color of the image - black in these cases - would make things blend a little better too. Probably a more interesting image.

^^^^Nothin beats just having a good photo. You can use common filters like sharpen or blur tools to give your picture illusions of better calirty (ie: foreground leave clear and blur out the background).....but that's just alot of work when all you have to do is take a better picture.....
- Fong$tarr

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AIM: Fongstizzle

where can i get that "splatter" brush/dingbat/font/whatever it is? i have PS CS and its not in my brush folder.


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"If you dont know what im talkin bout
act like you do, later figure it out
If you dont know what im takin bout,
I dont either, Im still tryna figure out"
-Keak Da Sneak
one more question , i know this is a PS thread but does anyone know any internet sites where i can get help for ILLUSTRATOR?
i literally just started playin around with photoshop an hour or so ago. i just got it last night at like 2:00 so i didnt get a chance to mess around with it until today. well this is what i came up with. it is sorta like a graphic for me, im in a counter-strike forum and its my sig


Im Chris, Im half mexican and I have a Ethiopian friend and Im barely passing my classes I have to get knee surgery in about 2 months I didnt get the DMP and I still dont have a job.Life is Good!
for some reason when i save my PS in a regular file and then i click on it, it take me back to Photoshop program, anyone know why this is happening?

Could be 2 things. If you save it as a photoshop file rather than a jpeg or something then PS is the only thing that can open it.

Or you could have PS set as your image editing programe in Windows - to test that just try to open any image that you haven't used PS with and see what opens it.

can i go to to download it? without having it as a trial membership....
^^yo i dont mean to be a @#%$ about it to you guys, but come seems pretty established....

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What's a good method to put rim's on a car..
When i try it i can't get the rims and such to match up with the car or i end up completly screwing it up :wow:

i have a small problem with my PS; where the little box is that has the layers tabs in them mine only says web content and color table. i did two other pictures before this one and now i dont know what happened to the other box. now i cant edit anything and i dont know how to get the layers box back. help please? thanks.

edit: nvm i figured out what happened. just needed to hit the tool bar at the top that said 'window' and check 'layers'
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