photoshop tips thread

I'm assuming you guys didn't pay $600 for this? My trial is about to run out so I'm just curious wether I have to pay and what not. Can you just download the trial again with another email or do they keep your IP like most websites?

Notre Dame 06-07 NCAA Football Champions

Is anyone willing to photoshop this image for me?


* Green Portion Turned Black
*Thick White outline around Big V
* Background Turned from white to black
* Red portion turned white

I would really appreciate it.

Thanks you in advanced!
NikeTalk Member Since:

February 1, 2001

Does anyone know how i could photoshop a picture to
make a stencil looking picture like the Method Man picture
below ?

how do I install plug-ins?

what are plug ins and what are they used for?
open up the file, hit ctrl+a to select all, go to edit->stroke, pick the width (1 or 2 should be good), pick the color, location: inside, blending mode: normal opacity: 100%

i tried this same exact instructions and i saw no results, why is that?
Can anyone photoshop this pic for me?
to be like this so that the car stands out and is the only thing in color

thanks in advance

This is the last photoshop thing i did. Kind of old now but I like it still. A combination of brushes, cloneing, tweaking of color, etc. Just somthing to share.......hopefully more to come.........



- Fong$tarr

E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: Fongstizzle
WOW Fongstarr

I love that. Mr. Photoshop/Illustrator King.. that's just crazy. I don't even wanna ask how you did that because there's no way I could ever come close to something like that.

country stations...
^ that was incredible. How did you get the Fifth turn into Fong? like, the same angle and everything.
Does anyone know how i could photoshop a picture to
make a stencil looking picture like the Method Man picture
below ?

open ur pic in ps
adjustement > threshold play with the levels
then filter sharpen
This is probably a dumb question but how do i get photobucket to upload a picture that i saved from adobe image ready?

The Bay​
^you are saving it in the wrong format.
Go to the pic u have just finished and go to

file>save as>and where it says format, change it to "JPEG"

It doesnt let me choose what format i want 2 save it in. I tried to open it up in paint to change the format but paint doesnt support the file. I can only save as Photoshop psd, how do you save it?

The Bay​
400block i did this real quick for you, there's paint on the tires in the original pic and so thats why you see it in this pic. I'll take a little more time doing a new one later tonight.

^^^^^Pretty much....

-Duplicate layer
-Cut out image or D. Wade which is the top layer (wand tool or create a path using the pen tool)
-Use the filter "outer glow"
-Now go to the background (bottom layer) and desaturate the color.
-Use the filter gaussien blur (use more if necessary)
-For the other pic I think he used the solarize filter......but I could be wrong.
- Fong$tarr

E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: Fongstizzle
where the flip is outer glow?
I don't have that in my filter gallery
and that effect looks ill.

edit: I still don't know how to make one
part of a pic in color and the rest black and
white. Everytime I isolate something, then I
click on the original layer and desaturate, it
goes the image I had isolated instead of the

someone help. >:

edit: I still don't know how to make one
part of a pic in color and the rest black and
white. Everytime I isolate something, then I
click on the original layer and desaturate, it
goes the image I had isolated instead of the

Sounds like your selecting everything you want to stay color and then just pressing desaturate. Even if you go to the background image you'll still have that area selected so that it will desaturate that only.

You're best to use a layer mask but if you don't you need to invert the selection and then desaturate it - that will leave what you have selected in color and change everything else.

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