Pics of the VI + XVII Countdown pack

Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

Originally Posted by 23collector1985

Wow... I'm sorry I posted the pic of my OG carmines!

I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen someone get slammed for owning OG's. Pretty sad state of affairs.

i agree. no matter how you look at it, some people are just ignorant. i want to thank you for posting your pictures of your OG's. i appreciate someone who's been

collecting from that far back; and not only that, but to have the carmines in that condition. EXCELLENT. unless you grew up in that time, most people just don't understand

how it was buying jordans during those years. i applaud you for your sense of collecting and for your generosity of sharing those beauties. peace.
theheck that mean?
how it was buying jordans back then?
that is so ignorant, not anydifferent than it is now....except dudes now would rather rock FRESH retros than have OGs that will crumble..
I personally cant do yellowing..i would rid of them
Originally Posted by AJFlint13

Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

Originally Posted by 23collector1985

Wow... I'm sorry I posted the pic of my OG carmines!

I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen someone get slammed for owning OG's. Pretty sad state of affairs.

i agree. no matter how you look at it, some people are just ignorant. i want to thank you for posting your pictures of your OG's. i appreciate someone who's been

collecting from that far back; and not only that, but to have the carmines in that condition. EXCELLENT. unless you grew up in that time, most people just don't understand

how it was buying jordans during those years. i applaud you for your sense of collecting and for your generosity of sharing those beauties. peace.
theheck that mean?
how it was buying jordans back then?
that is so ignorant, not anydifferent than it is now....except dudes now would rather rock FRESH retros than have OGs that will crumble..
I personally cant do yellowing..i would rid of them

if you have to ask then you don't know. it's as simple as that.
I"m from the BX...paid $340.

Mad places are headcrackin' for $400 though....

I wasn't complaining about the $340....avoiding long-lines for these puppies was worth the $$.
glad I live in OR where we rarely have lines longer than 10 people. I might just pick up an extra set and try to recoup some $.
mj25 you think you could pm me the spot you got yours at? I have been looking in the bronx and they all want $400 or more!!! help and thanks
People who have seen these in person, is there any notable flaws or imperfections on the carmines, because I have read a few of the last pages on here and alot of people are saying that the quality is not that great, whatever if you know of any post em
Damn, people getting very offensive over Carmines lol.

This pack is an easy pass for me, IMO Carmines are one of the worst VIs, and these bright retros only make them less appealing.
Seen these yesterday and wow some of them are str8 trash , as far as dirt on laces ashy suede marks on the shoes , but overall great package.
^^^yeah they are on eastbay im not feeling this packs clothes but the 16/7 pack clothes are cool. to bad im skipping that pack
Some pics look good, some look horrible. I'll have to see these in person for myself. I want this pack, but if it doesn't look at good as I think itdoes, I'm not buying. I'd rather save the money...

FINISHLINE EMPLOYEES stand up!!! How are your managers handling your employee discounts on this pack??
!!!My 100th post!!!

cant wait for this pack...this all me and ma homie talk bout at equally excited about both pairs of sneakers in this pack...i havent had a pair of6's since the low top white/baby blues..and dont own a pair of the 17's "still wish it was the white/red color way" but im very happy andhavent been this happy since the Fusion 5's LMAO SIKE!...but i havent been this happy since the black/stealth 23's
Originally Posted by Addicted2fresh

ok i dont know if im supposed to say this but i work at finishline.. for all the pakages they give 3 employees the discount.. oh and i tryd my pair on yesterday... the carmines are fire....
I heard the same... where are you located?
Heres a couple of pics sorry about the mirror pic cus it was dirty. They are ok to say the least. Im still getting high off that "jordan smell." lol...
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Seen these yesterday and wow some of them are str8 trash , as far as dirt on laces ashy suede marks on the shoes , but overall great package.
Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

Originally Posted by AJFlint13

Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

Originally Posted by 23collector1985

Wow... I'm sorry I posted the pic of my OG carmines!

I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen someone get slammed for owning OG's. Pretty sad state of affairs.

i agree. no matter how you look at it, some people are just ignorant. i want to thank you for posting your pictures of your OG's. i appreciate someone who's been

collecting from that far back; and not only that, but to have the carmines in that condition. EXCELLENT. unless you grew up in that time, most people just don't understand

how it was buying jordans during those years. i applaud you for your sense of collecting and for your generosity of sharing those beauties. peace.
theheck that mean?
how it was buying jordans back then?
that is so ignorant, not anydifferent than it is now....except dudes now would rather rock FRESH retros than have OGs that will crumble..
I personally cant do yellowing..i would rid of them

if you have to ask then you don't know. it's as simple as that.
Thanks spoonman, I appreciate the post... and the back-up... who knew I'd need it?!

AJFlint... if you think that things were the same in the 80's and 90's as they are now... that just proves how naive you are.

I love how some of you pass judgement on matters that happened before you were born. I also love when some people make up statements as though they are factswritten in stone. Example... "90% of us buy J's to impress girls." Really??? Did you do the market research yourself to get that percentage? How big was your sample base? What? Just you and your friends? Oh, sorry, that doesn't accurately represent every Jordan collector around the world.

Thanks for reminding me just how young and naive a lot of the members of NT are. Ignorance is bliss.

Anyway, I didn't post the pic of my OG's for any kind of respect, or for any disrespect for that matter, I was just sharing the pic... that's it. My comments about being glad I have the OG's is based on the fact that a bunch of people who have seen the pack in person are saying the VI's lookcheap.

Having said that, I'm still getting the pack... and I have secured and pre-paid for mine already... have you?
My photbucket button ddoesnt work...any suggestions or ideas or help??

want to post my carmines....
i wear a 10.5 and now i only want the carmines. after seeing pictures, i just don't think i have it in me to spend all of that money for those crappyXVII's. thanks for all of the pictures. i went from REALLY wanting the pack to now being on the fence about it. i'm not sure i'm willing to forkover all of that cash for one pair of shoes. decisions, decisions.
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