Pictures From Italy Vol. paging bkmac

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

By any chance, do you have any pics of Sicily that you can post?

Nah, haven't been to Sicily or Sardinia yet. This summer tho, going everywhere.
I'm looking forward to those pics.

This girl from Sicily came to my High School last year for conference (Model UN program, not sure if you know of it). Anyway, I've talked to her on Facebook from time to time, with a friend of mine who takes an Italian class, telling me what to say
. I wish I knew how to speak it, should have let me Uncle teach me when I was younger like he offered. Definitely a regret of mine.

I can carry a very basic conversation. If I get stationed here longer I think I might go all the way and try to become fluent. It's always funny being on the train or somewhere and people assuming that you're the typical American and don't understand anything. The best way to learn tho' is to hang around people while they're talking. You pick up the mannerism, specific speech patterns, etc. I've been told I have a southern accent when I speak it which is funny to them.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Thread jack:

I HATE the fact that Papa Johns does not deliver to my apartment. And not only that, they stopped delivering to my parent's house a few years back. I haven't had Papa Johns in 4 years ...and its my fav. pizza joint

-The Juice
Spoiler [+]
Reminds me of Drake song
"I know way to many people here right now, that I didn't know last year; who the +%*# are y'all
I swear it feels like the last few nights we been everywhere and back, but I just can't remember it all
what am i doing, what am i doing, oh yea that's right I'm doing me, I'm doing me, I'm living life right now man
This what I'mma do till its over, till its over, but its far from over."

cool pics BTW
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Tunisian shortyy bad.


You been gone too long, mayn... but I ain't mad at you.
If I were you; I'd get one of them North African/Italian/Brazilian/etc. broads pregnant (maybe twice over) and open an American Soul Food joint. Never come back.


Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Dope pics
nice taste in women and shoes

Thanks everybody for showing love. If ya'll are ever in the area, let me know.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Animal Thug1539 said:
Tunisian shortyy bad.


You been gone too long, mayn... but I ain't mad at you.
If I were you; I'd get one of them North African/Italian/Brazilian/etc. broads pregnant (maybe twice over) and open an American Soul Food joint. Never come back.



Already in the plans. I can retire from the military in 13 years. I figure my retirement money will be enough to live in some other country comfortably.

Tunisian shortyy bad



YO! Well hell, since you plan on being there a while... I'll definitely put you on my destinations list. DF!!!
Good stuff my dude
looks like you're having a blast out there!

Amalfi looks too nice. Like the perfect honeymoon spot out of a movie lol. Would love to visit sometime

Only place i been to in Italy is Venice, which i liked cause that place is beautiful too
I miss Italy so much. I lived in Milan for 5 months. Been to most of the cities listed. Nice pictures homie.
Great post/pics OP, were you there on vacay or stationed around there? (noticed the uniform)
That main street on the bay in Naples is my last name. It was named after some ancestor of mine. I wanted to steal a street sign when i went there but they are on the buildings and not like the street signs here. and I agree on the pizza.
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